
1273 results

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  • A toolkit for monitoring and evaluation of gender-based violence

    … in restricted settings. How have you used or intend on using this resource? This resource was piloted by intended … strengthening their M&E work and reducing their reliance on donors and partners for M&E capacity. … A toolkit for …
  • Causal pathways

    … A causal pathways perspective on evaluation focuses on understanding how, why, and under what conditions change … evaluation might be best understood as a perspective on evaluation, which can draw on a combination of existing …
  • Diagnostic tool for a monitoring and evaluation systems analysis (MESA) - Guidance Note

    … in gathering, structuring and analyzing information on the current capacity of their country's M&E ecosystem. The … it is important to have essential background information on the country, such as socioeconomic variables, the … overall public sector management capacity with focus on planning, budgeting and M&E systems:  This includes …
  • EvalYouth Annual Evaluation Virtual Conference

    Objective(s): provide high-quality and cost-effective opportunities for YEEs to improve their skills in evaluation.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Evaluating your nonprofit's lobbyist

    This guide provides eight key activities that organisations should use to evaluate the effectiveness of their lobbyist. 
  • Analysis of variance and design of experiments

    … from Penn State University, provides 12 lessons focusing on various aspects of this option. The course includes … quantitative and qualitative factors, random and fixed effects, split plot and repeated measures designs, crossover … ANOVA Model Lesson 4: Multi-Factor ANOVA Lesson 5: Random Effects and Introduction to Mixed Models Lesson 6: …
  • Combining the ‘best of two worlds’ in monitoring and evaluation of capacity development

    In this chapter, David Watson compares and contrasts conventional results-based approaches with more innovative M & E options and demonstrates how these combine 'the best of two worlds.'
  • Aid delivery methods: Project cycle management guidelines

    These guidelines from the European Commission have been prepared to support ongoing improvements in the quality of development assistance.
  • Qualitative impact assessment protocol (QuIP)

    … the approach. QuIP is designed to act as a "reality check" on whether activities have intended effects and/or unintended consequences. It's noted as a …
  • Developing a research agenda for impact evaluation

    … readily visible (see  the recent  comments by Drew Cameron on an earlier blog post which provide details about the … Recommendations for evaluation practice are rarely based on evidence about when these recommendations would be useful … and intended impacts. Within this broad scope, research on impact evaluation, then, needs to look at: (1) the …
  • Identify who are the primary intended users of the evaluation and what will they use it for

    … are made with attention being paid to their likely effect on the utilization of the evaluation. The primary  intended …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Discussion note: Complexity aware monitoring

    … unfold. Projects (or parts of projects) that rely heavily on adaptive management to steer effectively in dynamic … are likely candidates for complexity-aware monitoring. On the other hand, projects that deliver services, or roll …
  • Economic analysis of investment operations – Analytical tools and practical applications

    This guide presents information about different tools for economic evaluation.
  • Other relevant national policies

    … Policies not exclusively focused on M&E can also help create an enabling environment that …
  • Innovations in evaluation: How to choose, develop and support them

    … eight long standing challenges in evaluation. It builds on a webinar delivered by Patricia Rogers in May 2018 as a … methods and systems are not enough, you need to draw on innovations in evaluation. Innovation does not always mean … innovation:  Data rehearsal ) Checking for equity effects (featured innovation:  Disaggregating data ) …
  • Meta-analysis

    Meta-analysis is a statistical method for combining numeric evidence from experimental (and sometimes quasi-experimental studies) to produce a weighted average effect size.  
  • Audit institutions

    Audit institutions are bodies that assess the efficiency, effectiveness, and use of resources in governmental programs.
  • Scientifically based evaluation methods

    … evaluation methods, resulting in fruitless expenditures on some large contracts while leaving other public programs …
  • Value for Money: A Plan to Develop a Methodology to Audit Environmental Issues

    … before they happen. Excerpt "The impacts of change on the natural environment are complex and a major concern. … is an urgent need to improve our understanding of the effects of economic and social developments on the environment Chile’s environmental policy is based on
  • Community scoping

    … Community Profiles can also be used to provide information on the level of interest community members may have in …
  • Executive Diploma in Project Evaluation

    … as well as practical and technical subjects. With a focus on strategy, it demonstrates how to assess a competitive …
    Academic Program
  • Rethinking impact evaluation for development - IDS special issue

    … organised by IDS in March 2013. The articles focus on different elements of impact evaluation and its challenges … policy have all served to reinvigorate a focus on measurement and evaluation. As a consequence, particular … Oscar Garcia and Juha I. Uitto (pages 65–76) Some Thoughts on Development Evaluation Processes. Ole Winckler Andersen …
  • How to Write a Press Release

    This webpage from WikiHow outlines a step by step process for writing effective press releases.
  • Eight Strategies for Research to Practice

    … in development practice.  The strategies are based on a growing body of evidence which explains how to plan, …
  • Doctorate in Educational Research and Evaluation

    The main goal of the program is to provide a comprehensive education for evaluators and leaders who can effectively integrate various inquiry methods and apply them to address research and evaluative questions in a practical manner.
    Academic Program
  • Master of Education in Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics and Assessment (MESA)

    This online program provides rigorous training in quantitative methodologies, and addresses the current industry-wide shortage of individuals capable of functioning effectively in educational research and other social science research settings.
    Academic Program
  • Guidance

    Guidance documents help to standardise and streamline processes within and across organisations.
    National M&E Systems
  • The role of evaluation in USAID

    … and participatory evaluation processes Emphasis on using rapid appraisal technique Key Steps in Planning And …
  • Organisational capacity

    … creating an environment where M&E is not just an add-on or afterthought but is embedded within governmental …
    National M&E Systems
  • The River Chart

    … rubric which records ten key measures of performance on a 1 to 5 scale. This information is relatively easy to plot on a graph, by placing each measure on the x-axis and the … in an organisation, or self-assessment forms from every student in a class) onto the same chart, the data points …
  • Enabling environment

    The enabling environment refers to the conditions that support the effective functioning and sustainability of M&E practices within a country.
    National M&E Systems
  • Capacity strengthening plans

     A capacity-strengthening plan sets out concrete planned actions to enhance the abilities of individuals, organisations, and systems to perform M&E functions effectively and sustainably.
    National M&E Systems