Global Directory of Academic Programs in Evaluation

Displaying 11 - 20 of 102

Specialization in Evaluation of Public Policies

Universidad Nacional de San Martín | Buenos Aires | Argentina

The overarching objective of this program is to cultivate a critical mass of professionals with expertise in the evaluation of public policies and programs, who are recognized as agents for improving public policy outcomes. The specific goals of the program are to enhance capacities for evaluating public policies and programs, particularly for professionals working in the government.

Certificate in Program Evaluation for Nonprofits

Bermuda College | Bermuda

The purpose of the program is to enhance students' understanding of program evaluation within the nonprofit context. They will find out how to improve evaluation planning, data collection, data analysis and data use. Special attention will be paid to the real-world challenges that organizations may face when conducting evaluation, including staff time, costs and reporting evaluation results to funders. By the end of the course, students will have a complete program logic model and evaluation plan ready for implementation.

Specialization Course in Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies

Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais | MG | Brazil

This specialization course has the aim of equipping professionals with tools for monitoring and evaluating public policies. It blends theoretical subjects with practical modules that focus on key aspects of planning, strategic management, and evaluative culture. The course also covers topics such as the indicators for formulating, monitoring, and evaluating public policies, the evaluation of outcomes, and the economic analysis of policies and programs. By taking this course, professionals from various levels of government and other stakeholders in the public sector will expand their knowledge and expertise in these areas.

Diploma in Impact Evaluation of Programs and Public Policies

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Santiago | Chile

This program trains professionals to utilize existing evidence to design and enhance social programs and public policies, and to design and oversee impact evaluations of high quality in both public and private sectors.

Diploma in Formulation and Evaluation of Social Projects with a focus on Territory and Community

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Santiago | Chile

The diploma aims to enhance the skills and capabilities of professionals, agencies, and organizations engaged in addressing various issues through the development of social programs and projects with a focus on the community and the territory. To achieve this goal, the program covers a set of concepts and tools.

Diploma in Logical Framework Methodology

Universidad Alberto Hurtado | Santiago | Chile

This course is aimed at professionals interested in knowing in detail the Logical Framework Methodology and applying it to the formulation and evaluation of projects and programs, especially in the social sector. The objective is to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills to use the Logical Framework Methodology in the design, formulation and evaluation of social projects and programs. It also equips students to analyze and apply the Logical Framework Methodology to the formulation and evaluation of projects and programs in the context of ​​social policies.

Diploma in Evaluation and Project Management

Universidad Andrés Bello | Chile

The aim of this diploma program is to equip students with the necessary skills to effectively plan, assess, and execute complex projects, taking into account all aspects and phases involved. Additionally, students will be taught the methods for fostering creativity and innovation, enabling them to undertake their own projects with confidence.

Diploma in Preparation and Social Evaluation of Projects

Universidad de Chile | Santiago | Chile

The objective of the program is to deepen knowledge from the formulation to the social evaluation of projects within the framework of the National Investment System, to improve the quality of public projects.

Diploma in Public Policies Evaluation

Universidad de Chile | Santiago | Chile

This program aims to provide its students with a solid training that allows them to develop rigorous evaluations of public projects and programs. This program equips graduates with the analytical and empirical tools to design and perform economic evaluations of public investment projects, as well as evaluate the design and outcomes of various public policy programs.

Diploma in Preparation, Evaluation and Management of Projects

Universidad de Chile | Santiago | Chile

The program's objective is to provide the tools necessary for formulating and evaluating the economic and strategic viability of business investment projects, with a focus on planning. It aims to give students the skills to create a comprehensive business plan from a private perspective, familiarize them with the techniques and methodologies used in preparing and evaluating investment projects, apply appropriate research methods for data collection, provide key tools for project, company, and asset valuation, design and evaluate financing strategies, incorporate risk into investment decisions and understand its impact, interpret evaluation results, and understand basic project planning and control.