
3496 results

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  • Impact evaluation

    An impact evaluation provides information about the observed changes or 'impacts' produced by an intervention. These observed changes can be positive and negative, intended and unintended, direct and indirect.
  • BetterEvaluation knowledge platform is moving to the Global Evaluation Initiative

    Better Evaluation Ltd and the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) announce today that planning is underway for the knowledge platform
  • A new era for BetterEvaluation

    The Board of Better Evaluation Ltd has announced the resignation of inaugural CEO, Professor Patricia Rogers.
  • Better Evaluation 18 month report 2019-2020

    Better Evaluation Ltd. have released the report of BetterEvaluation's first 18 months of operation as a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity.
  • Supporting use of evaluation findings - examples

    These examples have been contributed for discussion at the 'flipped conference' session of the American Evaluation Association to be held  Saturday (November 11, 2017) 09:15 AM - 10:00 AM in the Thurgood Marshall North Room.  Example 1 - Usi
  • Scaffolding new methods - examples

    These examples have been contributed for discussion at the 'flipped conference' session of the American Evaluation Association to be held at 11.15am - 12 noon on Saturday November 11, 2017 in the room Thurgood Marshall East, at the Washington Marriott Ward
  • Our theory of change

    BetterEvaluation works to produce significant improvements in evaluation. We focus on two key areas to achieve this:
  • Footprint evaluation project

    The Footprint Evaluation project is a co-creation a
  • Manager's guide to evaluation project

    While there are many guidelines and tools to support those conducting evaluations, there are far fewer resources specifically focused on commissioners and managers of evaluation. 
  • Writeshop cases project

    BetterEvaluation's writeshop series is a collection of case studies written by evaluation practitioners and in some cases evaluation commissioners and managers,  discussing a particular evaluation, the issues it addressed and the possi
  • Adaptive management project

    While focused especially on international development, this series is relevant to wider areas of public good activity, especially in a time of global pandemic, uncertainty and an increasing need for adaptive management.
  • The Rainbow Framework project

    The Rainbow Framework was created to make it easy to learn about the different evaluation methods and processes that can be used to undertake each evaluation task, and to develop a better understanding of when t
  • UNICEF Impact Evaluation Project

    In development, government and philanthropy, there is increasing recognition of the potential value of impact evaluation and specific support to develop capacity for both commissioning and conducting impact evaluation, including the use of its findings.
  • Website help

    Finding content How can I find a specific evaluation method? All the evaluation methods currently on the BetterEvaluation website are in the
  • La historia del desarrollo de una sopa de pescado

    Explica los conceptos de insumos, productos, alcances e impactos diferenciando entre situaciones simples y complejas.
  • Métodos de análisis de los efectos

    ¿Cómo pueden las organizaciones contrapartes de MISEREOR integrar a las personas con quienes trabajan, en el monitoreo y la evaluación de un proyecto?
  • L’Évaluation en situation réelle

    Dans le Chapitre 16 du livre, nous examinons les façons dont les approches d’Évaluation en situation réelle (ESR) peuvent être appliquées à tous les stades de la conception et de la mise en œuvre d’une évaluation typique.
  • Why do programs benefit from developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks?

    This guest blog is by Anne Markiewicz, Director of Anne Markiewicz and Associates, a consultancy that specialises in developing Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks.
  • Scaffolding new methods

    We have all been there. You dive into a new book or head to a conference/workshop/course and come out all fired up about a new evaluation method. But when you get back to the real world, applying it turns out to be harder than you thought! What next?
  • Supporting the use of evaluation findings

    In this flipped conference session, we invite participants and evaluators, evaluation managers and evaluation capacity developers around the world to build and share knowledge about what can be done to support the use of evaluation findings after they'v
  • Conversations to have when designing a program: Fostering evaluative thinking

    The first step in evaluating a program is knowing whether you can evaluate it – that the program is ‘evaluable’.
  • Thanks for taking part in our user survey - here's what we've learnt

    We've now completed the first component of our user research - the user survey.  
  • 7 Strategies to improve evaluation use and influence - Part 1

    What can be done to support the use of evaluation? How can evaluators, evaluation managers and others involved in or affected by evaluations support the constructive use of findings and evaluation processes?  
  • 7 Strategies to improve evaluation use and influence - Part 2

    This is the second of a two-part blog on strategies to support the use of evaluation, building on a session the BetterEvaluation team facilitated at the American Evaluation Association conference last year.
  • User personas and user journeys - key parts of our UX process

    A few months ago we started gathering data on the user experience (UX) of the BetterEvaluation website.
  • Three ways to improve your DataViz

    If you’re like me, you think you’ve got a pretty good handle on data visualisation – you know how to make basic customisations to graphs in Excel, you know you should probably think carefully about whether or not to put that large tabl
  • Evaluating C4D Resource Hub: Launch at the Social and Behaviour Change Summit

    On April 16 over a thousand communication for development (C4D) researchers and practitioners descend on Indonesia for the Social and Behaviour Change Summit (SBCC).
  • Introducing the Evaluating Communicating for Development (C4D) Resource Hub

    In this blog post, Jessica Noske-Turner introduces a newly launched section of the BetterEvaluation website - the Evaluating C4D Resource Hub - and discusses how and why this new area was developed.
  • How do we use advisory groups effectively in evaluation?

    This guest blog by Marlène Läubli Loud aims to start a discussion about what advisory group practices work well in what situations.
  • Three templates for effective communications planning

    In this blog, I wanted to share three examples of communication plan templates that address this and allow for more detail and thinking through of the communication and dissemination process.
  • How to choose, develop, and support innovation in evaluation

    This blog is an abridged version of the brief Innovations in evaluation: How to choose, develop and support them, written by Patricia Rogers and Alice Macfarlan.
  • From paper to practice: Supporting the uptake of high-level M&E frameworks

    Evaluation frameworks are often developed to provide a common reference point for evaluations of different projects that form a program, or different types of evaluations of a single program. 