
199 results

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  • Policy analysis units and think tanks

    Policy analysis units and similar organizations are research bodies or institutions that study public policies and offer insights and recommendations.
  • External evaluation capacity

    External evaluation capacity refers to the ability of entities outside the government, such as non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academic institutions, and private sector firms, to conduct thorough a
  • Evaluation standards for Latin America and the Caribbean

    The evaluation standards for Latin America and the Caribbean were developed by a working group of the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization (ReLAC), with support from DEval’s evaluation capacity
  • Diretrizes de Avaliação para a América Latina e o Caribe

    Uma iniciativa da Rede de Monitoramento, Avaliação e Sistematização da América Latina e Caribe (ReLAC), em colaboração com DEval- FOCELAC+.
  • Estándares de Evaluación para América Latina y el Caribe

    Una iniciativa de la Red de Seguimiento, Evaluación y Sistematización de América Latina y el Caribe (ReLAC), con el apoyo de DEval- FOCELAC+.
  • Normes de qualité pour l’évaluation du développement

    Les Normes de qualité pour l’évaluation du développement se veulent un guide de bonnes pratiques pour l’évaluation dans le domaine du développement.
  • DAC guidelines and reference series quality standards for development evaluation

    Developed through a process of drafting, trialling and reviewing by members of the OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation, the document sets out standards in terms of: overarching considerations; purpose, planning and design; implementation and…
  • PMP evaluation plan guidance and templates

    This guidance document and template outline the information to be included in a USAID Evaluation Plan as part of a Performance Management Plan (PMP).
  • Practical tips on how to strengthen national evaluation systems

    This report from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) is designed to support staff by providing strategies and tips for strengthening national evaluation capacity development systems.
  • Other ways of learning

    There are many ways of supporting learning that don't involve formal courses.
    National M&E Systems
  • Quality assurance processes

    Processes for ensuring M&E quality include established procedures and standards that are put in place to ensure that monitoring and evaluation activities are carried out effectively and yield reliable, credible r
    National M&E Systems
  • Building and sharing knowledge

    Building and sharing knowledge are important components of a national M&E system.
    National M&E Systems
  • Competencies

    It is important to consider the different types of capacities that are needed in different types of roles to plan, manage, undertake, and use M&E. 
    National M&E Systems
  • Technical assistance and advisory work

    Technical assistance and advisory work involves providing expert guidance and support to enhance the structures, processes, and capabilities necessary for effective M&E.
    National M&E Systems
  • Policies, strategies and plans

    Organisational policies, strategies, and plans are high-level documents, usually endorsed at a senior governance level, which set the parameters for M&E within an organisation.
    National M&E Systems
  • Context and national M&E systems

    The context of an M&E system can encompass a broad range of factors, including cultural norms, historical legacies, economic conditions, social structures, and even geographical considerations.
    National M&E Systems
  • Strengthening national M&E systems (beta)

    This new content section is a detailed resource repository focused on understanding and strengthening national Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems.
    National M&E Systems
  • O sistema de monitoramento e avaliação dos programas de promoção e proteção social do Brasil

    Apresentação do sistema brasileiro de monitoramento e avaliação de programas sociais, como parte da cooperação Brasil-Africa .
  • Organisational capacity

    Organisational capacities refer to organisations' abilities and resources to effectively carry out M&E functions.
    National M&E Systems
  • Enabling environment

    The enabling environment refers to the conditions that support the effective functioning and sustainability of M&E practices within a country.
    National M&E Systems
  • About national M&E systems

    This section explains what is meant by a national M&E system, its components, the importance of its context and key actors inside and outside government who contribute to it. 
    National M&E Systems
  • Formal education and training

    Education and training programs can range from short courses, workshops and seminars to formal accredited university programs at the post-graduate level.
    National M&E Systems
  • Communication and knowledge management

    Communication and knowledge management includes strategies and practices to capture, store, and share the knowledge and insights gained from M&E activities.
    National M&E Systems
  • Capacity strengthening plans

     A capacity-strengthening plan sets out concrete planned actions to enhance the abilities of individuals, organisations, and systems to perform M&E functions effectively and sustainably.
    National M&E Systems
  • Department of State program evaluation policy

    This policy outlines the US Department of State's procedures for conducting evaluations covering the full evaluation cycle from purpose through to reporting.
  • Política de evaluación nacional en Sud África

    Este estudio de caso ofrece un resumen del proceso de implementación de un sistema de monitoreo y evaluación a nivel de gobierno (GWM&ES) en Sudáfrica.
  • Politique d’Evaluation nationale en Afrique du Sud

    Cette étude de cas décrit le processus d’implantation d’un système de suivi et d’évaluation du Gouvernement (GWM&E – Government Wide Monitoring and Evaluation) en Afrique du Sud.
  • National evaluation policy in South Africa

    This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluation system in South Africa.
  • Guidance

    Guidance documents help to standardise and streamline processes within and across organisations.
    National M&E Systems
  • Culture of evidence use and production

    The culture of evidence use and production within government entities is a critical determinant of how national M&E systems are adopted and utilised.
    National M&E Systems
  • Supporting the use of M&E evidence

    Supporting the use of M&E in a national M&E system means actively facilitating and encouraging the application of monitoring and evaluation findings to inform policy decisions, improve programs, and guide str
    National M&E Systems
  • What is a national M&E system

    A national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system can be understood as a number of connected systems for generating and using evidence to inform decisions in the public sector.
    National M&E Systems