GEI Training and Professional Development Programs

Displaying 31 - 40 of 56

How to Manage Gender-responsive Evaluation

UN Women | Global

Objective(s): develop core competencies in managing gender-responsive evaluation for UN Women staff.

- Introduction to gender-responsive evaluation
- How to plan evaluations at UN Women
- How to prepare for gender-responsive evaluation
- Establishing the terms of reference for the evaluation
- Gender responsive evaluation design
- Managing the evaluation conduct
- Ensuring high quality reports
- Evaluation use and follow up
- Communicating evaluation results

Community of Practice Training for Gender Equality

UN Women | Global

Objective(s): support the informed discussion and reflection on the current trends of training and capacity development for gender equality, the collection and dissemination of good practices and the identification of institutions, opportunities and resources for training for gender equality at the global level.

Evaluation Excellence Awards

UNDP-IEO | Global

Objective(s): promote the recognition and the use of high-quality decentralized evaluations.

Scope: awards recognize and celebrate excellent quality decentralized evaluations conducted across three categories: outstanding, innovative, and gender-responsive evaluation.

National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) Conference

UNDP-IEO | Global

Objective(s): bring together government officials engaged directly and indirectly in evaluation and public policy, other actors engaged in evaluation, and partners engaged in national evaluation capacity development to share progress, lessons, innovations and experiences and perspectives in strengthening national monitoring and evaluation systems; enhance skills of those commissioning, conducting, using, and advocating for evaluation; and foster existing and new partnerships to strengthen national evaluation systems

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Evaluation

ZUW | Regional

Objective(s): provide candidates with an opportunity to acquire a basic understanding of evaluation and the necessary competencies to plan, commission, manage, and use evaluations and to communicate the results according to different audiences.

Introduction to environmental evaluation approaches and tools

GEF-IEO | Global

This course is a self-paced online training designed to provide foundational frameworks and tools for evaluating the environmental dimensions of a development intervention. With the increasing global awareness on how social and economic issues are interrelated with environmental issues, this course aims to fill the gap in knowledge and skills on how to integrate environmental considerations in evaluations of development interventions.

Monitoring And Evaluation Boot Camp

CERP | National

Objective(s): strengthen participants’ technical skills within monitoring and evaluation, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and project management; help participants further advance their career in the development field; provide networking opportunities to forge connections with like-minded peers.

Evidence Based Program Design

CERP | National

Objective(s): equip participants with the technical tools to apply a structured and highly practical approach to programme design and implementation, incorporating economic theory and evidence at every stage; help determine mechanisms that can help ensure that development policies and programmes in Pakistan achieve maximum impact.

Innovative Leadership In The Age Of Data

CERP | National

Objective(s): teach participants how to apply a structured, data-driven approach to decision making; appreciate that data is accessible, practical, and applicable; recognize and articulate the value of grounding decisions in explicitly stated theories; understand and apply the principles of iterative design to refine and improve programmes, policies and products; and lead organisational change to build a culture of evidence-driven innovation

Scope: course content primarily focuses on the use of big data, and envisioning and leading a data-savvy organization of any kind.

AfDB Evaluation Week

AfDB-IDEV | Regional

Objective(s): share evidence and discuss what has worked in development, what has not, and why. AfDB Evaluation Week brings together evaluators, government policy/decision-makers, bilateral and multilateral development partners, research and academic institutions, civil society, the private sector, and the staff of the AfDB.

Scope: an international knowledge event organized biennially with a global audience by the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) function of the AfDB and dedicated to knowledge- and experience-sharing events on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) topics.