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  • Power analysis

    A power analysis identifies the main types of power in a system of interest.
  • Upfront evaluation design

    An upfront evaluation design is done before or near the beginning of the evaluation and then implemented as designed or as revised at the end of the inception period.
  • Commissioner-led evaluation design

    The organisation commissioning an evaluation develops an evaluation design as part of setting out the terms of reference for the evaluation.
  • Joint evaluation design

    A collaboration is involved in designing the evaluation, which might involve an implementing agency, an evaluation team and/or a community working together.
  • Single evaluation approach design

    The evaluation design is based on selecting a single existing evaluation model or approach and using it for an evaluation.
  • Evaluator-led evaluation design

    An evaluation team develops an evaluation design in response to an evaluation brief which sets out the purposes of the evaluation.
  • Community-led evaluation design

    A community develops an evaluation design, sometimes with facilitation or technical support.
  • Develop a design for the evaluation

    An evaluation design sets out how data will be collected and analysed in terms of the methods used and the research design.
    Rainbow Framework
  • What counts as good evidence?

    This paper, written by Sandra Nutley, Alison Powell and Huw Davies for the Alliance for Useful Evidence, discusses the risks of using a hierarchy of evidence and suggests an alternative in which more complex matrix approaches
  • Impartiality

    Impartiality in evaluation refers to conducting an evaluation without bias or favouritism, treating all aspects and stakeholders fairly. Key aspects of impartiality in evaluation can include:
  • Identifying evaluative criteria

    This chapter details the use of a needs assessment to identify evaluative criteria.
  • Understand the situation

    A situation analysis examines the current situation and the factors contributing to it. This might include identification and analysis of needs, resources, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and/or power analysis.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Example outcome journal template

    This template is based on the original Outcome Mapping guidance, incorporating elements from Outcome Harvesting (e.g. significance) and allowing tagging to particular progress markers (rather than listing them all as the original does).
  • Reflecting: journals and learning (b)logs – Using journals and learning (b)logs to assess learning

    The "Reflecting: Journals and Learning (b)logs" resource from the University of Warwick provides comprehensive guidance on the use of reflective writing for assessment and personal development.
  • Diaries and logs

    This article provides comprehensive guidance on using diaries and logs to assess physical activity.
  • Key informant attribution

    A method for testing causal reasoning by asking key informants.
  • Decide who will conduct the evaluation

    Clarify who will actually undertake the evaluation. This might include people who are involved in what is being evaluated (such as implementers, clients and community members), an internal or external evaluator, or some combination of these.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Identify potential unintended results

    It is useful and ethical to consider possible negative impacts (that make things worse not better) and how they can be identified before an intervention (project, programme, or policy) is implemented and addressed in an evaluation or M&E System.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Determine what constitutes high quality evaluation

    For any evaluation, there needs to be clarity about what will be considered a quality and ethical evaluation.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Introducing the Causal Pathways Resource Hub

    We are pleased to launch the Causal Pathways Resource Hub: A set of new and revised pages on BetterEvaluation, developed in partnership with the Causal Pathways Initiative.
  • Causal pathways

    A causal pathways perspective on evaluation focuses on understanding how, why, and under what conditions change happens or has happened.
  • Causal Pathways Initiative project

    The Causal Pathways Initiative seeks to help philanthropy and other funders open up the black box of strategy and systems change.
  • Protocolo de evaluación del impacto cualitativo

    El Protocolo de Evaluación del Impacto Cualitativo (QuIP, por sus siglas en inglés) es un enfoque de evaluación de impacto que se basa en el Análisis de Contribución.
  • Qualitative impact assessment protocol

    The Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (QuIP) is an impact evaluation approach that collects and documents narrative causal statements directly from those affected by an intervention.
  • El mapeo de alcances

    El mapeo de alcances (MA), también llamado mapeo de resultados (outcomes), es una metodología para planificar, hacer seguimiento y evaluar las iniciativas de desarrollo con el fin de generar un cambio social sostenible.
  • Outcome Mapping

    Outcome Mapping is an approach that helps unpack an initiative’s theory of change and provides a framework to collect data on the immediate, basic changes that lead to longer, more transformative change. This allows for the plausible assessment of the…
  • Cambio más significativo

    El enfoque del Cambio Más Significativo (MSC, por sus siglas en inglés) implica generar y analizar relatos personales de cambio y decidir cuál de estos es el más importante, y por qué.
  • Most significant change

    The Most Significant Change (MSC) approach involves generating and analysing personal accounts of change and deciding which is the most significant – and why.
  • Introduction to environmental evaluation approaches and tools

    This course is a self-paced online training designed to provide foundational frameworks and tools for evaluating the environmental dimensions of a development intervention.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • CARICOM results-based management collaboration Dominica’s monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA)

    This report presents the findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) for the Commonwealth of Dominica, providing information on the existing strengths and opportunities to develop a sustainable RBM System in the count
  • CARICOM results based management collaboration. Monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) integrated report: Regional institutions

    This report presents the main findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) diagnostic for three pilot CARICOM regional institutions, the CARICOM Development Fund, the Caribbean Examinations Council, and the CARICOM Imp
  • CARICOM results-based management collaboration: Jamaica’s monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA)

    This report presents the findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) for Jamaica, providing information on the existing strengths and opportunities to develop a sustainable RBM System in the country.