
1257 results

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  • Doctorate in Educational Studies, Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Measurement

    The program prepares students to become experts in research design and statistics, program evaluation, and applied measurement and testing. These skills are an essential component for careers in education, government or business settings.
    Academic Program
  • Measuring what matters (a thinking tool)

    … data collection methods based on: the intended level of participation in the evaluation by intended beneficiaries … the data collection methods which are best suited to your needs, the needs of the people you support, and the needs of the people …
  • Develop agreed key evaluation questions

    … results?’ (an evaluative question). Depending on the type of evaluation, causal questions also need to be addressed (to … to classify the type of evaluation and typical questions: Needs analysis What is needed? What are unmet needs? Intervention design What is the best way to design the …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Key competencies for the monitoring function

    … knowledge, attributes and behaviours needed for the tasks of managing and framing of monitoring systems and using monitoring information. This set of competencies was produced through the BetterMonitoring …
  • Adapting evaluation in the time of COVID-19 - Part 1: Manage

    … to help support these efforts. We’ll be exploring some of the key issues and questions to be addressed, … they evaluate, have to change in response to changing needs, priorities, constraints and opportunities. This … evaluation can be completed safely and meet the changing needs of programmes and staff. This blog will focus on the …
  • Hiring M&E staff - Guidelines and tools for locating and hiring strong monitoring & evaluation candidates

    … outlines a step-by-step process for identifying evaluation needs and hiring staff to ensure quality program evaluation … locate and hire M&E staff members that fully meet their needs and, ultimately, increase the quality of M&E programming. This module outlines key steps to guide …
  • Adaptive management project

    … development, this series is relevant to wider areas of public good activity, especially in a time of global pandemic, uncertainty and an increasing need for … is adaptive management? To some extent, all management needs to be adaptive – meaning that implementation does not …
  • Rainbow Framework

    … Framework organises these methods and processes in terms of the tasks that are often undertaken in M&E. The range of tasks are organised into seven colour-coded clusters that … plan an M&E activity by prompting you to think about each of these tasks in turn, and select a combination of methods …
    Rainbow Framework
  • Cambio más significativo

    El enfoque del Cambio Más Significativo (MSC, por sus siglas en inglés) implica generar y analizar relatos personales de cambio y decidir cuál de estos es el más importante, y por qué.
  • The Synthesis Problem

    … slideshow, from a presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) by Michael … Scriven and E. Jane Davidson, outlines the the types of synthesis that can be used to reach overall evaluation … also examines the issues that may be faced when using each of the different types of synthesis. Contents Types of
  • Theories and Indicators of Change: Concepts and Primers for Conflict Management and Mitigation

    … for USAID , provides detailed guidance on using theories of change,  with a particular emphasis on conflict management … As a practitioner, you draw upon your experience and that of others to create ways to catalyze or facilitate such … in which ways to create the desired outcome. “A theory of change explains why we think certain actions will produce …
  • Jason Davies data viz examples

    … Jason Davies' website contains a large number of data viz examples, particular around geo data. It also … Jason Davies, freelance software engineer, London Year of publication n.a. Type of resource Website Key features Jason's website contains a …
  • What is a Dashboard? Defining dashboards, visual analysis tools and other data presentation media

    … The Dashboard Insight website contains a number of useful articles, examples and guides on the subject of Organizational Dashboards. This resource and the following … 'Sandy' Chiang, Research Director, Dashboard Insight Year of publication 2011 Type of resource Website Key features A …
  • How to Design Effective Dashboards

    … their affiliation Tobias Komischke, Infragistics Inc. Year of publication 2015 Type of resource Guide Key features A one hour webinar on … Who is this resource useful for? Commissioners/managers of evaluation Evaluators Those involved in evaluation …
  • On the Right Track? A brief review of monitoring and evaluation in the humanitarian sector.

    … Authors and their affiliation Saul Guerrero at the time of writing was the Senior Evaluations, Learning and … Action Against Hunger UK (ACFUK). He is now the Director of Technical Expertise and Research at ACF USA. Sophie Woodhead at the time of writing was part of Action Against Hunger’s Evaluation, …
  • Summary of Qualitative Research Findings from Rural Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health in Vietnam

    … to neo-natal care practices, care seeking and treatment of pneumonia and diarrhoea, hand washing and water treatment … research findings were then utilized to inform the design of a C4D framework, to be used to inform the design, implementation and monitoring/evaluation of effective, evidence-based maternal, newborn and child …
  • Storyboard Logic Models Activity

    … Evaluation Collective gives a steps by step run down of how to use storyboards to engage people in telling their … and their affiliation Action Evaluation Collective Year of publication n.d. Type of resource Guide Key features This two page guide begins …
  • RQ+ Research Quality Plus. A Holistic Approach to Evaluating Research

    … Independent Evaluator & Honorary Professor, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa Thomas Schwandt -  Professor, University Of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA Colleen Duggan -  Senior … Centre, Canada & Lead Evaluator, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada Year of publication  2016 Type of
  • Feminist Evaluation and Research: Theory and Practice

    … This book provides an overview of feminist theory and research strategies as well as detailed discussions of how to use a feminist lens, practical steps and challenges … Brisolara, Denise Seigart, and Saumitra SenGupta. Year of publication  2014 Type of resource Overview Key features …
  • Feminist Issues in Evaluation - AEA Thematic Interest Group

    … broadening the discussions within the AEA to include range of related feminist, gender, human rights, social justice, … to the annual AEA conference through the sponsoring of sessions and professional development workshops, and … Evaluation Association Feminist TIG Leadership Team Year of publication  N/A Type of resource Website Key features …
  • Technology for Evaluation in Fragile and Conflict Affected States: An Introduction for the Digital Immigrant Evaluator

    … determine which technology may be useful in various phases of an evaluation. It provides a 5-step decision filter for … G. Patel (The Fletcher School, Tufts University). Year of publication  2016 Type of resource Guide Key features The paper presents four …
  • Gender Statistics Database

    … European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) Year of publication  2016 Type of resource Website Key features The database contains … Who is this resource useful for? Commissioners/managers of evaluation Evaluators Those involved in evaluation …
  • DHS Program’s Gender Corner

    … The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program Year of publication  n.d. Type of resource Website Key features Since 1984, The Demographic … and household data can be analysed by sex of household head, in addition to household size and …
  • Visual research methods

    … web page from Learn Higher  provides links to a variety of resources on Image-based research. The resources include papers that focus on the theory of using images for research through projects that … links to software that can be used to support the analysis of images for research purposes.  Contents General About …
  • Utilization-Focused Evaluation

    … week BetterEvaluation is highlighting the wide variety of resources that are available to those who'd like to learn … and conducted in ways that enhance the likely utilization of both the findings and of the process itself to inform decisions and improve …
  • GEF Evaluation Office ethical guidelines

    … to ensure ethical considerations were adopted in the case of conflict of interest situations and that the rights of stakeholders were dealt with in an ethical manner. …
  • Danida Evaluation Guidelines

    … Development Cooperation.   Excerpt "The primary purpose of the Evaluation Guidelines is to communicate to partners and external consultants Danida’s expectations of the quality of evaluations. They constitute a framework built on …
  • Evaluating development activities: 12 lessons from the OECD DAC

    … Having a well-established evaluation system is one of the conditions of becoming a member of the OECD's Development Assistance Committee, and systems …
  • Behind the Scenes: Managing and Conducting Large Scale Impact Evaluations in Colombia

    … Columbia to benchmark each evaluation against 11 standards of quality. From this exercise “five key lessons for … [are derived]: (1) investing in the preparation of good terms of reference and identification of evaluation questions; (2) …
  • Interactive Evaluation Practice - Mastering the Interpersonal Dynamics of Program Evaluation

    … particular evaluation goals, especially in formal meetings of an evaluation. It has lots of practical, down-to-earth advice, including conversation … are available for viewing: Chapter 4: The nuts and bolts of evaluation conversations Chapter 9: The evaluator is in …
  • C4D: Participatory Matrix

    … Participation is a fundamental element of C4D, and should, where possible and appropriate, be incorporated into RM&E as a means of developing effective, innovative and sustainable C4D. … be engaged for different purposes and at different phases of RM&E planning and implementation. Participation in the …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Terms of Use

    … BetterEvaluation (we, our or us). BetterEvaluation is part of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), which is hosted by … program managed by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank Group (WBG), maintains this website as a … to access the Site ("Users"). These Terms and Conditions of Use & Privacy Policy, including any guidelines and future …