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  • Causal link monitoring

    Causal Link Monitoring (CLM) is an evaluation approach that combines implementation design and monitoring to support adaptive management of projects, helping project planners and managers to identify processes needed to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Introducing the Causal Pathways Resource Hub

    We are pleased to launch the Causal Pathways Resource Hub: A set of new and revised pages on BetterEvaluation, developed in partnership with the Causal Pathways Initiative.
  • Causal pathways

    A causal pathways perspective on evaluation focuses on understanding how, why, and under what conditions change happens or has happened.
  • Making causal pathways visible amid complexity

    This report from 2021 shares findings from an investigation into how social change agents, including philanthropists, can better understand and learn from ongoing changes and improve their strategies now and in the future.
  • Bricolage evaluation design

    A bricolage evaluation design flexibly combines and adapts various data collection and analysis methods, approaches, and conceptual and value frameworks to suit the specific context of the evaluation.
  • Qualitative impact assessment protocol

    The Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (QuIP) is an impact evaluation approach that collects and documents narrative causal statements directly from those affected by an intervention.
  • Contribution analysis

    Contribution analysis is an evaluation approach that provides a systematic way of understanding an intervention's contribution to observed outcomes or impacts.
  • Realist evaluation

    An approach especially to impact evaluation which examines what works for whom in what circumstances through what causal mechanisms, including changes in the reasoning and resources of participants.
  • Realist evaluation

    Realist evaluation aims to identify the underlying generative causal mechanisms that explain how outcomes were caused and how context influences these.
  • Outcome Mapping

    Outcome Mapping is an approach that helps unpack an initiative’s theory of change and provides a framework to collect data on the immediate, basic changes that lead to longer, more transformative change. This allows for the plausible assessment of the...
  • Most significant change

    The Most Significant Change (MSC) approach involves generating and analysing personal accounts of change and deciding which is the most significant – and why.