
1257 results

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  • Community scoping

    … are good for developing a more in-depth understanding of a community of interest.  Profiles can help define the demographics of a … to more effective projects as they are tailored to the needs and characteristics of the people involved. Source: …
  • Future search conference

    … the objective that participants identify a shared vision of the future towards which to aim.  This method is … providing an opportunity to come up with an agreed plan of action between those with power over an issue (i.e. … will develop a feasible plan which incorporates the needs and wishes of those affected as well as those of the …
  • Email questionnaires

    … it is an option that is used less and less on account of the increasing number of online survey tools, such as polldaddy  and surveymonkey , … people collating and analysing the data. Collected data needs to be collated and processed … Email questionnaires …
  • Archive the evaluation report and data (if appropriate)

    … There are benefits of an archive of evaluation data and/or reports in the way they can be used. Such as: to provide examples of well-conducted and well-reported on evaluations to …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Complicated and Complex Systems: What Would Successful Reform of Medicare Look Like?

    … Zimmerman for the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada , looks at the health care system in … However, if the system is viewed as complex many of the problems can be overcome. Excerpt "This paper begins … to resolve them but are often not sufficient. High levels of expertise in a variety of fields are necessary for …
  • T-Watoto

    … Tuzungumze na Watoto (T-Watoto) is an example of how a system for mobile phone household surveys can be set … for monitoring and evaluation. A representative sample of randomly selected households are surveyed, depending on the sample-size requirements. Any member of the household may be interviewed. Specially trained …
  • Transferable skills

    … employment, volunteer, or education experiences. Some of these skills include:    Interpersonal skills : These … include listening, exercising compassion and non-judgment of others, and other skills that enable positive and … conversations with clients to identify evaluation needs. Creating an evaluation plan and delegating parts of an …
    Evaluation career guide
  • Diploma in Logical Framework Methodology

    … and applying it to the formulation and evaluation of projects and programs, especially in the social sector. … Methodology in the design, formulation and evaluation of social projects and programs. It also equips students to … Framework Methodology to the formulation and evaluation of projects and programs in the context of ​​social policies. …
    Academic Program
  • Is “Ambient Data” from Social Media Channels Useful for Funders?

    … This blog post from Beth Kanter discusses the pros and cons of using data from social media to inform funding decisions.  The blog provides some clear examples of how not-for-profit groups are using social media and asks … media solution.  The blog also provides links to a number of articles and blogs that will help contextualise the idea. …
  • Evaluation executive summaries & reports

    … This blog by Stephanie Evergreen curates a number of examples of engaging executive summaries and evaluation reports. The … of structuring these reporting formats that place the user needs front and centre. Stephanie Evergreen's annotations are …
  • Revised Evaluation Policy of UNICEF

    … evaluations.  The policy describes the purpose and use of evaluations; UNICEF’s guiding principles and standards for … undertaken by UNICEF. It addresses not only the conduct of evaluations and the use of evaluation results, but also the development of the …
  • Conducting an In-depth Interview

    … David C. Diehl, and Debra McDonald for the University of Florida , looks at strategies and techniques for … data collection technique that can be used for a variety of purposes, including needs assessment, program refinement, issue identification, …
  • The development and utility of a program theory: Lessons from an evaluation

    … and Christine Bigby, looks at the use and development of program theory in human service organisations. The article … need to be informed by current knowledge and understanding of what works and that practitioners should be familiar with the findings of good-quality research. Excerpt " Background Adults with …
  • Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) Tools

    … This website, from UNICEF , provides a range of tools that are designed to support survey teams through every step of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) process. The … documentation and dissemination. Excerpt The design of a MICS survey will depend on an initial assessment of data …
  • Changing views on change: Participatory approaches to monitoring the environment

    … written by Joanne Abbot and Irene Guijt, reviews a range of approaches for participatory monitoring of the environment. Analysing published papers, interviews, … are clear, that the expectations and information needs of all stakeholders are understood, and that the end …
  • The Rainbow Framework project

    … evaluation task, and to develop a better understanding of when to use them. It was created to help people:  Design and plan an evaluation Check the quality of an ongoing evaluation Commission and manage and evaluation … It organises all the steps in evaluation into 7 clusters of tasks: Manage, Define, Frame, Describe, Understand …
  • Writing a good executive summary – UNICEF guide

    … report, an Executive Summary should provide an overview of the essential parts of a report: a summary of the project/programme evaluated, the purpose of the …
  • Evaluation step-by-step guide

    … developed by the Victorian Government's former Department of Planning and Community Development, provides a step-by-step guide to the process of conducting an evaluation in order to ensure that a project … examples and checklists to support the development of a plan. Contents Thinking : Steps 1-3 start the process by …
  • Leaving Wordle for Tagxedo

    … This blog, from Susan Kristler of the American Evaluation Association, describes the advantages of using Tagxedo over Wordle to present evaluation findings. "Here are six key features of Tagxedo that make it my new go-to application for …
  • A study on the status of national evaluation policies and systems in the Asia Pacific region

    … This study documents the progress of countries in the Asia-Pacific region in developing … Systems (NEPS). Survey questions that were used as part of the assessment are included in the appendix. For the 2022 … support for evaluations and their use. In absence of a central policy or law, institutionalization of
  • Competencies for Canadian Evaluation Practice

    … This document outlines a set of competencies that evaluators should possess before … and values underlying evaluation practice and awareness of one’s evaluation expertise and needs for growth. Technical Practice competencies focus on …
  • Using M&E to improve government performance and accountability: A glance of 6 countries’ NES

    … from the Twende Mbele program compares the experiences of six different countries – Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, … to leadership and linkages, capacity, and quality and use of evaluation. In the discussion of leadership and linkages, it distinguishes between …
  • Asset mapping

    … Asset mapping is a process of identifying existing assets within a community, … or network. It complements the "deficit focus" of needs analysis. Asset mapping of community assets is often …
  • Identifying the intended user(s) and use(s) of an evaluation

    … Research Centre (IDRC) highlights the importance of identifying the primary intended user(s) and the intended use(s) of an evaluation. It outlines a variety of methods that can be used to achieve this in the initial …
  • 20 years of outcome mapping: Evolving practices for transformative change

    … This paper reflects on the evolving use of Outcome Mapping 20 years after the first publication on this approach. The resource also provides a "set of guiding practices to support transformative change": " … Four core concepts necessary for effective use of Outcome Mapping Outcomes understood as changes in …
  • Qualitative weight and sum

    … ratings (such as symbols) to identify performance in terms of essential, important and unimportant criteria. "In QWS, … each evaluand can score anything up to the ‘weight’ of that criterion. In other words: Z High value – an evaluand … this (e.g., in personnel evaluation, saying a candidate needs a minimum of X years experience, or fluency in a …
  • Executive Diploma in Project Evaluation

    … incorporating strategic considerations and making use of all the information available in the industry. The diploma teaches the essentials of building a cash flow, calculating the net present value … forces that may impact the long-term sustainability of returns, such as imitation and substitution. The program …
    Academic Program
  • Diploma in Public Policies Evaluation

    … training that allows them to develop rigorous evaluations of public projects and programs. This program equips … empirical tools to design and perform economic evaluations of public investment projects, as well as evaluate the design and outcomes of various public policy programs. … Diploma in Public …
    Academic Program
  • Week 11: BetterEvaluation at AfrEA 2014

    … sessions and workshops in this stream: What are examples of effective innovation in evaluation?   What kinds of innovation are needed to address unmet challenges?   How … for adaptive programmes that are responsive to emerging needs and opportunities - such as developmental evaluation. …
  • Evaluating the performance of an organisation

    … for obtaining valid information about the performance of an organisation and the factors that affect performance. … external assessment? A key decision that an organisation needs to make when undertaking an organisational assessment … in the public sector , the questions an organisation needs to ask as part of an assessment depend on the specific …
  • Artineh Samkian and Joelle Greene on graphic timelines to capture qualitative process data

    …  by Artineh Samkian and Joelle Greene discusses the use of Graphic Timelines as a way of presenting data to stakeholders that was both accessible … those gained in implementation studies and produce a lot of narrative text. Sometimes long narratives are not the …
  • How to geotag images

    … on geotagging images.  The post includes screen shots of each step of the process and includes links to software which is free … photograph. The second is to use a GPS to log the location of the photograph and then add that information either …