
1257 results

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  • GIS for disaster recovery

    … in Aceh after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. "Within days of the devastation, the United Nations (UN) set up a … Center (HIC) in Sumatra. Based in tents in the heart of the catastrophe, HIC collected data from the Indonesian … First Response GIS Aids Emergency Workers Meeting Changing Needs GIS in Aceh Province Today … GIS for disaster recovery …
  • Guide to Lifeline, a Tiny Tool

    … is a tool that helps participants assess how the quality of their life has changed over a period and what contributed … positively and negatively to that change. Lifeline is one of the Tiny Tools developed by NGO-Impact on Development, … come to understand what led to this change, become aware of how they can influence developments, and come to …
  • Observation as an evaluation technique

    … This web page from Evaluation Trust gives a clear overview of observation as an evaluation tool and includes tips on how … that need to take place beforehand about the role of the observer, and the large amount of data which it produces. Different types of observation: …
  • AEA365: Laurie Stevahn and Jean King on Essential Competencies for Effective Qualitative Evaluators

    … Stevahn (Seattle University) and Jean King (University of Minnesota) discuss what might go into a list of core competencies of evaluators, synthesising four existing competency lists:  …
  • Institutional review board

    … to review the technical and ethical dimensions of a research or evaluation project.  Evaluators often … put their evaluations to an IRB or not. In the field of academia and research, the answer is a clear - yes. In the field of evaluation, it is less clear. However, if your evaluation …
  • Doctorate in Organizational Leadership, Policy,and Development, with emphasis in Evaluation Studies

    … evaluator, evaluation researcher, or educator in a variety of settings. In this program, students will hone an interdisciplinary set of skills for designing and implementing effective evaluation … confidence. Students will gain experience in a full array of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods, and will …
    Academic Program
  • Incorporating people's values in development: Weighting alternatives

    … monitor interventions and outcomes. "In the measurement of multidimensional well-being, weights aim to capture the relative importance of each component to a person’s overall well-being. The choice of weights needs to be explicit and could be used to incorporate …
  • Week 26: Weighing people’s values in evaluation

    … Or perhaps employment or security is at the forefront of your mind at the moment. What about the environment or … to be carefully developed, tested and adapted to different needs and contexts. The fact that the health sector already … available to do it in a rigorous way, and careful thought needs to be given to selecting an appropriate method that is …
  • OECD’s Data Portal, full of interactive dataviz, now in public beta

    … need to get to information first, and takes advantage of everything (short of video) a web browser can do without requiring massive bandwidth. Excerpt "One of the strongest features in the Portal is the ability both …
  • Evaluating, measuring, monitoring and benchmarking

    … This paper from the New Nature of Business  (archived link) provides a detailed list of tools that can be used to assess the impact of a business … of the tools available the paper suggests that there needs to be further development of more context specific …
  • A methodology for conducting rapid evidence reviews

    … Institute (OHRI) , is aimed at developing an understanding of the need for, and utility of, rapid reviews (RR) as a useful knowledge synthesis … It looks at the OHRI methodology with regards to the use of RRs and provides discussion of practical issues in …
  • 10 things to know about evaluation

    … about what it is - and how it should be used. In support of the International Year of Evaluation 2015, the Overseas Development Institute put … Evaluation Methods Lab and their long-running coordination of the Outcome Mapping Learning Community. The blog, …
  • M&E roundtable: what can we learn from evaluations? Exploring the generalizability of evaluation findings

    … highlights the theoretical and practical considerations of applying evaluation lessons in different contexts. Over … discussion on the ‘external validity’ or generalizability of evaluation findings. As part of the broader push for ‘evidence based policy making’, …
  • Transforming Evaluation Practice to Support Social Innovation

    … a) contribute to understanding the complexities of an innovation, b) are adaptive and responsive to new and … results on the uses, conditions, tensions, and benefits of engaging in developmental evaluation, and challenge the … how we must re-envision the role, purpose, and processes of evaluation so that it fits social innovation." … …
  • Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) / Participatory learning for action (PLA)

    A participatory approach that enables farmers to analyse their own situation and develop a common perspective on natural resource management and agriculture at village level.
  • Toonlet

    … creating characters and then placing them into the panels of a cartoon with appropriate text. closed down … Then it is possible to create a cartoon in a series of panels, adding text as needed. It is important to be alert … it is intended to be humorous. High resolution versions of the cartoons can be downloaded for printing purposes. Full …
  • Combining the ‘best of two worlds’ in monitoring and evaluation of capacity development

    … M & E options and demonstrates how these combine 'the best of two worlds.' "The term ‘monitoring and evaluation’ (M&E) … to demystify the term and argues that this function needs a broader interpretation and can be seen as an integral … organizations or systems." (Watson, 2010) Contents Notions of capacity: ‘Reductionism’ to ‘systems thinking’ Case study …
  • Living into developmental evaluation: Reflections on changing practice

    … & James L. Knight Foundation on a developmental evaluation of its Community Information Challenge project – a 5-year, … responsive to emerging client interests and information needs, in ways that reflect a strategic learning and …
  • Evaluation education in a world in transformation: The way forward

    … In this webinar, Dr Marcia Joppert presents the results of her doctoral dissertation; a study about mapping … evaluation education opportunities globally and analysis of how they align with the skills of transformational evaluators and the needs of young and emerging evaluators (YEEs). The webinar, …
  • PhotoVoice: Participatory Photography for Social Change

    … that achieve meaningful improvements in the lives of participants.   We Design and develop participatory … photographic projects specific to communities, issues and needs Promote the imagery produced in the projects through …
  • Sequential sampling

    … size, n, is not fixed in advanced, nor is the timeframe of data collection. Initially developed as a tool for product … control, the process begins, first, with the sampling of a single observation or a group of observations. These are then tested to see whether or not …
  • Interim reports

    … Interim reports are scheduled according to the specific needs of your evaluation users, often halfway through the execution of a project. The interim report is necessary to let a …
  • Making causal claims

    … perspective on causality. That one can still speak of the intervention making a difference in the sense that the intervention was a necessary element of a package of causal factors that together were sufficient to bring …
  • Indigenous evaluation framework: Telling our story in our place and time

    … This book discusses the efforts of American Indian and Alaskan Native (AIAN) communities to … and K–12 schools. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining, restoring, and preserving their values, … practices that reflect Indigenous values and ways of knowing, as well as the importance of incorporating …
  • Feasibility

    … and efficient with resources. Feasibility is one of the clusters of evaluation standards produced by the Joint Committee on … and balance the cultural and political interests and needs of individuals and groups. F4 Resource Use Evaluations …
  • Solomon Islands national monitoring and evaluation systems strengthening strategy 2024-2028

    … and non-governmental and academic institutions of the Solomon Islands. This strategy emerged from … institutional processes, and building capacities of individuals and professional associations for … a comprehensive and broad vision for enhancing a culture of evidence use in the country. A stronger M&E system will …
  • The African evaluation guidelines: 2002

    … Association (AfrEA) provides a brief description of the guidelines and a series of checklists to assist with the planning, implementation and … to ensure that an evaluation will serve the information needs of intended users and be owned by stakeholders . …
  • Some nuts and bolts questions about coding

    … This guest blog by Helen Marshall springs from discussions of the Qualitative Interest Group (QIG) that … with large amounts of material. Think in terms of your needs and the purposes of your research to set up a filing … how best to manage your data - this will depend on your needs, the tools you can access and the purposes of your …
  • Blue Marble Evaluation

    … global initiative focused on training the next generation of evaluators to Think Globally, Act Globally and Evaluate Globally.  The website includes a number of free resources, including case studies, recorded webinars, … was launched by Utilization-Focused Evaluation in the Fall of 2015 with a generous pilot grant from the Faster Forward …
  • Transcribe

    … very useful tool if you need to transcribe a small amount of data and don't have access to some of the more professional, downloadable transcription software … An audio player will open up. You can control the playback of the audio file using these handy shortcuts (Mac …
  • C4D: Sample

    … but in most cases, it will be necessary to take a sample of projects, sites, events, or people. Deciding on sampling strategies is an important part of an R,M&E design. The decision should be strategic and well-considered, informed by the purpose, the nature of the initiative, the nature and requirements of particular …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Understand and engage stakeholders

    … provides a detailed description, methods and advice of a general nature. This page is a recommended background … task when taking a participatory approach to R,M&E of C4D. A participatory approach, as advocated in the C4D … stakeholders with different values and information needs. Learning-based To effectively implement the C4D …
    Communication for Development (C4D)