GEI Training and Professional Development Programs

Displaying 31 - 32 of 32

Specialized Modules in Development Evaluation

ENAP | Global

Objective(s): Offer a more advanced level training for evaluators and participants of the basic PIFED program who wish to deepen their knowledge of evaluation by focusing on a specific subject or method. The three specialized modules are the following: Implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system, Evaluation of complex interventions, and No one left behind: equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluations in the context of the SDGs.
Note: participants may register for a single module or multiple modules (2 or all 3).

Facilitating Gender Transformative Evaluation

EvalGender+ | Regional

Objective(s): help participants build necessary perspectives and skills on why and how to conduct gender transformative evaluations, introduces participants to the concepts of both gender and evaluation and enable them to bring in a critical gender transformative lens when conducting evaluations.