Evaluation of the European Commission’s Support to the United Republic of Tanzania: Terms of Reference

These Terms of Reference (ToR) from the European Commission (EC) were set out to outline the evaluation of the EC's support for Tanzania from 2001 to 2007.


  • Mandate
  • Background
  • Evaluation’s objectives and scope
  • Orientation, approach and structure of the evaluation
  • The evaluation’s audience
  • The evaluation questions (EQS)
  • The evaluation structure
    • Five main phases of development
    • Methodological stages
  • Management and supervision of the evaluation
  • The evaluation team
  • Timing
  • Payment modalities
  • Annex 1: key documentation for the evaluation


European Commission, EuropeAid Co-operation Office. (2005). Evaluation of the European commission’s support to the United Republic of Tanzania. Retrieved from website: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/evaluation/methodology/examples/exp_gaa_pr...