
1315 results

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  • Open Data Kit (ODK)

    … set of software tools for collecting, managing, and using data in resource-constrained environments. Originally … by the University of Washington to help create mobile data services including generating data collection forms, collecting data on a mobile device and …
  • What about administrative data?

    … discusses some of the options for finding administrative data sets for use in evaluation. I've written previously about new types of big data, however alongside these I started to wonder about … some sources still require registration to access). Their collection includes major UK government-sponsored surveys, …
  • Combine qualitative and quantitative data

    … Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative data can improve an evaluation by ensuring that the limitations of one type of data are balanced by the strengths of another. This will … knowing. Most evaluations will collect both quantitative data (numbers) and qualitative data (text, images), however …
    Rainbow Framework
  • What to do with contradictory data?

    … This toolkit focuses on the issue of data integration within mixed methods research. The term … denote research that combines qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis in one study. One of the main issues …
  • Analyzing Qualitative Data for Evaluation

    … This guide describes the qualitative data analysis process, including sections on planning, … analyzing, and advantages and disadvantages of this data. The brief (2009) describes qualitative data as “information in non-numeric form… [that] usually …
  • Archive data for future use

    … Putting systems in place to store de-identified data so that they can be accessed for verification purposes … in the future, researchers can extend the range of the data collection efforts and encourage future innovation and …
  • Federal Data Sharing Policies

    … Association (AEA)  looks at the requirements for data sharing under different federal agencies data sharing policies. The common component discussed is that … Management Plans. The best component of this site is their collection of funder requirements, including those for NIH, …
  • Week 30: Presenting data effectively

    … a series of workshops by Stephanie Evergreen on presenting data effectively. I've walked away with a wealth of knowledge … communicate my message . There are many ways to visualise data and depending on that data, some ways are more appropriate than others. For …
  • Seeking surprise: Rethinking monitoring for collective learning in rural resource management

    … degree of ‘collectiveness’, and depth of analysis. Data gathered through monitoring can assist development …
  • Using Data for Good: The Potential and Peril of Big Data

    … conference on November 14th 2013, discusses the use of big data as a positive tool for change, whilst alos addressing … for the presentation can be accessed here . … Using Data for Good: The Potential and Peril of Big Data
  • An Introduction to Data Mining

    … by Dr. Saed Sayad, includes a detailed classification of data mining methods. Data mining is explained in terms of six stages: Problem Definition > Data Preparation > Data Exploration > Modeling > Evaluation > …
  • An introduction to data mining

    … by Kurt Thearling, provides an extensive overview of data mining and its applications. The page includes specific … examples and links to a tutorial and research papers on data mining. " Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information …
  • Data systems and management

    … and evaluation systems depend on the availability of data. This section explores the availability and quality of administrative data from departments' routine operations, statistical data such as from the national statistical office (NSO), and …
    National M&E Systems
  • Effective data transfer

    … Effective data transfer involves processes to move data between systems, including between software packages, to avoid the need to rekey data.  When transferring data from one program to another, …
  • Data cleaning 101

    … School outlines a step-by-step process for verifying that data values are correct or, at the very least, conform to a set of rules through the use of a data cleaning process. Contents A Sample Data Set Description Of The File Patients.Txt Checking For …
  • The Data Visualisation Catalogue

    …   Severino Ribecca, provides a comprehensive catalogue of data visualisation methods. For each method there is a … to use website that allows you to explore ways to present data in a visual format. The Data Visualisation Catalogue, 2014 … The Data Visualisation …
  • Gender equality and big data: Making gender data visible

    … support from UN Global Pulse, outlines the value of big data for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) … in relation to women. It presents the benefits of big data (for example, real-time data), risks (for example, elite capture and privacy), and …
  • Data visualization checklist

    … Stephanie Evergreen ( Evergreen Data ) and Ann K. Emery have put together this handy … practice in creating strong, visually engaging graphs for data visualisation. It was specifically compiled with … arrangement, and overall design. We also included a data visualization anatomy chart on the last page of the …
  • Using Mobile Data for Development

    … Foundation , provides an examination of the use of mobile data collection in developing countries including how it can be … be faced. Excerpt "Before conducting research with mobile data, one must understand mobile networks and data stores in …
  • Responsible data governance for monitoring and evaluation in the African context

    … both theoretical and practical aspects of responsible data governance in M&E. Authors and their affiliation … CLEAR-Anglophone Africa and MERL Tech. Part 1: Overview of Data Governance focuses on theoretical aspects of data … and groups. Organizations and individuals involved in data collection can apply the principles and guidelines in the …
  • C4D: Synthesise data from a single study or evaluation

    … do that, there needs to be a process of drawing together data and findings (often from descriptive data and causal analysis); and systematic synthesis and … important where there are mixed results from the data, and an overall judgement and weighting needs to be …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Learning from data innovation

    … of using innovative technologies with evaluation data. This resource and the following information was … with a discussion about how an increase in available data and computational capacity has created opportunities to … however, that evaluators avoid the temptation to use a data-driven approach, and instead start with honing good …
  • Facilitate control and data sovereignty

    … communities have the right to exercise control of the data ecosystem relating to them. This includes ownership, … communities retain the right to decide which sets of data require active governance and maintain the right to not participate in data processes. □ Data must be contextual and disaggregated …
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Smart Data Visualization

    … Evergreen, for , outlines the smart use and analyses of data visualisation for program evaluation.  … Smart Data Visualization …
  • Secure data storage

    … Processes to protect electronic and hard copy data in all forms, including questionnaires, interview tapes … from being accessed without authority or damaged. … Secure data storage …
  • Parallel data gathering

    … Qualitative and quantitative data are gathered at the same time. For example, a … observations of the service center. … Parallel data gathering …
  • Considerations for using data responsibly at USAID

    … identifying and understanding risks associated with the collection and use of data. As digitized data becomes more widely available there is a need to balance …
  • C4D: Combine qualitative and quantitative data

    … Frameworks and evaluation/study designs that include the collection both qualitative and quantitative data, are an important strategy for strong and balanced … is important to plan in advance how the different types of data will be combined. Combining different kinds of data
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Data dashboard as evaluation and research communication tool

    … and program staff to design, develop, maintain, and use a data dashboard as an effective communication tool for … Smith, data2insight LLC Key features of this resource on data dashboards A detailed description of data dashboards, including when to use dashboards, process …
  • Big data, big ruse

    … a critique of many of the arguments used to promote big data - in particular concerns that without adequate analysis and visualisation, big data will just increase the problems of monitoring. Contents What the Hell Is Big Data Anyway? Do You Need Big Data? Does Big Data Affect Data
  • Conducting data quality assessments

    … explains the purpose, standards and what is required for a data quality assessment. The five key data quality standards used to assess the quality of data are not only identified, but are explained in more …
  • Big data for development: a primer

    … development and humanitarian communities make sense of Big Data. It explains the concepts and ideas behind using Big Data for social good in an accessible and relevant manner. Contents What is Big Data? Big data in the development world What is "Big Data For …