Evaluation Tools and Resources

The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.

You can use the search field and filtering on this page to find resources that you are interested in or you can browse our extensive list. An alternative way to find resources best suited to your needs is to explore the Rainbow Framework, where you can find resources relating to evaluation methods, approaches and tasks.

  • CDC: Checklist to help focus your evaluation

    This checklist, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), helps you to assess potential evaluation questions in terms of their relevance, feasibility, fit with the values, nature and t
  • iFormBuilder

    iFormBuilder is a mobile data collection platform that allows users to build a survey and distribute it to field workers for data entry.
  • Annual review template

    This template, from Chris Guillebeau's  (2008) How to Conduct an Annual Review is an excellent tool for providing a clear and concise structu
  • Techniques of focal groups in chat rooms in the evaluation of virtual libraries

    This is the abstract of a report (in Portuguese) which describes the use of chat rooms by focus groups in the evaluation of virtual libraries.
  • Magpi (formerly Episurveyor)

    Magpi (formerly EpiSurveyor) is a mobile data collection platform widely used in the international development sector.
  • Viewworld

    ViewWorld is a platform (application) for Mobile Data Collection. It's designed to help project members in the field collect data with the ViewWorld Reporting App.
  • IconArray.com

    Iconarray.com is an online tool for effectively communicating risk in a pictograph form.
  • Evaluation methods for assessing value for money

    This paper by Farida Fleming reviews different evaluation methods used for assessing Value for Money, compares their similarities and differences, and examines the questions each method is most suited to evaluating.
  • Open Data Kit (ODK)

    A free and open-source set of software tools for collecting, managing, and using data in resource-constrained environments.
  • EthnoCorder

    This software, developed by Robot Blimp Industries, is a tool designed to allow users to conduct rich media surveys while in the field.  
  • Participatory monitoring, evaluation, reflection and learning for community-based adaptation manual

    This manual from Care International, provides detailed guidance on the use of a Monitoring, Evaluation, Reflection & Learning (MERL) tool  primarily intended to support adaptive
  • yEd Graph Editor

    This tool, created by YWorks, allows the user to create diagrams using either imported or manually entered data.
  • NodeXL

    NodeXL for Microsoft® Excel® 2007 and 2010 is a free open-source template that makes it easy to explore network graphs. 
  • Gephi Software

    Gephi is an open-source software package for visualizing and exploring networks and complex systemsGephi software can be used for: 
  • UCINET software

    Ucinet 6 for Windows is a software package for analyzing and drawing social networks developed by Lin Freeman, Martin Everett and Steve Borgatti.  This software is available for a free 90 day trial period. 
  • NetDraw

    Netdraw is a free Windows based program that can be used for visualizing social network data.
  • InFlow 3.1

    Inflow 3.1 is a software package that allows you to analyse network data and create visualisations of the results.
  • Vischeck

    This tool reproduces your images under various forms of colorblindness so you can better determine if your reporting will be readable to those who are colorblind. 
  • ColorBrewer 2.0

    This online tool allows users to create colour schemes for maps and other graphics in order to show data that is readily readable.
  • TheBrain

    This software is designed to be used as a digital mind mapping tool in which ideas and thoughts can be interconnected and linked to any digital files that are stored on your computer or the web.TheBrain allows you to:
  • Check for accessibility issues

    This webpage provides a guide to using Microsoft's Accessibility Checker in order to ensure Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents are accessible to those with disabilities. 
  • Paletton

    Paletton (formerly Color Scheme Designer) is an application which enables you to design a colour scheme for your documents and presentation and then check it against an accessibility tool to ensure your colour scheme is accessible for those
  • Evaluability assessment template

    This template from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is designed to take the user through a step by step process of evaluability assessment. 
  • ACFID and value for money - Discussion paper

    The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) created this discussion paper to generate meaningful debate and help their sector work with AusAID to define value for money better.
  • GovMetric

    GovMetric (formerly Public Service Monitor) is a website that monitors the internet to identify the topics that are being discussed and evaluating the information in order to provide a snapshot of the views presented.
  • Stakeholders’ interest in potential evaluation questions

    This worksheet from Chapter 5 of the Nation
  • Developing Outcomes Models: DoView and the Shower Curtain

    This short article shows the development of a logic model using two techniques at the same time - a plastic shower curtain and DoView software.
  • ImpactMap

    ImpactMap is a tool which creates logic models using a fixed format. It also produces action plans and documents performance measurement plans.
  • Glossaire des termes usuels en mesure de performance et en évaluation

    Ce guide a été préparé par la Direction de la mise en oeuvre de la Loi sur l’administration publique du Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor avec la collaboration précieuse d’experts internes et externes.
  • Footprint evaluation: Thought experiments

    This Footprint Evaluation Initiative report describes four 'thought experiments' undertaken as part of this project.
  • Evaluating sustainability: Evaluative support for managing processes in the public interest

    This special issue of New Directions in Evaluation includes discussions of different types of sustainability – sustainable environment, sustainable development, sustainable programs, and sustainable evaluation systems – and a synthesis of t
  • Evaluation at the nexus between nature and humanity for transformational change

    This chapter from Transformational Evaluation for the Global Crises of Our Times argues for the need to transform evaluation in the light of current environmental crises and sets out the major ways this needs to happen.