
1257 results

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  • Master in Educational Research & Evaluation

    … is intended to prepare graduates for more advanced study of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods and for roles … flexibility to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the field of educational research and evaluation. This … necessary to develop programs that meet their individual needs and interests. … Master in Educational Research & …
    Academic Program
  • Self-assessment

    … can be a useful tool to identify professional development needs and to plan the composition of evaluation teams. These are often done with reference to a list of competencies . Other times they can be done with reference …
  • Consider the implications of the resources available and specific constraints

    … or to manage an external contractor Time and goodwill of other stakeholders who will be involved in the evaluation … findings are needed to inform decisions Poor reputation of evaluation due to previous experiences Difficulties in … Possible implications: Evaluation might no longer meet the needs of the primary intended users How to manage these …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • C4D: Develop planning documents (evaluation plans and M&E frameworks)

    … that reflect these decisions. This task covers two types of planning documents: Evaluation (or Research/ Study) Plans … processes. The specific steps that support the development of the evaluation planning documents are: Scope the … Plan. This ensures that these documents respond to local needs, questions and contexts. Complex C4D is generally …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Oxfam GB Haiti progress report

    … This progress report from Oxfam GB, is a detailed example of the format an interim report may take. Contents Provision of safe water and sanitation 9 Economic development and job …
  • Understand the situation

    … to it. This might include identification and analysis of needs, resources, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, … power analysis. A situation analysis can be done as part of planning an intervention before implementation, or during …
    Rainbow Framework
  • Assessing the impact of humanitarian relief assistance – a challenge and an opportunity

    … for Impact Evaluation (3ie)  highlights innovative uses of data and methods to overcome the challenges faced when conducting an evaluation of humanitarian relief program which needs to be done quickly without a valid counterfactual.    …
  • Strange Meeting (and a few comments on teleconferencing)

    … Be embodied. There is facilitaty for images or video of the participants.  … Strange Meeting (and a few comments …
  • Monitoring and evaluating with children

    … on including children in the monitoring and evaluation of development programs. It outlines the steps that need to be taken to involve children in each stage of the evaluation and describes specific examples of techniques that can be used to engage children in the …
  • Resource Pack on Joint Evaluations

    … the  United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG)  comprises of two parts that can be used to plan and conduct joint evaluations.  The first part of the pack consists of a guidance document outlining issues that need to be …
  • Interrogating the theory of change: Evaluating impact investing where it matters most

    … This article uses case examples to demonstrate the value of using theory of change at all levels of impact investing and affirms the importance of
  • The Future of Aid: Building Knowledge Collectively

    … that need to be in place in order to gain the benefits of collective investment in what works.  Excerpt "In this … – not as a replacement for politics, but as means of both learning and accountability. We then argue that … through a collective vehicle like 3ie should be one of their primary activities. Finally, we highlight the …
  • Propriety

    … legally, ethically, and with due regard for the welfare of those involved in it and those affected by its results. … to make obligations explicit and take into account the needs, expectations, and cultural contexts of clients and … be understandable and fair in addressing stakeholder needs and purposes. P5 Transparency and Disclosure …
  • Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes: A Theory of Change

    … Center on the Developing Child  demonstrates how a theory of change was developed for improving child outcomes through the development of adult capabilities.   "It describes the need to focus on building the capabilities of caregivers and strengthening the communities that together …
  • Eliminating chartjunk

    … This slideshow from Scott St. George of the   University of Minnesota, highlights the need to eliminate unwanted elements from graphs and charts.  Using a range of examples to demonstrate what not to do and how to keep …
  • Outcomes, impacts & causal attribution: Affordable, practical, feasible options for the real world

    … at the Auckland anzea symposium gives an overview of causation and modus operandi. Contents Causation, outcomes …
  • Mentoring matters

    … & Information Service webpage provides an overview of the importance and benefits of a good mentoring program. Contents What Is Mentoring? Who Needs Mentoring? What Does a Mentor Do? What Does a Mentee …
  • C4D: Manage

    … Manage is one of the seven clusters of tasks in the Rainbow Framework. Managing R,M&E involves …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Monitoring and evaluating policy influence and advocacy

    … and Melinda Gates Foundation staff approach the evaluation of their policy-advocacy work.  It details the evolution of M&E in advocacy and policy influence, discusses the theories and approaches of how interventions are designed to work, presents some …
  • Democratic governance and evaluation

    … ways. It offers a discussion centred around the evaluation of three general democratic governance models and the implications of leading democratic evaluations. Extract " Since governance … there is a need to illuminate and discuss the role of evaluation. Evaluation is to most people thought of as a …
  • Impact investing: Transforming how we make money while making a difference

    … to impact investing concepts, the history and growth of impact investing, and examples of impact investing. It discusses the disruption of existing philanthropic vs profit-making investment systems …
  • Carrying out qualitative research under lockdown – Practical and ethical considerations

    … contact with participants. Bringing together a number of previous studies, he also suggests such techniques have … Authors and their affiliation Adam Jowett, Associate Head of the School of Psychological, Social & Behavioural Sciences at Coventry …
  • Partnerships for Environmental Public Health: Evaluation Metrics Manual

    … This manual from the  National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is aimed at providing program staff and grantees examples of tangible metrics that can be used in the planning, … Materials. This file can be modified to fit the needs of the instructor." (National Institute of
  • Conflict-sensitive approaches to development practice.

    … Leonhardt for Safer World  provides a critical overview of different approaches used by a variety of groups in conflict-prone and affected areas. The paper highlights a broad range of different options being used while also identifying their …
  • C4D: Understand causes and contributions

    … Understand Causes is one of the seven clusters of R,M&E tasks in the Rainbow Framework. Most evaluations …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Master of Arts in Grant Writing, Management, and Evaluation

    … is designed to address the growing multidisciplinary needs of researchers and practitioners working in diverse … professional settings through collaboration across fields of the arts, business, education, social and human services, …
    Academic Program
  • Specialization in Education Curriculum and Instruction, with a focus on Measurement and Evaluation

    … with an opportunity to develop competencies in areas of special needs and interests. Consequently, the major has few required courses, and each student’s program of study is individually planned in consultation with a …
    Academic Program
  • California county scorecard of children's well-being

    … website from Children Now provides an interactive display of statistics reporting on the wellbeing of children in California. It uses 38 indicators to rank child well-being in each of California's 58 Counties. Statistics are accessible by …
  • Doctorate in Educational Research & Evaluation

    … necessary to develop programs that meet their individual needs and interests. Students are encouraged to develop their program of study in consultation with their advisor to include …
    Academic Program
  • Certificate in Project Monitoring & Evaluation

    … the demand for higher accountability and transparency of development-related project funding also increases. Future funding hinges on the clarity of demonstrated program performance. Employees who specialize …
    Academic Program
  • Contractual agreement

    … Contracts should state clearly the purpose and questions of the evaluation, the agreed deliverables and timelines, the obligations of each party (in terms of services to be provided and ethical obligations, including …
  • Introducing the Evaluating Communicating for Development (C4D) Resource Hub

    … Jessica Noske-Turner introduces a newly launched section of the BetterEvaluation website - the Evaluating C4D Resource … evaluation (RM&E) that are consistent with the values and needs of Communication for Development (C4D). An online … contexts had a significant influence over the different needs of different teams. A few opportunities arose to …