
1257 results

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  • Evaluating Performance in a CAS

    … Human Systems Dynamics Institute , describes key features of a complex adaptive system and what these might mean for evaluation and the role of an evaluator. Abstract "Evaluation is a central issue in … standard evaluation tools, techniques and methods rely on basic assumptions about linear organizational dynamics …
  • CIDA Evaluation Guide

    … (CIDA)  sets out to build awareness and understanding of evaluation among CIDA staff and provide clear guidance for implementing evaluations of CIDA programs. Excerpt "The “CIDA Evaluation Guide” … sets out the process to be followed, acceptable standards of performance, appropriate work practices, and guidelines …
  • Word clouds considered harmful

    … Harris for NiemanLab  provides a careful consideration of the argument against word clouds. Namely, these concerns are: they go against the principles of data journalism; they   support only the crudest sorts of textual analysis; they are often applied to situations …
  • Final reports

    … or programmes, students and community groups.  Regardless of who the target audience is, ensure that your report is … their questions.  A good evaluation report contains these basic components: An executive summary containing a condensed version of the most important aspects of the evaluation (see previous …
  • Crosstabulations

    … Crosstabulation (or crosstab) is a basic part of survey research in which researchers can get an indication of the frequency of two variables (e.g. gender or income, and …
  • C4D: Accountable

    … , and more specifically how the primary intended users of the RM&E intend to use the findings and what their … : Reports from R,M&E are usually focused on satisfying the needs of donor and managers. These are important users, but it is also important to think about the reporting needs of other groups we are accountable to. This includes …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Outcome harvesting

    … Outcome Harvesting collects (“harvests”) evidence of what has changed (“outcomes”) and, working backwards, … At a minimum, descriptions should answer the following basic questions: Who changed? What was the observable change? … inquiry. Each harvest should be customised to the specific needs of the primary intended users/uses and to reflect the …
  • Footprint evaluation

    … Footprint evaluation aims to embed consideration of environmental sustainability in all evaluations and … natural systems and sought agreements that addressed the needs of both systems while applying a consensus approach to … effect in the first year or even five years. Evaluation needs to be much more open to multiple temporal scales if it …
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Evaluation

    … by its interdisciplinarity, the practical relevance of the course content and the well-founded knowledge and skills of our lecturers. It is primarily aimed at people who … evaluations or are responsible for the management of evaluations. … Certificate of Advanced Studies in …
    Academic Program
  • Case Study Research: Design and Methods

    … Providing a complete portal to the world of case study research, the Fifth Edition of Robert K. Yin’s bestselling text offers comprehensive coverage of the design and use of the case study method as a valid …
  • Episode studies

    … Episode studies are an excellent way of investigating the influence of research on policy. Episode studies refer to a case study … back to assess what impact research had among the variety of issues that led to the policy change. They could …
  • BetterEvaluation 2022 Holiday Reading List

    … As we head into 2022 we thought we'd share a list of resources for you to peruse in the new year. The selection … part of the evaluation process - from listening to user needs around use and engagement, to data collection through … the seven principles of intentional practice and provides basic intentional-practice strategies, exercises, and …
  • Regression Discontinuity Designs: A Guide to Practice

    … This paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) provides an outline of some of the practical issues around the implementation ofof the new developments in the area. "After reviewing some basic concepts in Section 2, the paper focuses on five …
  • Picturing Your Data is Better Than 1,000 Numbers: Data Visualization Techniques for Social Change

    … In this video of a session from the Nonprofit Technology Conference 2012, approaches to the use of data and informational visualization are demonstrated and … use their data?  Approaches and tools: What are the basic guidelines for designing and using data and information …
  • Mobile data collection systems a review of the current state of the field

    … This research provides a review of mobile data collection software systems, projects, and … this, NOMAD undertook the following tasks: Build a matrix of analysis for mobile data collection systems currently … (Jung 2011) Contents Defining Mobile Data Collection   Basic Components of a MDCS Research Methodology Research …
  • Consensus decision making

    … that involves reaching agreement between all members of a group with regards to a certain issue.   It differs from … as that used in democratic elections, in that, instead of taking a vote for an item where the majority dominates, a … on the size of the group and other factors, but the basic principles are the same." Source: Seeds For Change , …
  • Master of Advanced Studies in Evaluation

    … or research. The program does not focus on the "how" of the evaluation, but rather the overarching aspects, for … play in the political context? What is the significance of different evaluation approaches in practice? Which leadership aspects play a role in the context of evaluation? … Master of Advanced Studies in Evaluation …
    Academic Program
  • Week 37: Why is equity so important in evaluation?

    … I say a realistic alternative because in the area of community development, which is where my work is mostly … gender equality is so difficult to achieve in terms of equal numbers of men and women participating and in terms … women”. Being fair has an aspect of consideration for the needs or different requirements of men and women. Equality …
  • What do we mean by ‘impact’?

    … development is fixated with impact. It’s part of almost every conversation about a development programme and none of us can ignore it. But how do we know we’re all talking … the greatest need was for support on the  up-front parts  of evaluation planning – and the definition of this term in …
  • Learning from practice: Inception reports and social learning - do you have examples or advice to share?

    … and evaluation. We support three interconnected areas of activity - capacity strengthening, M&E research and …  sometimes developed during an evaluation. What this page needs: Examples - Do you have an example of an inception … way of supporting the  use of evaluation .  What this page needs: Examples  - We'd love to see some examples from your …
  • Evaluation methods for assessing value for money

    … is most suited to evaluating. The paper gives an overview of how to conduct Cost Effectiveness Analysis, Cost Utility … Cost Benefit Analysis, Social Return on Investment, Basic Efficiency Resource and ranking correlation of cost vs impact. Case study written by: Peter Weston, …
  • Asking Effective Questions

    … questions." (Serrat, 2009) Contents Background Typologies of questions Figure 1: Bloom's (revised) Cognitive Domain … 1: Aligning verbs to Bloom's Taxonomy The art and science of powerful questions Figure 2: A basic typology of questions Figure 3: The architecture of a …
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Evaluation

    … provide candidates with an opportunity to acquire a basic understanding of evaluation and the necessary competencies to plan, … will train candidates to describe the characteristics of evaluation and how it differs from other approaches, such …
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Using evaluation findings

    … This six page bulletin guides the reader through ways of communicating and using evaluation findings. "There are … to communicate about and use evaluation findings. Results of surveys, interviews, observations etc., can be … and as described in both previous and following sections, basic assessments of many organizational procedures can be …
  • Arrangement

    … challenge for those not familiar with graphic design. Some basic principles can be easily implemented and boost … can relax. The temptation is often to cram a page full of text but readers prefer some blank spots. This can be achieved through the use of columns and healthy margins in reports. In slides, this …
  • 2013 Spring report of the Auditor General of Canada: Chapter 1—Status report on evaluating the effectiveness of programs

    … This report presents the results of a performance audit conducted by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada. Following the issue by the … been made, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat still needs to provide more guidance to departments Departments …
  • Ethnographic Action Research Toolbox

    … is an approach that combines the open and holistic nature of ethnographic research, with the focus on improvement and … It is an approach that has been developed in the context of media and communication for development projects. It is … Kiran Mulenahalli, Emma Baulch and Andrew Skuse.  Year of publication  2017  Type of resource Toolkit Key features …
  • Developing your job searching skills

    … job postings that align with your interests. Prepare ahead of your interviews : Draft questions related to the technical … process matters. Maintain professionalism regardless of the outcome. … Developing your job searching skills …
    Evaluation career guide
  • Evaluability assessments are an essential new tool for managers

    … and what has been achieved but about the possibility of making such judgements and their likely utility. This involves an assessment of the clarity of an intervention's design, the verifiability of the …
  • Democratic evaluation

    … the whole community. This allows people to be informed of what others are doing and sees the evaluator as someone … MacDonald's discussion (1976, as cited in Hanberger, 2004) of the differences between autocratic, bureaucratic … which provides service to the whole community. 'The basic value is an informed citizenry, and the evaluator acts …
  • Excel for evaluation

    … This website, created by Ann Emery, provides a series of short videos on using Microsoft Excel to analyze data. The … charts. Excerpt "Data analysis is a process that consists of several steps. You need to teach yourself how to import … 1 and 2 Pivot Tables Inserting a pivot table Understanding basic pivot table components and teminology Using pivot …
  • Fishbone diagram (cause and effect diagram)

    … This short guide describes the process of using a fishbone diagram to help uncover and visualise stakeholder perceptions of the root causes of a problem. It is often used in … Key features A fishbone diagram is one of the seven basic tools of quality like a pareto chart or a scatter …