Evaluation Tools and Resources

The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.

You can use the search field and filtering on this page to find resources that you are interested in or you can browse our extensive list. An alternative way to find resources best suited to your needs is to explore the Rainbow Framework, where you can find resources relating to evaluation methods, approaches and tasks.

  • Evaluating refugee programs

    This website is designed to help build the community-based evaluation capacity of the refugee sector across Canada to improve support and outcomes for newcomers who came as refugees.
  • Planification et gestion des évaluations féministes

    Cette publication explique comment planifier et gérer les évaluations selon des principes féministes. Cette ressource et les informations suivantes ont été fournies par le Affaires mondiales Canada.
  • Planning and managing feminist evaluations

    This guide from Global Affairs Canada provides an approach and process for commissioning and managing feminist evaluations. This resource and the following information were contributed by Dr Jules Sisk, PhD.
  • Utilization-focused evaluation: A primer for evaluators

    If you are new to utilisation-focused evaluation (UFE), this primer allows you to grasp the essentials of the approach, and the benefits as experienced by both commissioners and grantees alike.
  • Évaluation axée sur l’utilisation

    "L ’Évaluation axée sur l’utilisation (l’ÉAU) facilite un processus d’apprentissage dans lequel les personnes dans le vrai monde appliquent les conclusions et les expériences d’évaluation à leur travail.
  • Las Evaluaciones Orientadas al Uso

    "Esta Guía se destina a evaluadores que han oído hablar de las EOU, y que están interesados en probar el uso del enfoque.