
429 results

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  • Key informant interviews

    Key informant interviews involve interviewing people who have particularly informed perspectives on an aspect of the program being evaluated.
  • Analytical generalisation

    Analytical generalisation involves making projections about the likely transferability of findings from an evaluation, based on a theoretical analysis of the factors producing outcomes and the effect of context.
  • Measures of central tendency

    Measures of Central Tendency provide a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data with a single value that represents the middle or centre of its distribution.
  • Measures of dispersion

    Measures of dispersion provide information about how much variation there is in the data, including the range, inter-quartile range and the standard deviation.
  • In-depth interviews

    An in-depth interview is a type of interview with an individual that aims to collect detailed information beyond initial and surface-level answers.
  • Self-assessment

    Self-assessment is an individual reflection on one's skills, knowledge and attitudes related to evaluation competencies.
  • Other professional associations

    Associations from different but related sectors and fields can be good places to find useful events and training, network connections, and ideas.
  • Engagement in relevant public processes

    For evaluation to be truly useful it needs to engage in public discussions about relevant issues.
  • Engagement in relevant organisational processes

    For evaluation to be truly useful it needs to be embedded in organisational processes.
  • Public information about professional practice

    As part of its public advocacy role, a professional association can provide potential clients with information about engaging with evaluators effectively.
  • Public information about evaluation

    An important part of evaluation capacity strengthening is providing a clear definition or explanation of evaluation in online and printed materials.
  • Expectation of ongoing competency development

    An expectation that members of an association or organisation will engage in ongoing competency development.
  • Distinct occupational category

    A distinct occupational category or role title recognised at a national or organisational level.
  • R&D projects

    Evaluation associations can leverage their membership to engage in knowledge construction through research and development.
  • Learning partnerships

    Learning partnerships involve structured processes over several years to support learning between a defined number of organisations working on similar programs, usually facilitated by a third party organisation.
  • Internship

    An internship is a paid or unpaid entry-level position that provides work experience and some professional development.
  • Expert review

    Expert review involves an identified expert providing a review of draft documents at specified stages of a process and/or planned processes.
  • Expert advice

    Expert advice provides advice in response to specific queries. It might include a process to clarify and reframe the question that is being asked.
  • Self-paced learning

    Viewing learning materials, such as previously recorded webinars, at your own pace.
  • Peer learning

    Peer learning refers to a practitioner-to-practitioner approach in which the transfer of tacit knowledge is particularly important (Andrews and Manning 2016).
  • Dialogues

    Dialogues refer to a range of learning conversations that go beyond knowledge transfer to include knowledge articulation and translation.
  • Peer-assessment

    Peer assessment can provide additional benefits beyond self-assessment – in particular, the opportunity for peer learning through the review process.
  • Cost utility analysis

    Cost utility analysis (CUA) develops an overall measure of utility or value based on the preferences of individuals.
  • Cartoons

    Cartoon images can be used by evaluators to an understanding of program impact, scenes of program implementation, main findings or issues.
  • One-Three-Twenty Five (1:3:25) Principle

    The 1:3:25 Principle is an evaluation report format with a one page outline of the main messages, a three page executive summary, and 25 pages that present the evaluation findings and methodology.
  • Learning alliances

    Learning alliances involve a structured partnership between two or more organisations with the aim of working together to build and share knowledge around topics of mutual interest.
  • Formal meeting processes

    Studies have demonstrated that attendance at meetings and conferences, planning discussions within the project related to use of the program evaluation, and participation in data collection foster feelings of evaluation involvement among st
  • SWOT analysis

    The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that encourages group or individual reflection on and assessment of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a
  • Memos and journals for analysis

    Memos and journals are useful tools to support reflection, record-keeping, and rigour throughout qualitative data analysis.
  • Graphic recording

    Graphic recording is the translation of conversations into images and text on large sheets of paper during meetings and events.
  • Flip charts

    Flip charts are large sheets of paper, usually positioned on a tripod, to be used with thick and differently coloured marking pens.
  • Posters

    A good poster communicates your message clearly, quickly and succinctly.