
1053 results

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  • Process Tracing - Draft Protocol

    This protocol from Oxfam GB is aimed at supporting the understanding and use of process tracing when evaluating policy influencing interventions.
  • Case selection techniques in Process-tracing and the implications of taking the study of causal mechanisms seriously

    … a mechanism contributes to produce Y, not on the causal effects of an X upon values of Y. We also discuss the role …
  • Principles focused evaluation webinar

    This webinar (recorded January 23, 2018) features an interview with Michael Quinn Patton and discusses his latest book - Principles-Focused Evaluation: The GUIDE - and the principles-focused evaluation (P-FE) approach, exploring its relevan
  • GDPR: Tips and tools

    This toolkit gathers together some useful resources that organisations can use to help guide their data protection practices.
  • Learning circles for advanced professional development in evaluation

    This article reports on a peer learning model trialled in Canada - learning circles for advanced professional development in evaluation -  and suggests factors that are key to its success. 
  • Evaluability assessments and choice of evaluation methods

    In this Centre for Development Impact seminar, Richard Longhurst (IDS) and Sarah Mistry (BOND) will highlight the importance of evaluability assessments for development projects
  • Fundamentals of implementation research

    This module introduces the language, concepts, tools and strategies utilised in Implementation Research (IR).
  • Tracking emerging networks

    … of a network of young, creative organisations, and its effects on these organisations. Using conventional network …
  • Institutional history

    An institutional history (IH) is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or programme
  • Aggregating, presenting and valuing climate change impacts

    This report aims to provide a picture of the impact of climate change resulting from the emissions of greenhouse gasses. In preparing the report, the authors took the following into consideration:
  • National evaluation policy in Switzerland

    This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide mo
  • Previous evaluations and research

    Using the findings from evaluation and research studies conducted on the same or closely related areas is an important first step for evaluation planning. 
  • Make evaluation reports available and engage with primary intended users to make the results accessible

    Actual use of the evaluation findings often depends on how well the report meets the information needs of the primary intended users. Hence, it is important to discuss the content, sharing, and use of the evaluation report and other dissemination products...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Key actors in national M&E systems

    There are a number of key actors within a national M&E system who influence the supply and demand for M&E evidence and the enabling environment.
    National M&E Systems
  • Rolling five-year development evaluation work plan 2014-2015 to 2018-2019

    This Rolling Five-Year Development Evaluation Work Plan (2014-2015 - 2018-2019) from Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development sets out the corporate evaluations that will be undertaken and the support that will be provi
  • Prepare the contract

    Your organization probably has standard requirements and templates for consulting contracts.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Overarching principles for M&E in FCV settings

    In fragile, conflict-affected, and violent contexts, monitoring and evaluation practices must be carefully adapted to manage the complexities and uncertainties of these environments while maintaining ethical standards and promoting positive
  • Week 48: The value iceberg

    Efforts to measure, quantify and compare the 'value' of different interventions have become popular as a way for social change organisations to decide how to use their time and money.
  • In search of Blue Marble Evaluators

    … and contexts.  This is an important concern. Indeed, the effects of globalization on cultural diversity should be part …
  • Evaluation costing

    Evaluation expenses are highly situational and there are no magic formulas for calculating costs. 
  • What is evaluation to do? Ways of responding to the climate and environment crisis – Part 1

    … is dire Several writers reminded us what is at stake: “The effects of inaction on climate change and ecosystem breakdown … evaluation’[2] – evaluation which looks at actual effects regardless of whether these were the stated goals – … evaluations providing an explicit assessment of the effects of the intervention on natural systems. All …
  • Evaluating the performance of an organisation

    An organisational assessment is a systematic process for obtaining valid information about the performance of an organisation and the factors that affect performance. It differs from other types of evaluations because the assessment focuses on the...
  • Choices about voices

    … Who will be involved in identifying possible unintended effects (beyond the theory of change)? 3.  Frame – clarity …
  • Logframe

    … involved in the development intervention, while Outcome Mapping similarly places intentional emphasis on a …
  • Developing a research agenda for impact evaluation

    Impact evaluation, like many areas of evaluation, is under-researched. Doing systematic research about evaluation takes considerable resources, and is often constrained by the availability of information about evaluation practice.
  • Remembering John Mayne

    … combine with most interventions to produce the intended effects.  It assesses whether an intervention made a …
  • Evaluating sustainability: Evaluative support for managing processes in the public interest

    … siting and construction in the USA which have adverse effects on natural systems including the reduction of … well as human system inputs, assumptions, mechanisms, and effects Caballero (2015), Sustainability Consortium 2017’. … interventions operate and interact, including unintended effects as well as stated objectives, and using mixed methods …
  • Development of a coexistive evaluation model for Landcare Queensland

    … Perspectives to Interpret the Data 19 Step 7. Negotiate Effects of Interpretation 19 Improvements to the coexistive …
  • Selecting indicators for climate change adaptation programming

    … goals and decrease vulnerability to the adverse effects of a changing climate. Consequently, indicators for …
  • World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

    This independent evaluation conducted by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank, assesses the impact and effectiveness of strategies and assistance programs implemente
  • Save the pies for dessert

    This paper, written by Stephen Few of Perceptual Edge, presents a range of arguments on why you should not use pie charts.
  • Dabbling in the data

    The guide and toolkit, Dabbling in the Data, includes detailed instructions for teams to use to delve more deeply into quantitative and qualitative data.