
  • Upfront evaluation design

    An upfront evaluation design is done before or near the beginning of the evaluation and then implemented as designed or as revised at the end of the inception period.
  • Commissioner-led evaluation design

    The organisation commissioning an evaluation develops an evaluation design as part of setting out the terms of reference for the evaluation.
  • Joint evaluation design

    A collaboration is involved in designing the evaluation, which might involve an implementing agency, an evaluation team and/or a community working together.
  • Iterative evaluation design

    An iterative evaluation design involves setting out an initial overall evaluation design or process at the beginning of the evaluation.
  • Single evaluation approach design

    The evaluation design is based on selecting a single existing evaluation model or approach and using it for an evaluation.
  • Evaluator-led evaluation design

    An evaluation team develops an evaluation design in response to an evaluation brief which sets out the purposes of the evaluation.
  • Community-led evaluation design

    A community develops an evaluation design, sometimes with facilitation or technical support.
  • Develop a design for the evaluation

    An evaluation design sets out how data will be collected and analysed in terms of the methods used and the research design.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Bricolage evaluation design

    A bricolage evaluation design flexibly combines and adapts various data collection and analysis methods, approaches, and conceptual and value frameworks to suit the specific context of the evaluation.