
1319 results

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  • Ushahidi

    Ushahidi is an open-source mapping and crowdsourcing tool that can be used by organizations to collect, manage and analyse crowdsourced info.
  • Using sense maker to understand girls' lives: lessons learnt from girl hub

    … This 4-page brief discusses how Girl Hub used a story collection research methodology called SenseMaker to help …
  • Share benefits and apply two-way learning

    … positive transformation for and of communities. □ All data and reports produced in relation to the evaluation must be made available for the use of communities. □ Data must be relevant to the community and empower … □ Discuss with community members how the findings of the data could be presented visually or through other relevant …
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Summary statistics

    … Summary statistics provide a quick summary of data and are particularly useful for comparing one project to … information about how much variation there is in the data, including the range and the standard deviation. … …
  • Dot plot

    … Dot plots encode single data points with circles, often on a line. While a bar on a … pretest scores and posttest scores. According to prominent data visualisation scholars, dots on a line is the easiest …
  • Emerging Opportunities: Monitoring and Evaluation in a Tech-Enabled World

    … and communication technologies (ICTs) for more timely data, and more inclusive voice and feedback from … Areas to explore Random routes Reconstructing baseline data Improving sample design Enhancing rating scales Concept … and tool-driven M&E prcoesses Over reliance on digital data Low institutional capacity and resistance to change …
  • Open refine (formerly google refine) – The tool of the year for evaluators!

    … can be used to calculate frequencies and multi-tabulate data from large datasets and clean up your data. "The following are a few examples of how I have used … (i.e., income) and location (i.e., county). 2) Cleaning up data that it is inconsistent, since people have sometimes …
  • Améliorer la performance organisationnelle: Manuel d'auto-évaluation

    Ce manuel présente un modèle d'auto-évaluation organisationnelle novateur et opportunément éprouvé.
  • Présentation des stratégies d'attribution causale

    L’un des éléments essentiels d’une évaluation d’impact est qu’il ne s’agit pas seulement de mesurer ou de décrire les changements survenus, mais également de comprendre le rôle joué par certaines interventions particulières (programmes ou p
  • Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings

    We are collecting examples of good practice in evaluation and are particularly seeking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander material that has been shared informally or is in the public domain but is not very visible. The aim is for those conducting or…
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Tenir compte des aspects importants du sujet de l’évaluation

    Le sujet de l’évaluation a une incidence sur la manière dont il devrait être évalué. Il est utile de cerner certains aspects du sujet de l’évaluation et de s’assurer qu’ils sont pris en compte dans la conception de l’évaluation.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Specialization in Integral Evaluation of Social Development Programs and Policies

    … enabling them to effectively gather and analyze data to improve program performance and make informed …
    Academic Program
  • Timeline of project activities: Early childhood nutrition and anaemia prevention project

    … this Summary Report presents a large amount of non-numeric data effectively through the use of a timeline of the … in Appendix 1 of the report, presents the qualitative data in a clean and easy-to-follow manner. A vertical …
  • Easy bullet charts in Excel

    … This blog post from Stephanie Evergreen of Evergreen Data  provides step-by-step guidance on creating bullet … ass for showing part-to-whole relationships for single data points, especially in long lists of metrics, like …
  • Certificate in Program and Organizational Evaluation

    … as well as in the interpretation and communication of data. Individuals will learn practical skills that can be put … certificate is offered in collaboration with the Data Analytics program and the Departments of Education, …
    Academic Program
  • Interviewing

    … or life impacts; generating themes to summarize the data; or not undertaking significant analysis but instead using interview quotes to illustrate quantitative data. This brief outlines key issues to consider in planning … into account the purpose of the evaluation, how interview data aim to complement other data for assessing impact, and …
  • National M&E policies

    … Evaluative criteria: what values will be used to interpret data evaluatively – for example, whether monitoring data will be compared to internally set targets, targets … – for example, who will  be responsible for data quality in monitoring systems  or for providing public …
  • Predicting the Future With Social Media

    In this paper, Sitaram Asur and Bernardo A. Huberman argue that it is possible to use social media to predict real-world outcomes by analysing the chatter from twitter on specific topics.
  • Approaches to working with framework matrices (NVivo 10)

    … matrices in NVivo for the analysis of qualitative data. It covers the steps taken to prepare data prior to matrix creation, as well as gives information and tips about summarizing data into matrix cells. Contents Choose what you want to show …
  • Memos and journals for analysis

    … record-keeping, and rigour throughout qualitative data analysis. While the term 'memo' means different things … of the research to completion. Extracting meaning from the data: Helping the researcher "to articulate, explore, … and challenge their interpretations when examining data. Similarities and differences are identified, …
  • Préciser les responsabilités du gestionnaire de l’évaluation et des évaluateurs

    Le gestionnaire de l’évaluation est souvent, mais pas systématiquement, le gestionnaire de projet ou de programme, le responsable des programmes de l’organisme, le responsable de la Section de l’évaluation ou bien un autre membre de cette section (ou…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Distribution and learnings

    … the results accessible. Archive the evaluation report and data (if appropriate).  Use effective strategies to support … video etc. Archive of evaluation reports and/or evaluation data Evaluation use documentation … Distribution and learnings …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Interactive mapping

    … around, identifying specific features, querying underlying data such as by topic or a specific indicator (e.g., … uses the GIS (Global Information System) to show pinpoint data on a map. Working in a system of layers, the different … to improve the display of a large amount of comple x data.  Some of these features include: The ability to create …
  • General Elimination Methodology

    … produce the results Brainstorming 2. Gather and analyze data to see if the possible alternative explanations can be … and hence their income and well-being.  If you had data that showed they had had an increase in their annual … from the summer crops. Then you would gather and analyze data to see if these possible alternative explanations could …
  • Master of Science in Applied Psychology, with emphasis in
    Evaluation Research

    … focuses on the development of critical thinking and data driven assessment and decision making. It provides … Graduates of the program have the applied research and data analysis skills to prepare them for a wide-range of …
    Academic Program
  • Practical considerations for leading and working on a mixed methods project

    … teamwork; the need to allow for extra time; issues around data analysis and integration; and publishing from mixed … Analysing, interpreting and integrating different data Publishing from mixed options projects … Practical …
  • Sinopsis: estrategias de atribución causal

    Uno de los aspectos esenciales de una evaluación de impacto es que no solo mide o describe cambios que han ocurrido, sino que también procura entender la función de determinadas intervenciones (es decir, programas o políticas) en la generac
  • RCT on a civic education program and the impact on voter behaviour by Search for Common Ground

    … Hub sits within BetterEvaluation and houses a growing collection of the available guides, toolkits, tools and … :  quasi-experimental designs  provide quantitative data, which is a valued form of evidence in development …
  • Delaying Child Marriage through Community-Based Skills-Development Programs for Girls

    … Hub sits within BetterEvaluation and houses a growing collection of the available guides, toolkits, tools and … :  quasi-experimental designs  provide quantitative data, which is a valued form of evidence in development …
  • Plantilla y guía práctica para la evaluación del desempeño gubernamental

    "Esta guía [ y el tablero] puede ser utilizada por cualquier empleado/a público, pero ha sido diseñada principalmente para aquellos/as que trabajan en el análisis de información y datos de las agencias y corporaciones en áreas tales como pl
  • Equitable evaluation framework

    What if evaluative practice was not only about something but for something? This session explored the origins and impetus for the Equitable Evaluation Framework and how its three principles ask evaluation to:
  • Children in Focus: A Manual for Participatory Research with Children

    … of children in societies.  The overall aim is to provide data that can be used to develop child focused programs and … methods 97 Filed based learning 155 What to do with the data 167 Future activities in applied research with children …