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  • Synthesise data from one or more evaluations

    Combine data to form an overall assessment of the merit or worth of the intervention, or to summarize evidence across several evaluations.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Supporting the use of M&E evidence

    Supporting the use of M&E in a national M&E system means actively facilitating and encouraging the application of monitoring and evaluation findings to inform policy decisions, improve programs, and guide str
    National M&E Systems
  • Manage data

    Establish processes for managing data during an evaluation, including storing and organising data, and cleaning data.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Develop planning documents for the evaluation or M&E system

    Develop a formal plan which sets out how an individual evaluation or a range of M&E activities will be undertaken.
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Synthesise

    These tasks involve bringing together data and evidence into an overall conclusion and judgement.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Prioritise self-determination, community agency and self-governance

    Empowerment Principle: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have the right to self-determination and to be encouraged and empowered in decision-making processes. Evaluators must listen and advise to the benefit of communities above all else.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Define what is to be evaluated

    Develop a description (or access an existing version) of what is to be evaluated and how it is understood to work.
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Learning-based

    Action-learning; adaptive; capacity development; critical reflection In a learning-based approach RM&E is integrated into the whole programme cycle and involves all staff and stakeholders.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Support use

    Plan processes to support primary intended users to make decisions and take action on the basis of the findings.
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Investigate causal attribution and contribution

    For most evaluations it is not enough to just gather and report data about activities and changes in conditions (expected results) - there needs to be an investigation of the role of the intervention in producing these results. This is needed for any...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Establish decision making processes

    Specify how decisions will be made about the evaluation—who will provide advice, who will make recommendations, and who will make the actual decisions.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Determine what ‘success’ looks like

    Clarify the values that will be used in the evaluation in terms of criteria (aspects of performance) and standards (levels of performance). These will be used together with evidence to make judgements about whether or not an intervention has been...
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Review R,M&E systems and studies (meta evaluation)

    A review process (also referred to as a meta-evaluation) is an important part of the implementation process. It enables critical reflection and reviews of the effectiveness of R,M&E systems, studies and evaluation capacity development strategies....
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Visualise data

    Decide how to visualise the data to bring clarity during analysis and/or to communicate findings.
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Support use

    Planning and pro-active actions are needed to support the utilisation of R,M&E findings. This support might be in the form of events (such as annual reviews) processes (such as written management responses, or recommendations tracking), or structures...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Extrapolate findings

    Explain how findings from this evaluation might be more generally applied or translated to new sites and situations. (This is often useful but not always needed).
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Determine what 'success' looks like

    Evaluation, which means to assess the value or worth of something, is essentially about values. Underpinning R,M&E systems are questions such as 'Is this good? Which is better? What is best?' Therefore, it is important to be systematic and transparent...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • What is a national M&E system

    A national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system can be understood as a number of connected systems for generating and using evidence to inform decisions in the public sector.
    National M&E Systems
  • Diagnostic assessments

    Diagnostic assessments are the systematic assessment of a country or organisation's current monitoring and evaluation capabilities and practices or an individual's M&E competencies.
    National M&E Systems
  • Understand causes of outcomes and impacts

    Collect and analyse data to answer causal questions about what has produced outcomes and impacts that have been observed.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Develop initial description

    Develop an initial description of what is to be evaluated, to ensure agreement about the boundaries.
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Visualise data

    Data visualisation is the process of representing data graphically. It can make it easier to see trends and patterns. Data visualisation can be used during data analysis as part of making sense of data. It can also be used to communicate results as part...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Specify the key R,M&E questions

    R,M&E Questions are the small number of broad questions that R,M&E are intended to answer, not the many specific questions that might be on a questionnaire or an interview schedule.  Deciding which questions should be answered is one of the...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Resources and capacity for M&E systems

    Resources and capacity in a national M&E system refer to the combination of human, financial, and technological assets a country has available to manage M&E systems.
    National M&E Systems
  • Describe activities, outcomes, impacts and context

    Collect and retrieve data to answer descriptive questions such as what has happened in terms of the activities of the project, programme, or policy, the various results it has had, and the context in which it has been implemented.
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Develop recommendations

    Research studies, findings from monitoring and evaluations often make proposals for certain courses of actions. This includes options, improvements or advise on whether a program should be continued or expanded.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Formalise accountability processes on ethical practice

    Accountability principle: Include appropriate mechanisms and procedures for reporting on ethical aspects of the research and complying with this ethical protocol.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Ethical Protocol

    This Ethical Protocol contains a set of ethical principles to hear and privilege the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in monitoring and evaluation that involves them or impacts on them.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • C4D: Ensure accessibility

    While producing reports, it is important to think about accessibility. There are some things you can do to improve accessibility in a general sense, such as using graphic design principles, using plain language, and using sub-headings. There are also some...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D Hub: Analyse each key evaluation question

    Embedded within broad key questions for R,M&E there are often different types of smaller questions.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Describe

    The describe cluster of evaluation tasks involves collecting or retrieving data and analyzing it to answer R,M&E questions about situations and what has happened (the activities, outcomes and impacts) and other important contextual information
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Roles and responsibilities

    Determine how decisions will be made on: the focus of the evaluation; choosing the evaluator / evaluation team;approving the evaluation design; approving evaluation reports and who can access the final report(s) and data.
    Manager's guide to evaluation