
3496 results

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  • Evaluation: A crucial ingredient for SDG success

    This IIED Briefing paper argues that, in order to be maximally useful to policymakers and citizens, the follow-up and review processes of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must incorporate rigorous, country led eval
  • Five considerations for national evaluation agendas informed by the SDGs

    This IIED briefing paper advocates for using a ‘complex systems’ lens to approach the follow-up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals and discusses five key aspects of this perspective and their implications for national eval
  • Social network analysis

    This one-page guide to Social Network Analysis provides a brief overview, practical tips for using the technique, and a list of resources for more information. 
  • Dylomo

    Dylomo is a free, web-based tool that can be used to create interactive, online logic models.
  • Evaluating the non-academic impact of academic research: Design considerations

    In this journal article, Andrew Gunn (University of Leeds) and Michael Mintrom (ANZSOG/Monash University) explore how evaluation of non-academic research impact can measure impact effectively without undermining academic freedom a
  • The IDEAS guide and facilitators' guide

    The IDEAS Guide (Innovating, Designing, Evaluating and Applying to Small-scale projects) is a guide to the design and evaluation of small-scale media and communication projects where evaluation is built into the design of an initiative
  • Strategy development: Most significant change (MSC)

    This guide to the Most Significant Change approach, by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), provides an overview, a detailed description of the process, and an example of the technique in action.
  • Assessing the Policy Impact of ‘Indicators’: A Process-Tracing Study of the Hunger And Nutrition Commitment Index

    This report applies a process-tracing approach to understand the policy impact of indicators and contributes to debates about assessing the impact of development research.
  • Orient the evaluator / evaluation team

    The evaluator(s) need a clear understanding of what needs to be evaluated.  They need to obtain as much background information on the project / program as possible, its implementers, the intended beneficiaries, and its specific context.
    Estrutura / Guias
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Guider l’évaluateur ou l’équipe d’évaluation

    L’évaluateur doit bien comprendre ce qui doit être évalué. Il doit obtenir autant de renseignements généraux que possible sur le projet ou le programme, les responsables de sa mise en oeuvre, les bénéficiaires prévus et son contexte précis.
    Estrutura / Guias
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Identify reporting requirements

    Identify the primary intended stakeholders and determine their reporting needs, including their decision-making timelines. Develop a communication plan.
    Estrutura / Guias
    Rainbow Framework
  • Develop reporting media

    Produce appropriate written, visual, and/or verbal products that communicate the findings.
    Estrutura / Guias
    Rainbow Framework
  • Consider the implications of the resources available and specific constraints

    Identify the resources that can be used for the evaluation, and any particular constraints for them.
    Estrutura / Guias
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Tenir compte des répercussions des ressources disponibles et des contraintes spécifiques

    Il faut cerner les ressources qui pourront être utilisées aux fins de l’évaluation y compris potentiellement les suivantes
    Estrutura / Guias
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Develop recommendations

    Draw on the findings and an understanding of the implementation environment to make recommendations such as how the programme can be improved, how the risk of programme failure can be reduced or whether the programme should continue. (This is often useful…
    Estrutura / Guias
    Rainbow Framework
  • EvalThoughts
  • Constituent voice: Technical note 1

    This paper from Keystone Accountability provides detailed guidance in the use of Constituent Voice, which is a methodology aimed at cultivating a voice of constituents of an organisation.
  • Creating the missing feedback loop

    This article, written by Alex Jacobs for the IDS Bulletin describes how agricultural development organisations can create feedback systems that allow them to hear from the beneficiaries of their work.
  • A list of M&E email lists

    This list, on Rick Davies' Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS site, brings together a suite of M&E email lists from around the world.
  • A module for peer partnerships to embed sustainable learning about teaching

    This paper, written by Andrea Chester, Dallas Wingrove & Angela Clarke for RMIT University, is the final report of the implementation of a peer partnerships model designed to embed s
  • Single-case design technical documentation

    This paper, written by T. R. Kratochwill, J. Hitchcock, R. H. Horner, J. R. Levin, S. L. Odom, D. M. Rindskopf and W. R.
  • A checklist for Progress Markers

    This checklist, written by Kate Dyer for Outcome Mapping Learning Community, was developed from the Accountability in Tanzania programme and relates to the development of individual prog
  • Create an accessible Office document

    This free, online training course by Microsoft Office teaches participants about accessibility and how to increase the accessibility of your documents for various users with disabilities.
  • Hatch

    This website from the Rockefeller Foundation provides links to a range of tools and storytellers to support the development of digital stories to drive social impact.
  • Blind Low Vision NZ: Information About Accessibility

    This page on the New Zealand based Blind Low Vision NZ (formerly the Blind Foundation) website offers information about making printed and electronic texts accessible for low-vision and
  • Shutterstock

    Shutterstock is a stock photo website that contains a range of high quality multimedia that can be used by organisatons and businesses around the world.
  • Flickr

    Flickr is both a platform for managing and sharing photos with family and friends as well as an important resource for sourcing images with creative commons licences that can be downloaded and used by organisations and individuals. 
  • Federal Data Sharing Policies

    This blog post from Sam Held for the American Evaluation Association (AEA) looks at the requirements for data sharing under different federal agencies data sharing policies.
  • Mappiness: A mobile data collection example

    This example of mobile data collection uses an iPhone app to collect data about how the environment affects the moods of participants. Mappiness has been designed to gather data from a wide range longitudinal data from partic
  • Conference on Improving the use of M&E - Keynote speech by Marlene Läubli Loud

    This keynote presentation given by Marlene Läubi Loud at the CDI Conference 2014: Improving the use of M&E processes and findings presents the current state of affairs regarding the utilisation of M&E processes an
  • Household vulnerability and resilience to economic shocks

    This project into Household Vulnerability and Resilience to Economic Shocks, a collaboration between RMIT University, Oxfam Australia, Deakin University and the University of the South Pacific, gives a good example of the way tha
  • Co-presentation with Leslie J. Morse at SGNOLA – advice and retrospective

    In this blog post, Natalie Warnert uses her experience of being a co-presenter at a conference to give tips and advice to those who are new to the realm of co-presenting.