GEI Training and Professional Development Programs

Displaying 21 - 30 of 31


ENAP | Regional

Objective(s): provide participants with foundational knowledge and skills in the field of evaluation in a development context; train participants on the general principles and contexts as well as current challenges related to evaluation; develop participants' understanding and knowledge of evaluation concepts, approaches and methodologies; provide participants with an opportunity to acquire practical experience and skills in the field of evaluation planning and implementation through practical case studies; train participants to run and manage the evaluation process and tasks; and rais

International Training Program in Development Evaluation (PIFED)

ENAP | Global

Objective(s): provide participants with foundational knowledge and skills in the field of evaluation in a development context; train participants on the general principles and contexts as well as current challenges related to evaluation; develop participants' understanding and knowledge of evaluation concepts, approaches and methodologies; provide participants with an opportunity to acquire practical experience and skills in the field of evaluation planning and implementation through practical case studies; train participants to run and manage the evaluation process and tasks; and rai

Specialized Modules in Development Evaluation

ENAP | Global

Objective(s): Offer a more advanced level training for evaluators and participants of the basic PIFED program who wish to deepen their knowledge of evaluation by focusing on a specific subject or method. The three specialized modules are the following: Implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system, Evaluation of complex interventions, and No one left behind: equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluations in the context of the SDGs.
Note: participants may register for a single module or multiple modules (2 or all 3).

Results-Based Management (RBM)

ENAP | Global

Objective(s): teach participants the history and purpose of results-based management, comparing it with alternative models of public management; explain the three main stages of RBM (planning, monitoring, evaluation) and the different activities related to each; and train participants on the main practical tools of RBM (logical framework including target objectives, indicators and hypotheses, monitoring dashboard and evaluation questions).

Facilitating Gender Transformative Evaluation

EvalGender+ | Regional

Objective(s): help participants build necessary perspectives and skills on why and how to conduct gender transformative evaluations, introduces participants to the concepts of both gender and evaluation and enable them to bring in a critical gender transformative lens when conducting evaluations.


GEI Global Team | Global

Objective(s): help MEL and Technology startups identify new growth opportunities, from finding the product market-fit and ideas validation, to strengthening the core-team until expansion strategies to new business potentials, that support the process of evidence generation and building a new evaluation ecosystem that drives technology and is also technology driven.

International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) Core Course

IPDET | Global

Objective(s): IPDET's one-week Core Course provides the fundamentals of evaluation. As an introductory course, participants gain a comprehensive overview of evaluation and on how to do it. The course is designed for those with no or little prior experience in evaluation, as well as for those seeking to refresh and update their basic knowledge.

Results-Based Management (RBM)

UN Women | Global

Objective(s): train participants to apply results-based management at the country, regional and corporate level programming; and understand and use different programme planning, monitoring and reporting tools.

Module 1: Introduction to RBM
Module 2: Problem and Context Analysis
Module 3: Results Chain
Module 4: Outcomes
Module 5: Outputs
Module 6: Indicators
Module 7: Planning for Results
Module 8: Theory of Change
Module 9: Monitoring Results
Module10: Results Reporting

How to Manage Gender-responsive Evaluation

UN Women | Global

Objective(s): develop core competencies in managing gender-responsive evaluation for UN Women staff.

- Introduction to gender-responsive evaluation
- How to plan evaluations at UN Women
- How to prepare for gender-responsive evaluation
- Establishing the terms of reference for the evaluation
- Gender responsive evaluation design
- Managing the evaluation conduct
- Ensuring high quality reports
- Evaluation use and follow up
- Communicating evaluation results

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Evaluation

ZUW | Regional

Objective(s): provide candidates with an opportunity to acquire a basic understanding of evaluation and the necessary competencies to plan, commission, manage, and use evaluations and to communicate the results according to different audiences.