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  • Crosstabulations

    Crosstabulation (or crosstab) is a basic part of survey research in which researchers can get an indication of the frequency of two variables (e.g.
  • Frequency tables

    A frequency table provides collected data values arranged in ascending order of magnitude, along with their corresponding frequencies.
  • Concept mapping

    A concept map shows how different ideas relate to each other - sometimes this is called a mind map or a cluster map.
  • Propensity scores

    Propensity score matching (PSM) is a quasi-experimental method used to estimate the difference in outcomes between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries that is attributable to a particular program.
  • Inception report

    An inception report of an evaluation is prepared by an evaluator after an initial review of relevant documentation.
  • Meta-ethnography

    Meta-ethnography is a method for combining data from qualitative evaluation and research, especially ethnographic data, by translating concepts and metaphors across studies.
  • Coaching

    Coaching can involve supporting an individual during training or development in order for them to reach a specific personal or professional goal, or providing expert and practical help to improve and apply specific skills and know
  • Volunteer sampling

    In many research contexts, sampling simply involves asking for volunteers.
  • Geo-tagging

    Geo-tagging is the process of adding geographic information about digital content, within “metadata” tags - including latitude and longitude coordinates, place names and/or other positional data.
  • Six thinking hats

    The Six Thinking Hats method encourages participants to cycle through six different ways of thinking, using the metaphor of wearing different conceptual “hats”.
  • Network diagram

    A network diagram uses a set of nodes and connecting lines to display of how people (or other elements) in a network are connected. It is usually a product of social network analysis.
  • Realist synthesis

    A realist synthesis is the synthesis of a wide range of evidence that seeks to identify underlying causal mechanisms and explore how they work under what conditions, answering the question "what works for whom under what circumsta
  • Vote counting

    Vote counting is a simple but limited method for synthesizing evidence from multiple evaluations and involves comparing the number of positive studies (studies showing benefit) with the number of negative studies (studies showing harm)
  • Best evidence synthesis

    Best evidence synthesis is a synthesis that, like a realist synthesis, draws on a wide range of evidence (including single case studies) and explores the impact of context.
  • World cafe

    The world café is a methodology for hosting group dialogue which emphasizes the power of simple conversation in considering relevant questions and themes.
  • Cost-benefit analysis

    This method compares the total costs of a programme/project with its benefits, using a common metric (most commonly monetary units), which enables you to calculate the net cost or benefit associated with the programme. 
  • Word cloud

    Word clouds or tag clouds are graphical representations of word frequency that give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in a source text.
  • Email questionnaires

    Email Questionnaires are surveys or questionnaires that are distributed online via email.
  • Mentoring

    Mentoring is a process where people are able to share their professional and personal experiences in order to support their development and growth in all spheres of life.
  • Data cleaning

    Data cleaning involves the detection and removal (or correction) of errors and inconsistencies in a data set or database due to data corruption or inaccurate entry. 
  • Hierarchical card sorting

    Hierarchical card sorting (HCS) is a participatory card sorting method designed to provide insight into how people categorise and rank different phenomena.
  • Data party

    A data party is a time-limited event of several hours where diverse stakeholders come together to collectively analyse data that have been collected.
  • Steering group

    Evaluation management often involves a steering group, which makes the decisions about the evaluation.
  • Check intermediate outcomes

    Intermediate outcomes are identified in a logical model before the final impact. 
  • Comparative case studies

    Comparative case studies can be useful to check variation in program implementation. 
  • After action review

    The after action review (AAR) is a simple method for facilitating an assessment of organisational performance by bringing together a team to discuss a task, event, activity or project in an open and honest fashion.
  • RAPID outcomes assessment

    RAPID outcome assessment (ROA) is a method to assess and map the contribution of a project’s actions on a particular change in policy or the policy environment.
  • Episode studies

    Episode studies are an excellent way of investigating the influence of research on policy.
  • Bar chart

    A bar chart plots the number of times a particular value or category occurs in a data set, with the length of the bar representing the number of observations with that score or in that category.
  • Data mining

    Data mining is the systematic process of discovering patterns in data sets through the use of computer algorithms.
  • Line graph

    A line graph is commonly used to display change over time as a series of data points connected by straight line segments on two axes.
  • Demographic mapping

    Demographic mapping is a way of using GIS (global information system) mapping technology to show data on population characteristics by region or geographic area.