
C2023 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference

Event organiser:
Canadian Evaluation Society
Start date:
End date:
In person

"The Société québécoise d’évaluation de programme will be hosting the next annual conference of the Canadian Evaluation Society which will take place from June 19 to 21, 2023 at the Hilton Hotel in Quebec City. The conference will be preceded by professional development workshops on June 17 and 18 and followed by international sharing sessions on June 22.

Whether you are a public servant, a consultant, an evaluation practitioner, an educator, a researcher or an evaluation user, this event is for you. This annual conference is an opportunity to enable the various actors to meet, train, and share their experiences.

A programme developed with care will rally renowned speakers, address the themeEvaluation in a changing world“, focus on complementary considerations such as: how does evaluation evolve, how to manage the complexity of change, what change should occur in evaluation practice and what are the challenges of professionalization?

It is around these topics that we hope to find you numerous for this great annual gathering."

Last updated