Organisational evaluation plan

An organisational evaluation plan sets out a program of planned evaluations over a specific period, such as for the next five years.

This is different to an evaluation work plan, which sets out the work plan for an individual evaluation that operationalises the evaluation design. 

Establishing a formal plan of scheduled evaluations can contribute to improving the engagement of relevant actors and produce the following benefits:

Improve the conduct of included evaluations by:

  • making visible planned evaluations to increase accountability for their quality and completion,
  • starting early the process of identifying and engaging relevant internal and external actors who will represent relevant interests,
  • starting early the process of identifying and accessing relevant data and knowledge,
  • starting early the process of identifying and engaging relevant external expertise, including external evaluators or evaluation teams, technical advisors and governance advisors.

Improve the use of included evaluations by:

  • formalising a process of considering likely utility and timing for evaluations included in the plan,
  • making visible planned evaluations to increase awareness among intended users and increase the likelihood of their use,
  • contributing to systems of reporting on the use of completed evaluations.

Contribute more broadly to improving the overall M&E system by:

  • increasing opportunities for cross-learning across departments by making evaluations in other departments more visible,
  • making more transparent and systematic the process of deciding what will be evaluated (in an M&E system where not all programs and policies are evaluated) or what will be evaluated on a larger scale (in an M&E system where all programs and policies are evaluated but some in more depth than others).


Western Cape Department of Human Settlements Departmental Evaluation Plan

This evaluation plan sets out a 3-year Department Evaluation Plan (DEP) of evaluations that have been approved. The stated aims of the DEP are to:

  • create a shared understanding of the purpose of the evaluation,

  • foster transparency amongst stakeholders and decision-makers,

  • serve as an advocacy tool for evaluation resources and

  • facilitate evaluation capacity building amongst partners and stakeholders

The DEP sets out its purpose, explains linkages to provincial evaluation plans and to planning, explains the departmental evaluation system, reports on departmental evaluations and research underway, explains the criteria and process used to select evaluations, and sets out detailed concepts for five planned evaluations, as well as discussing key implementation issues.

Funding for the evaluations has been made available in the Department's Annual Procurement Plan, and the plan shows how this will be allocated across the evaluations.

The plan includes the process for follow-up to the evaluations:

“The Department will ensure that evaluations are used to improve performance and service delivery. All evaluations, where required, will have improvement plans which implementation thereof will be monitored constantly and consistently. The process of signing off involves a number of steps such as getting an official management response to the recommendations before an improvement plan is drawn up, developing of the Management Improvement Plan and have it officially signed off by the HOD (the Accounting Officer) for implementation. Progress reports on the implementation of the improvement plans compiled on a specific template will be expected from the relevant programme managers on agreed upon times.”

Development Evaluation Division, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada

This Rolling Five-Year Development Evaluation Work Plan (2014-2015 - 2018-2019) from Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development sets out the corporate evaluations that will be undertaken and the support that will be provided to branch-led evaluations in order to achieve “100% evaluation coverage of development grants and contributions and direct program spending as required by the FAA and the 2009 TB Policy on Evaluation , while contributing to the Department's learning and decision making needs”.


“In FY 2014-2015, the Development Evaluation Division will initiate and/or complete the following evaluations:

  • Countries of concentration and regional programs: Country Program Evaluations of Mozambique and Tanzania; Ethiopia and Ghana; Indonesia; Bangladesh, as well as a program evaluation of the Canada Investment Fund for Africa.

  • Countries of Modest Presence: An evaluation of programming in 8 countries with modest Canadian development assistance programs in the Americas, Asia and the Middle East.

  • Fragile States: Country Program Evaluations of West Bank and Gaza, Afghanistan, Haiti and possibly South Sudan.

  • Global Issues and Development (MFM): Review of the development effectiveness of the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the United Nations Population Fund and the International Organisation of la Francophonie.

  • Partnerships for Development Innovation (PDI): An evaluation of the Partners for Development Program.

  • Corporate evaluations: A meta-evaluation of Branch-led evaluations.

  • Horizontal Evaluations: A formative evaluation of Canada's contribution to the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Initiative.”

Development Evaluation Division, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (2014). Rolling Five-Year Development Evaluation Work Plan (2014-2015 - 2018-2019). Retrieved from: 

Western Cape Department of Human Settlements. (2022/23-2024/25). Departmental Evaluation Plan: 2022/23-2024/25. Retrieved [date you accessed the document], from 

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