
1273 results

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  • The art and craft of bricolage in evaluation

    … evaluation methods. The paper provides a framework based on a review of 33 methods to support evaluators to be more …
  • Master in Evaluation and Public Policies

    This interdisciplinary program aims to train researchers in the field of public policy evaluation, providing them with theoretical and methodological bases.
    Academic Program
  • What is a Community of Practice?

    … platform, interact regularly over long periods of time on a common topic of shared interest with the goal of …
  • Master of Arts in Public Policy & Evaluation

    … and learned separately. The program places strong emphasis on the politics of outcome evaluation; you’ll develop an …
    Academic Program
  • Developmental evaluation

    This webpage from Tamarack Community provides links to audio files of an interview between Mark Cabaj and Michael Patton in which they discuss the topic of development evaluation.
  • System Mapping: A case example

    Innovation Network has used syst
  • Multivariate descriptive

    Multivariate descriptive statistics involves analysing relationships between more than two variables.
  • Recognition of good practice

    Recognition of good practice can serve as a formal mechanism to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding achievements in the field of M&E, incentivising excellence and innovation among practitioners and organisations.
    National M&E Systems
  • Impact evaluation: challenges to address

    … areas the BetterEvaluation team is particularly focusing on in terms of Research & Development and Evaluation Capacity … ‘positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or … looking only at relatively short-term, intended direct effects.  Better impact evaluation will pay serious attention …
  • Week 44: Anecdote as epithet - Rumination #1 from qualitative research and evaluation methods

    … in each chapter.   In these ruminations, Patton reflects on issues that he explains have “persistently engaged, … evaluation practice.  In these ruminations I state my case on the issue and make my peace with it.”  Because these … a graduate seminar at Stanford. The occasion was a student’s dismissal of a simple factual statement—by another …
  • Using Phone Interviews

    … the key findings of a study which attempted to shed light on the interactional differences between phone and … differences in telephone and face-to-face interviews Effects on the spoken interaction Effects on the spoken interaction Rapport and social …
  • Participatory monitoring, evaluation, reflection and learning for community-based adaptation manual

    … from Care International , provides detailed guidance on the use of a Monitoring, Evaluation, Reflection & Learning … the objectives remain the right ones." Tools Guidance on selecting tools 57 Tool 1: Shared learning dialogues 58 … A tool for  understanding changing rainfall  patterns and effects on livelihoods 82 Tool 14: Quarterly Reflection …
  • Evaluation of international development interventions: An overview of approaches and methods

    … and constraints of budget, data, and time Building on theory." Evaluation approaches and methods in development …
  • A balanced approach to monitoring and evaluating capacity and performance

    … European Centre for Development Policy Management focuses on how capacity develops endogenously within an organisation …
  • Engage team

    … as detailed guidance and forms. Involve Procurement early on in making these decisions and ask about the specific forms …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Evaluation status update template

    … purpose is to provide a structured format for reporting on the status of evaluation activities, budget utilization, … We have used it to provide regular updates to stakeholders on the progress of an evaluation project. The structured …
  • Standard on Evaluation for the Government of Canada

    … and utility of evaluations in order to provide direction on what is required to produce an acceptable evaluation. … 9.2 Related policy instruments/publications … Standard on Evaluation for the Government of Canada …
  • Using case study in research - How to tell a 'good' story

    In this short paper, Lesley Greenaway, discusses the effective use of case studies in research to tell a 'good' story.
  • Master of Arts in Organizational Behavior and Evaluation

    Ideal for those who are committed to creating or improving socially responsible organizations, Organizational Behavior and Evaluation explores how to meet the challenges of an increasingly diverse workforce within a global economy and community.
    Academic Program
  • Professional Diploma in Program Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

    … and operationalizing an M&E system. Emphasis will be put on participatory methods that promote stakeholder commitment …
    Academic Program
  • A Practical Guide to Advocacy Evaluation

    … a step by step  process for conducting evaluations on advocacy projects. It includes a range of tools and …
  • The impact of mother literacy and participation programs on child learning in India

    … low literacy levels of children. One intervention focused on offering mothers literacy classes, assuming that more … at home. A second intervention provided a guide to mothers on at-home activities which could enrich the learning … … The impact of mother literacy and participation programs on child learning in India …
  • Did You Know? A Screenshot is Worth a Thousand Words

    This blog from Ted Curran provides a detailed guide and examples of how  to use screenshots to make it easier for people to see what you are talking about.
  • National evaluation policy framework - South Africa

    … the effectiveness and impact of government, by reflecting on what is working and what is not working and revising … organisational improvement, policy review, as well as on-going programme and project management, to improve …
  • Other relevant organisational policies

    … effectively. These policies are not directly focused on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) but indirectly impact how …
  • The ‘5-whys’ method

    This document explains the idea behind the 'Five Whys' method.
  • Peer learning

    … important (Andrews and Manning 2016). It is based on adult learning principles and effective workplace learning … different objectives and take many forms but it relies on a relationship of mutual respect, trust, confidence in one …
  • Applying a human rights and gender equality lens to the OECD evaluation criteria

    … and those without. It also advises program staff on using six criteria through a human rights and gender …
  • C4D: Determine what 'success' looks like

    … comparative value of initiatives that work for most people on average and those that are particularly effective for the … looks like' generally involves a combination of drawing on formal statements of values, articulating tacit (unstated …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Hackathon

    … that was particularly useful or enlightening while working on the challenges, or it might be some innovative method or … cause the impact(s)? A single cause A small number of effects Either a homogenous effect or knowledge of relevant … test their relative effectiveness. Requires homogeneity of effects as it only provides information about average effects
  • Policy on Evaluation – Frequently Asked Questions

    … eight frequently asked questions about their 2009 Policy on Evaluation. The key questions focus on changes, key implementation dates and who the policy applies to.  Contents What is the 2009  Policy on Evaluation ? What is the difference between the 2009 and …
  • Developing a logic model: Teaching and training guide

    This guide from the University of Wisconsin-Extension provides a range of activities that introduce the reader to creating and using logic models.