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  • External review

    This method involves facilitating a review of the evaluation by an external expert or anonymous reviewer.
  • Slide presentation

    A verbal presentation of results can ensure that intended users have an opportunity to be briefed on the results and to engage in a discussion about them.
  • Consensus conference

    A consensus conference is a formal public meeting, which gives the general public the chance to contribute to and be involved in the assessment of an issue or proposal.
  • Social media communications

    Social media refers to online communication platforms that allow participants to create and share content with people in their networks.
  • Infographics

    An infographic (short for 'information graphic') represents data visually so that the information is able to be quickly and easily understood.
  • Conferences

    Attendance at professional conferences to understand how other evaluators frame and discuss their findings is a key component of building evaluation capacity.

    This website describes thematic analysis, "a range of qualitative research methods that are used for exploring and interpreting patterned meaning across datasets."
  • The ‘5-whys’ method

    This document explains the idea behind the 'Five Whys' method.
  • Process tracing

    This document explores the challenges, uses and application of process tracing as a method for tracing the causal relationship of events and outcomes.
  • Strategies to reduce costs

    Reducing costs is something to consider if evaluation costs outweigh the predicted benefits or available resources.
  • Work with universities to staff the evaluation

    This strategy requires management leadership and uses the rule of thumb approach to estimate the percentage of project funds to spend on evaluation which could be done more accurately by developing an initial 
  • Designated staff time for evaluation

    This strategy for securing sufficient resources for conducting evaluation involves allocating a specified amount of staff time (hours or days per week) to work on evaluation.
  • Grant funding for evaluation

    You may also consider approaching a foundation or other donor agency for the funds to undertake an evaluation.
  • Institutionalized budget allocation

    This strategy requires management leadership and uses the rule of thumb approach to estimate the percentage of project funds to spend on evaluation.
  • Leveraged partnerships to carry out the evaluation

    As many projects are undertaken by a consortium of organisations working together, sometimes it is worthwhile to consider approaching your implementing partners to pool resources and carry out the evaluation jointly. 
  • Interviews

    Interviews are conversations between an investigator (interviewer) and a respondent (‘interviewees’, ‘informants’ or ‘sources’) in which questions are asked in order to obtain information.
  • Open space

    Open Space Technology (OST) is a group facilitation approach for small and large gatherings in which a central purpose, issue, or task is addressed, but which begins with a purposeful lack of any formal initial agenda.
  • Millennium Development Goals

    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of time bound and quantified goals and targets developed to help track progress in eradicating poverty. 
  • Card visualization

    Card visualization is a participatory method for capturing data that uses paper cards to allow groups to brainstorm and share their ideas.
  • Reputational monitoring dashboard

    A ‘reputation monitoring dashboard’ allows users to monitor and quickly appraise reputational trends at a glance and from a variety of different sources.
  • Realist matrix

    A realist matrix focuses on the causal mechanisms at work in a programme or project. It specifies what exactly in the programme creates the outcomes, and under what conditions.
  • Logframe

    Logframes are a systematic, visual approach to designing, executing and assessing projects which encourages users to consider the relationships between available resources, planned activities, and desired changes or results.
  • Cost effectiveness analysis

    Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) compares the relative costs of the outcomes of two or more courses of action and is considered an alternative to cost-benefit analysis (CBA). 
  • Round robin

    The “round robin” method is a technique for generating and developing ideas in a group brainstorming setting.
  • Sequential sampling

    Sequential sampling is a non-probabilistic sampling technique, in which the sample size, n, is not fixed in advanced, nor is the timeframe of data collection.
  • Questionnaires

    A questionnaire is a specific set of written questions which aims to extract specific information from the chosen respondents. 
  • Non-participant observation

    Non-participant Observation involves observing participants without actively participating.
  • Effective data transfer

    Effective data transfer involves processes to move data between systems, including between software packages, to avoid the need to rekey data. 
  • Secure data storage

    Processes to protect electronic and hard copy data in all forms, including questionnaires, interview tapes and electronic files from being accessed without authority or damaged.
  • Archive data for future use

    Putting systems in place to store de-identified data so that they can be accessed for verification purposes or for further analysis and research in the future, researchers can extend the range of the data collection efforts and en
  • Timelines and time-ordered matrices

    Timelines and time-ordered matrices are useful ways of displaying and analysing time-related data.
  • Framework Matrices

    A framework matrix is a way of summarizing and analyzing qualitative data in a table of rows and columns.