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  • Appreciative inquiry

    Appreciative Inquiry is an approach to organisational change which focuses on strengths rather than on weaknesses - quite different to many approaches to evaluation which focus on deficits and problems.
  • Indagación apreciativa

    La indagación apreciativa (IA) es un enfoque orientado al cambio organizacional que se enfoca en las fortalezas antes que en las debilidades, y por lo tanto difiere en gran medida de muchos enfoques evaluativos que se centran en las carencias y los…
  • Photovoice

    Photovoice is a participatory photography method that seeks to empower marginalised people to share their experiences through digital storytelling.
  • Ethical protocol acknowledgement

    Acknowledgements The Ethical Protocol was written in 2019 by a collaborative Working Group including: Belinda Gibb & Sharon Babyack (Indigenous Community Volunteers), Donna Stephens (Menzies School of Health Research), Kate Kelleher (Kate
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Use measures, indicators or metrics

    Choose or develop measures, indicators or metrics of interest, such as performance, activities or context. (This is useful for many evaluations but in some cases rubrics which synthesise qualitative information will be more valid).
    Rainbow Framework
  • La planification et la gestion des évaluations de recherches sur le développement

    Le présent document est un guide interactif pour les personnes qui demandent des évaluations des projets de recherche sur le développement ou de la programmation.
  • Planning and managing evaluations of development research

    This guidance has been prepared for those commissioning evaluations of development research projects and programming.
  • Select an evaluator / evaluation team

    A transparent selection process uses explicit criteria and involves more than one person (often a panel or committee) to discuss and agree on the selection.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Choisir un évaluateur ou une équipe d’évaluation

    Un processus de sélection transparent utilise des critères explicites et fait participer plus d’une personne (souvent un groupe ou un comité) afin de discuter et de s’entendre sur…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Other relevant legislation

    A country's constitution and laws may not always mention M&E explicitly, but it can play a crucial role in shaping the operational landscape in which M&E activities occur.
  • Using technologies for monitoring and evaluation in insecure settings

    Operating in insecure environments is one of the more critical tests for humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding organizations alike. Access constraints or even direct attacks make monitoring and evaluation extremely challenging.
  • How to design and manage equity-focused evaluations

    This guide from UNICEF is divided into two parts. It begins by defining equity and its importance and relevance today.
  • Rapid evaluation

    Rapid Evaluation is an approach designed to quickly and systematically conduct an evaluation when time or resources are limited.
  • Level of interest in and understanding of M&E

    The level of interest and understanding of M&E refers to the level of attention, commitment, and value that governments and their stakeholders place on using evidence to make decisions.
  • Data sovereignty

    Data sovereignty is the right of Indigenous Peoples to exercise ownership over Indigenous Data which can be expressed through the creation, collection, access, analysis, interpretation, management, dissemination and reuse of Indigenous Data.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Understanding the role of the World Bank Group in a crowded institutional landscape [Network analysis example]

    In this example, the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG - part of the World Bank Group) have used a network analysis to gain a better understanding of the role of the World Bank Group's policy interventions in the health sector in Liber
  • A relevância da avaliação para o investimento social privado

    Este livro sintetiza o conjunto de reflexões produzidas no Seminário Internacional “A Relevância da Avaliação para o Investimento Social Privado”, realizado em 4 de julho de 2012, em São Paulo, pela Fundação Itaú Social e pela Fundação Robe
  • Democratic evaluation and democracy: exploring the reality

    Democratic evaluation brings a way of thinking about evaluation’s role in society and in particular, its role in strengthening social justice.
  • Evaluation rubrics: how to ensure transparent and clear assessment that respects diverse lines of evidence

    This report provides a detailed description of an evaluation, written by Judy Oakden, as part of the first BetterEvaluation writeshop process, led by Irene Guijt.
  • Glossaire des termes usuels en mesure de performance et en évaluation

    Ce guide a été préparé par la Direction de la mise en oeuvre de la Loi sur l’administration publique du Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor avec la collaboration précieuse d’experts internes et externes.
  • Оценка программ: методология и практика

    В книге рассматриваются особенности программы как объекта оценки, методология и принципы оценки программ
  • Key actors in national M&E systems

    There are a number of key actors within a national M&E system who influence the supply and demand for M&E evidence and the enabling environment.
    National M&E Systems
  • Interventions and tools for M&E capacity strengthening

    Interventions to strengthen M&E capacity can start with comprehensive diagnostics to understand existing capacities and identify gaps.
    National M&E Systems
  • Legal and policy basis for M&E systems

    The legal and policy basis refers to the formal legislative and policy frameworks that underpin the establishment, operation, and integration of M&E practices within government processes.
    National M&E Systems
  • Individual capacity

    Individuals' skills, knowledge, experience and attitudes are important in national M&E systems.
    National M&E Systems
  • Sampling for surveys: Simple random sampling

    These instructional videos introduce the topic of sampling for surveys and provide a guide and examples of how to apply simple random sampling.
  • Contribution analysis - Social science methods series

    This paper, written by Franca Eirich and Anita Morrison for the Scottish Government, provides detailed guidance on contribution analysis and its use in Scottish settings.
  • Theory of change software

    There are a number of options when it comes to using software to help create a logic model.
  • Overview: Strategies for causal attribution

    This guide, written by Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, looks at the process of causal attribution with a particular emphasis on its use in impact evaluation.
  • Présentation des stratégies d'attribution causale

    L’un des éléments essentiels d’une évaluation d’impact est qu’il ne s’agit pas seulement de mesurer ou de décrire les changements survenus, mais également de comprendre le rôle joué par certaines interventions particulières (programmes ou p
  • Sinopsis: estrategias de atribución causal

    Uno de los aspectos esenciales de una evaluación de impacto es que no solo mide o describe cambios que han ocurrido, sino que también procura entender la función de determinadas intervenciones (es decir, programas o políticas) en la generac
  • Overview of impact evaluation

    This paper, written by Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, outlines the basic ideas and principles of impact evaluation.