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  • Colour

    Blocks of background colour can help group similar items or separate reporting elements like sidebars.
  • Arrangement

    Arranging text and graphics on a page or slide can be a challenge for those not familiar with graphic design. Some basic principles can be easily implemented and boost readability and engagement.
  • Slopegraph

    A slopegraph is a lot like a line graph, in that it plots change between points however, a slopegraph plots the change between only two points, without any kind of regard for the points in between.
  • Split axis bar graph

    While many graph types geared toward comparisons ask the viewer to subtract the difference between the heights of two bars or the space between two points on a line, a deviation bar graph simply graphs the difference.
  • Bullet graph

    Bullet graphs encode a single variable as a bar.
  • Dot plot

    Dot plots encode single data points with circles, often on a line.
  • Deviation bar graph

    Deviation bar graphs are simply two bar charts aligned, where one of the charts runs right to left rather than left to right.
  • Small multiples

    Small multiples are an array of graphs on the same scale that are grouped together in a row or grid and are often used to simplify a data display.
  • Text

    Generally speaking, serif fonts support readability in long, narrative-style documents produced on paper. Sans serif fonts are easier to read in electronic reporting media.
  • Bubble chart

    Commonly used on maps, and x/y-axis plots, or no plot at all, bubble charts communicate the raw count, frequency, or proportion of some variable where the size of the bubble reflects the quantity.
  • Treemap

    A treemap displays hierarchical relationships through a set of rectangles, sized proportionately to each data point, clustered together into one large rectangle.
  • Word tree

    Word trees use a visual branching structure to show how a pre-selected word(s) is connected to other words.
  • Phrase net

    Phrasenets are useful for exploring how words are linked in a text and, like word clouds and word trees, can be informative for early data analysis.
  • Personal stories

    Personal stories provide qualitative data about how people experience their lives and can be used to make sense of the past and to understand possible futures.
  • Evaluation budget matrix

    An evaluation budget matrix specifies various items that need to be costed as individual line items. 
  • Video

    When produced well, videos provide an excellent means to convey messages coming out of an evaluation.
  • Reporting in pictures

    “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Pictures or images provide another way of presenting information, and increasing understanding of your results.
  • Website communications

    These days, having a website is common practice for development organizations working beyond the community level. This has opened the possibilities of disseminating information such as that coming from evaluations.
  • Memos and email

    Memos and emails can be used to help maintain ongoing communication among evaluation stakeholders through brief and specific messages about a particular issue.
  • Newsletters, bulletins, blogs, briefs and brochures

    Short communication formats—such as bulletins, briefs, newsletters, blogs and brochures—can be used to highlight particular findings or angles on the evaluation.
  • News media communications

    News media communications can include communication channels such as newspapers, magazines, and radio, as well as digital formats such as online news sites, podcasts, social media, and blogs.
  • Interim reports

    Interim (or progress) reports present the interim, preliminary, or initial evaluation findings.
  • Final reports

    Evaluation reports can be read by many different audiences, ranging from individuals in government departments, donor and partner staff, development professionals working with similar projects or programmes, students and community groups.&n
  • Executive summaries

    The executive summary of an evaluation report is a shortened version of the full report  – usually one to four pages – that highlights findings and recommendations and is placed at the front of the report.
  • Regression discontinuity

    Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) is a quasi-experimental evaluation option that measures the impact of an intervention, or treatment, by applying a treatment assignment mechanism based on a continuous eligibility index which is a varia
  • Resources stocktake

    The resources available for evaluation include people’s time and expertise, equipment and funding. 
  • Expert review for meta-evaluation

    An expert review involves experts reviewing the evaluation, drawing in part on their expertise and experience of the particular type of program or project.
  • Time series analysis

    A time series is a collection of observations of well-defined data items obtained through repeated measurements over time.
  • Block histogram

    A histogram is a graphical way of presenting a frequency distribution of quantitative data organised into a number equally spaced intervals or bins (e.g. 1-10, 11-20…).
  • Non-parametric inferential statistics

    Inferential statistics suggest statements or make predictions about a population based on a sample from that population. Non-parametric tests relate to data that are flexible and do not follow a normal distribution.
  • Parametric inferential statistics

    Parametric inferential tests are carried out on data that follow certain parameters.
  • Multivariate descriptive

    Multivariate descriptive statistics involves analysing relationships between more than two variables.