
1319 results

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  • The World Cafe Online Community

    "The World Cafe is a natural & effective way to host meaningful conversations that awaken collective wisdom & engage collaborative action." (Lenzo, 2012)
  • Protocolo de evaluación del impacto cualitativo

    El Protocolo de Evaluación del Impacto Cualitativo (QuIP, por sus siglas en inglés) es un enfoque de evaluación de impacto que se basa en el Análisis de Contribución.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis (MESA)

    … Conducting a MESA involves intensive consultation and data collection in collaboration with national partners to develop … M&E system, the status of statistical and administrative data; resources available for M&E,how M&E results are …
  • User feedback on the difference between evaluation and research

    … culture and everyday lives, as well as to gather basic data such as demographic information. From the perspective of … the academic sector. Research consultants are essentially data collection and interpretation experts. So I feel that data
  • Impact evaluation of development interventions: a practical guide

    … trials; iv) gives clearer and easier to use guidance on data collection and sample power calculations.  It also offers a …
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 11: Using rubrics

    … the theory of change underpinning the program, how data were collected and analysed, and what was done to report …
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 28: Framing an evaluation: the importance of asking the right questions

    … list of evaluation questions, as well as some other data collection challenges common to these evaluations. We hope … to either the evaluation methods proposed or the level of data available (local, regional, and national). Make sure …
  • Randomised controlled trial

    … of analysis, defined as the unit at which we will collect data and compare outcomes, is usually the individual - for … baseline survey is conducted of the entire target sample. Data are collected on the relevant indicators. The sample is … anemia rates in the rural population? Furthermore, data collection and data analysis are integral parts of the RCT …
  • In-depth interviews

    An in-depth interview is a type of interview with an individual that aims to collect detailed information beyond initial and surface-level answers.
  • C4D Hub: Compare results to a counterfactual (strategy 1)

    … design and randomisation, through to research designs, data collection and analysis.  These pages are recommended … differences and inequities should become apparent through data disaggregations. However, mechanisms to create …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Setting new standards for better MEL: Lessons for grantees & funders

    This brief shares insights from the efforts of The Economic Justice Program (EJP) of the Open Society Foundations' Strategy & Impact Unit to develop a focused, principles‑driven approach to monitoring and evaluation.
  • Terms of Use

    … damages for loss of profits, cost of cover, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses (even if the IEG has been … another accessible page).  Solicit or collect personal data including telephone numbers, addresses, last names, … and may choose to trade with such profiles and statistical data, as long as the profiles or statistical data cannot be …
  • Storyboard Logic Models Activity

    This worksheet by the Action Evaluation Collective gives a steps by step run down of how to use storyboards to engage people in telling their stories. It's focus is on working with and engaging young people in a participatory process.
  • Measures of central tendency

    … a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data with a single value that represents the middle or centre … central tendency: the mean, the median and the mode. When data is normally distributed, the mean, median and mode … are all effective in showing the most typical value of a data set.   It's important to look at the dispersion of a …
  • The John L. Alford case library

    … and New Zealand, the library is now the third-largest collection of public policy and management cases in the … L. Alford Case Library offers users a regularly updated collection of catalogued cases, and is designed as a resource … The John L. Alford Case Library is an open access collection permitting case downloads free of charge. With the …
  • Evaluability assessment template

    … results of the programme verifiable based on the planned collection systems? Would the evaluation be feasible, …
  • Does our theory match your theory? Theories of change and causal maps in Ghana

    This study evaluates a program using Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) and the Causal Map software to collect, code, analyze and visualise stories of change from participants.
  • Transforming a lizard into a cow: Child-led evaluation of the building skills for life programme in Zimbabwe

    … selected evaluation questions, collected and analysed data in order to deliver an assessment of the programme’s …
  • Mining of Massive Datasets

    … University course Mining Massive Datasets. It focuses on data mining of very large amounts of data with a examples generally about data extracted from the web.  The book is free to download …
  • Evaluability assessments are an essential new tool for managers

    … or something more profound like low-quality performance data, a hundred things can turn an evaluation into a … how to improve them.   Indicators:   CGIAR collects data against portfolio-wide output, outcome, and impact … all the way up to   Action Areas . While these data provide funders with a reasonable sense of the …
  • 7 Strategies to improve evaluation use and influence - Part 1

    … to evaluation often move straight to choosing methods for data collection; experienced practitioners and those familiar with … or reduce these barriers.  For example, the technique of data rehearsal can establish what would constitute credible …
  • Evaluation library

    … In many organisations, a print or digital collection of books, manuals and other documents has been …
  • Ferramenta de planejamento ‘Quadro Arco-íris’

    Esta herramienta puede ayudarle a planear una evaluación por que le pide que piense en una serie de preguntas clave.
  • Information is Beautiful

    … Created by David McCandless, a London-based data journalist and information designer, Information is Beautiful  is a team of data viz enthusiasts who create visualisations of complex data, packaging it into beautiful, interesting and useful …
  • Component design

    … to quantitative components and then combines the data at the time of report writing.   Sometimes these components relate to different data sources (for example, qualitative data from key informant interviews, and quantitative data
  • Prioritize and eliminate questions

    This worksheet from Chapter 5 of the Nation
  • Template for evaluation plan

    … Evaluation Design.  Evaluation Framework.  Information and Collection.   Evaluation Resources and Timeframe.  Budget and …
  • El método del caso de éxito

    El Método del Caso de Éxito (SCM, por sus siglas en inglés) implica identificar los casos más y menos exitosos en un programa y examinarlos en detalle.
  • Framework Matrices

    … matrix is a way of summarizing and analyzing qualitative data in a table of rows and columns. It allows for both cross-case as well as sorting data by theme. Typically, individual cases are sorted by row, while themes to which the data have been coded occupy the columns of the matrix. In …
  • Causal map app

    This site includes a range of resources on causal mapping and the use of the causal map app including a guide that covers basic and advanced coding and analysis.
  • Line graph

    … commonly used to display change over time as a series of data points connected by straight line segments on two axes. … the relationship between two sets of values, with one data set always being dependent on the other set. Line graphs are drawn so that the independent data are on the horizontal a-axis (e.g. time) and the …
  • Realist evaluation

    An approach especially to impact evaluation which examines what works for whom in what circumstances through what causal mechanisms, including changes in the reasoning and resources of participants.