
701 results

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  • Overview of current advocacy evaluation practice

    … to those questions. The questions include: Who will do the evaluation? What will the evaluation measure? When … use?" (Coffman, 2009, p. 1) Contents Evaluator: Who will do the evaluation? Focus: What will the evaluation measure? …
  • Analyzing Qualitative Data for Evaluation

    … qualitative data that you have collected." Contents How do you plan for qualitative data analysis? How do you analyze qualitative data? What are the advantages of …
  • Communication plan

    … to. The communications plan should be designed to do the following: Address different aspects and techniques …
  • Amplifying nonprofit voices: Bridging the advocacy evaluation gap

    … How common is it for advocates to evaluate their work? Why do nonprofits evaluate their efforts? What evaluation methods do they use, and which methods do they find useful? And, importantly, what support do
  • UNICEF webinar: Theory of change

    … of evaluation questions and evaluation design? How do you achieve the participation of the “beneficiary” and be … by Patricia, it seems a lot of theories of change have to do with changing social norms , which is somehow the focus of … messages/interventions and bring about change). How do these C4D theories and theory of change relate? …
  • Community of Practice design guide

    … Community of Practice? Why Are Communities Important? How Do You Build CoPs? How Do Communities Grow? How Do Online Communities Become Places? Purpose Is Paramount …
  • Planning a program evaluation

    … Purpose of the Evaluation? What is it I want to know? What do I intend to do with the information? Contents Focusing the Evaluation …
  • Missing link: Sustained and emerging impact evaluation

    … can we claim we are doing “sustainable development” if we do not return to assess sustainability that we either … and emerging impact evaluations.  We ask you to fund and do these SEIEs and share them for inclusion in our database. … of projects long after we are gone. That is why we do what we do, isn’t it? Have you been involved in a …
  • UNICEF webinar: Randomized controlled trials

    … the gold standard? What ethical and practical issues do I need to consider before deciding to do an RCT? The fifth webinar in this series is presented by … expressed in the webinars are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the …
  • Week 20: A língua dominante em avaliação é o inglês?

    … Brasil) Este documento narra as experiencias pessoas do coordenador de uma avaliação de um projeto educacional. O autor descreve as etapas do processo de avaliação, investigando as mudanças que o … IPEA e MDA, Brasil) Este documento apresenta uma descrição do modelo logico, sua aplicabilidade, e como desenvolver um …
  • Beyond the evaluation box – Social innovation with Ingrid Burkett

    … box but take a systems perspective, how can evaluators do simultaneous evaluation from sites across a system, so we … evaluation. That’s the big picture “box”.  Rae Fry:  Why do you think evaluators can make a contribution there? Ingrid … we’re all talking about impact investment, but how do we know whether we’re actually achieving impact?  The …
  • What is democratic evaluation?

    … that relate to democracy in evaluation. The former has to do with the macro positioning of evaluation processes in society. The latter has to do with the evaluation approaches and methods used in …
  • 10 things to know about evaluation

    … behind the infographic.  The messages include: We can't do development without it It's all in the detail Evaluation …
  • Causal inference: Nuts and bolts

    … is a crucial part of linking inputs to outcomes You do NOT necessarily need a randomised experimental design to … Hands-on practice Certainty about causation – how certain do we need to be? Guidelines for inferring causation Summary …
  • C4D: Ensure accessibility

    … think about accessibility. There are some things you can do to improve accessibility in a general sense, such as using … and using sub-headings. There are also some things you can do to improve accessibility for specific groups. General …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Evaluation failures: Case studies for teaching and learning [webinar]

    … on using this resource? I love learning about how people do evaluation well - but it's also really refreshing and … cases will provide useful insight - both into what not to do, but also into the fact that evaluations do sometimes 'fail', and that there are ways of dealing with …
  • Developmental evaluation toolkit

    … various aspects of the DE process. Excerpt "If you do nothing else as a developmental evaluator, at the very … and helping resolve conflicts with new information. To do any of these, you need to stay on top of the action, … the barriers, and the opportunity. There are many ways to do this. Below are three examples that can be effective in …
  • Data ethics guidebook & toolkit

    … work can yield, we acknowledge the ways evaluation can do harm. These publications are concerned with 'data … experiences of practitioners grappling with how to do evaluation more ethically. The stories illustrate key … and decisions your team makes about how it wants to do evaluation in future; and a list of further reading for …
  • Cross Tabulation: Quick Guide

    This short YouTube video clealry explains the process for doing cross tabulations.
  • Doctorate in Program Evaluation

    … a PhD in Program Evaluation by dissertation only. We do not offer a PhD by coursework and dissertation. … …
    Academic Program
  • What makes a popular science video on YouTube

    … what the successful YouTube science communicators do – those with numerous subscribers – that less successful communicators do not. So, here are seven things we found that can help you …
  • Transcribing your own qualitative data

    … and it is a task that often seems to pop up in your To Do list at a time when your enthusiasm for your project is at … for transcribing, and save you time by helping you do your transcribing more efficiently.  Contents Introduction …
  • How can evaluation change the world? Empowering Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) - Webinar registration

    … Key questions How can evaluation transform the world? What do YEEs have to offer? / How can YEEs help advance the transformative agenda? How do I equip myself to advance a transformative agenda? How can …
  • Contributors

    … knowledge and support the use of knowledge about how to do evaluation better.  … Contributors …
  • Launching the working capital fund: A case study of humanity united

    This is a case study of the start-up phase of the US $25 million Working Capital Investment Fund created to confront modern-day slavery by addressing forced labour in global supply chains.
  • Week 19: Ways of framing the difference between research and evaluation

    … for how we plan, manage, conduct and train people to do evaluation – and communicate to others about the process … formalising decision making processes, deciding who will do what roles, gathering and analysising data, reporting and … exist, one could respond with examples of research that do not fit this stereotype. I take a different approach. I …
  • Week 30: Presenting data effectively

    … is pretty neat at doing that for you, but you need to do a little extra work to communicate a stronger message. The … easily, and the blogs above by Stephanie show you how to do that. Those charts look amazing, but they don't follow our … branches to the other words that appear nearby in the data Do you know of another way to visualise qualitative data? …
  • Criteria for selection of high-performing indicators

    … relevant to monitoring and evaluation. Therefore, how do we assess the quality of indicators proposed for use? And, how do we encourage full participation of stakeholders in this …
  • Learning alliances: An approach for building multi-stakeholder innovation systems

    … private enterprise. As a result, useful research results do not reach the poor, lessons learned do not influence research, and donor and policy agendas are …
  • Archive the evaluation report and data (if appropriate)

    … across different evaluations (to answer questions such AS “Do these types of interventions work?” or “For whom, in what ways and under what circumstances do they work?”) to share data (if appropriate) with other …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Complicated and Complex Systems: What Would Successful Reform of Medicare Look Like?

    … The complexity of the process and the lack of certainty do not lead us to the conclusion that it is impossible to … for Canadians Reflecting on Health Care Reform 21 How Do We Build on Current Structures and Relationships to Stabilize and Enhance Medicare? 22 How Do We Make Everyone More Confident That the System Will Be …
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Realist evaluation

    … evaluation approach based on the idea that interventions do not work for everyone, all the time. … 4820 … Causal …