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  • Contribute to broader evidence base

    Inform future policy and practice by others outside the organisation.
  • Inform decision making aimed at improvement (formative)

    Changing or confirming policies and practices.
  • Inform decision making aimed at selection, continuation or termination (summative)

    Identifying best value for money.
  • Lobby and advocate

    Justify expenditure and demonstrate achievements.
  • Build trust and legitimacy across stakeholders

    Develop better understandings of each other and demonstrate that expectations are being met.
  • Ensure accountability

    Holding someone to account to someone for something.
  • Evaluation plans and operations checklist

    This checklist from the Evaluation Checklists Project provides a guide to those interested in conducting a preliminary, formative metaevaluation.
  • Outlier sampling

    Outlier sampling focuses on the extremes – the end-points of the normal distribution bell-curve.
  • Confirming and disconfirming sampling

    Confirming and disconfirming cases assist the evaluator in the confirmatory fieldwork stage of an evaluation.
  • Theory-based sampling

    Theory-based sampling involves selecting cases according to the extent to which they represent a particular theoretical construct.
  • Criterion sampling

    Criterion sampling involves the identification of a particular criterion of importance, articulation of this criterion, and systematic review and study of cases that meet the criterion.
  • Snowball sampling

    Snowball or chain sampling is a method for locating information rich key informants and critical cases.
  • Critical case sampling

    A critical case is one that permits analytic generalisation, as, if a theory can work in the conditions of the critical case, it's likely to be able to work anywhere.
  • Homogenous sampling

    Homogenous sampling involves selecting similar cases to further investigate a particular phenomenon or subgroup of interest. The logic of homogenous sampling is in contrast to the logic of maximum variation sampling.
  • Maximum variation sampling

    A maximum variation sample contains cases that are purposefully as different from each other as possible. This type of sampling is useful for examining range in large national or global programs.
  • Intensity sampling

    Intensity sampling uses the same logic as extreme case sampling – that much can be learned from the ends of the distribution range – but with less emphasis on the extremes.
  • Typical case sampling

    Typical case sampling allows the evaluator to develop a profile of what is agreed as average, or normal. These profiles can serve as illustrations for those unfamiliar with the program.
  • Data rehearsal

    Data rehearsal, a technique developed by Michael Patton, involves developing simulated reports of data before data collection and then workshopping these with primary intended users to see if this will meet their information needs.
  • Public consultations

    Public consultations are usually conducted through public meetings to provide an opportunity for the community to raise issues of concern and respond to options.
  • Triangulation

    Triangulation facilitates validation of data through cross verification from more than two sources.
  • Sequential data gathering

    Sequencing is one way of combining qualitative and quantitative data by alternating between them.
  • Parallel data gathering

    Qualitative and quantitative data are gathered at the same time. For example, a closed-ended questionnaire to many service users is done at the same time as semi-structured observations of the service center.
  • Convenience sampling

    Convenience sampling selection is based on the ease or "convenience" of gaining access to a sample.
  • Keypad technology

    Keypads are used in group meetings to gauge audience response to presentations and provide valuable feedback in large group settings. 
  • Deliberative opinion polls

    The purpose of Deliberative Opinion Polls (DOPs) is to measure informed opinion on a particular issue. 
  • Photolanguage

    Photolanguage is a projective technique to elicit rich verbal data where participants choose an existing photograph as a metaphor and then discuss it.
  • Telephone questionnaires

    Respondents can be surveyed using questionnaires delivered by telephone.
  • Convergent interviewing

    A convergent interview is a type of interview intended to explore issues widely through a combination of unstructured interviews and a maximum diversity sample.
  • Sketch mapping

    Sketch mapping is useful for creating a visual representation ('map') of a geographically based or defined issue drawn from the interpretation of a group or different groups of stakeholders.
  • Goal Attainment Scales

    Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) is a method that can be used as a means of measuring outcome data from different contexts set out on a 5 point scale of -2 to +2.
  • Future search conference

    A future search conference is a meeting that spans more than one day with the objective that participants identify a shared vision of the future towards which to aim. 
  • Brainstorming

    Brainstorming involves focussing on a problem and then encouraging participants to come up with as many solutions as possible. 