4: How to randomize II

Resource link

This resource explains the importance of knowing 'how to randomize' for the purpose of impact evaluation.

This is the fourth in a series of lectures produced by the Poverty Action Lab and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

The resource provides the user with a video of the lecture presented by Rachel Glennerster and includes the lecture slides.


  • I. Methods of randomization (recap)
  • II. Unit of randomization
  • III. Multiple treatments: an example 
  • IV. Stratification
  • V. Mechanics of randomization


Glennerster R (2009) 4. How to Randomize II. Abdul Latif Jameel,  Poverty Action Lab Executive Training: Evaluating Social Programs Lecture Notes,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Retrieved from https://live-qa.ocw.mit.edu/courses/res-14-001-abdul-latif-jameel-poverty-action-lab-executive-training-evaluating-social-programs-2009-spring-2009/resources/4-how-to-randomize-ii/

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) https://ocw.mit.edu/

Poverty Action Lab (PAL) http://www.povertyactionlab.org/

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