
3496 results

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  • Certificate in Organizational Evaluation

    This certificate program prepares students for roles as evaluators and change agents in a range of organizations such as schools and school districts and non-profit agencies.
    Academic Program
  • Doctorate of Education in Educational Policy Studies, Measurement, and Evaluation

    The program provides advanced study for those who seek careers in the administration or evaluation of educational programs in schools, colleges, or other institutional settings.
    Academic Program
  • Master of Arts in Evaluation Studies

    This program prepares students with the professional experience and the theoretical knowledge for a career in program evaluation.
    Academic Program
  • Certificate in Program Evaluation

    This certificate program prepares students to lead program evaluation efforts. students will learn applied methods, techniques, and processes, and how evaluation fits into larger economic, social, and political contexts.
    Academic Program
  • Report & support use of findings

    Develop and present findings in ways that are useful for the intended users of the evaluation, and support them to make use of them.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Are you writing an evaluation report?

    This South Australian Community Health Research Unit (SACHRU) paper describes the process for writing evaluation reports in the format of a template that can be adapted for use in any program context.
  • Addressing attribution through contribution analysis: Using performance measures sensibly

    This article from the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation outlines the key steps involved with using contribution analysis as a tool to discover the contribution a program has made to particular outcomes.
  • Chat rooms

    This method involves setting up an online space where evaluation findings can be discussed.
  • Majority decision making

    Majority decision-making involves making decisions based on the support of the majority of the decision-makers.
  • Hierarchical decision making

    Hierarchical decision-making involves making decisions based on formal positions of authority.
  • Doctor of Education (Measurement & Evaluation)

    The program aims to equip students to able to: explore the theoretical and applied knowledge of contemporary issues in Measurement and Evaluation research; apply philosophy, principles and practice of Measurement and Evaluation to research; conduct rese
    Academic Program
  • Department of State program evaluation policy

    This policy outlines the US Department of State's procedures for conducting evaluations covering the full evaluation cycle from purpose through to reporting.
  • International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE)

    The International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation is a network that brings together national and regional evaluation associations from around the world.
  • Prosaic or profound? The adoption of systems ideas by impact evaluation

    This article, written by Bob Williams, argues that the systems field may be able to address vulnerabilities of impact evaluation.
  • Baseline basics

    Baseline Basics is a short introduction to conducting a baseline study, focusing on the key concepts and practices, and pointing to additional resources for more detail.
  • OXFAM policy on program evaluation

    This policy from 2010 outlines the procedures and processes for conducting evaluations of Oxfam programs.
  • Mentoring made easy

    This guide from the NSW Premier's Office outlines the process and advantages of setting up a formal mentoring program in the workplace.
  • Mentoring for the new millennium

    This article outlines the rationale behind mentoring and argues that developing a formal mentoring program will lead to the development of a learning organisation.
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation logic model guide

    The W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Guide shows how to develop a results chain model.
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation evaluation handbook

    This handbook provides guidance for conducting and managing evaluations, including a conceptual framework for thinking about evaluation as a relevant and useful program tool.
  • Gender analysis tools

    The Gender Analysis Tool, produced by Global Affairs Canada (Formerly Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA), can be used for examining gendered roles and f
  • Using Excel for qualitative data analysis

    This article, written by Susan Eliot for The Listening Resource, provides step-by-step guidance on using Excel as a tool to support the analysis of qualitative data for research or evaluation purposes.
  • Coding part 2: Thematic coding

    This video tutorial from Graham H Gibbs (2010) provides an overview of thematic coding and examples to demostrate how it is done and how codes can be applied to the data.
  • The engagement toolkit

    This toolkit offers an extensive but not exhaustive list of engagement methods that can be applied throughout different stages of the evaluation process.
  • Coding part 1: Alan Bryman's 4 stages of qualitative analysis

    In this web video, Graham R Gibbs provides an overview of qualitative analysis based on Alan Bryman's four stages of analysis.
  • Indigenous evaluation framework: Telling our story in our place and time

    This book discusses the efforts of American Indian and Alaskan Native (AIAN) communities to reclaim and revitalize their education systems through tribally controlled colleges, universities, and K–12 schools.
  • 8 word cloud makers for teachers

    This web page provides a number of suggestions for using word clouds and also provides links to 8 free Word Cloud makers.  
  • Critical system heuristics

    An approach used to surface, elaborate, and critically consider the options and implications of boundary judgments, that is, the ways in which people/groups decide what is relevant to what is being evaluated.
  • La heurística crítica de sistemas

    La Heurística Critica de Sistemas (CSH, por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona un marco de preguntas sobre un programa incluyendo qué es (y qué debe ser) su propósito y su fuente de legitimidad y quiénes son (y quiénes deberían ser) sus beneficiarios...
  • Evaluation for equitable development results

    This document comprises a range of Evaluation Working Papers (EWP) focused on evaluation for equitable development.
  • Evaluation journals

    Evaluation journals play an important role in documenting, developing, and sharing theory and practice. They are an important component in strengthening evaluation capacity.
  • Community of practice

    A community of practice allows a group of people with a common interest or concern to share and learn through a series of interactions, thus reflecting the social nature of human learning.