
1257 results

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  • The design and use of capacity development indicators

    … a broad generic framework for analysing key aspects of capacity development allowing the assessment of them through the use of indicators. "Capacity development Indicators can push …
  • Impact evaluation: How to institutionalize evaluation

    … has led to better-informed policy. Using case studies of countries that have implemented mandatory impact … for all its social programs. This was in part a result of the lessons learnt from the first evaluation of the Government flagship program Progresa/ Oportunidades, …
  • Correlation

    … variables move in the same direction, e.g., the variable of high school exam results might have a positive correlation with the variable of university exam results. A positive correlation of 0.97 is shown below:   A negative correlation (0 to -1.0) …
  • Theory of change

    … written by Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, looks at the use of theory of change in an impact evaluation. It demonstrates how it can be useful for identifying the data that needs to be collected and how it should be analysed. It also …
  • Using Word & Excel to analyze qualitative data with Seth Tucker

    … This can be difficult when dealing with large amounts of data or when there is a lack of access, comfort level, or desire in using coding software. … software.   About the speaker Seth Tucker is an alum of American University’s Project Monitoring and Evaluation …
  • Retrospective 'outcome harvesting': Generating robust insights

    … This paper describes the use of the Outcome Harvesting approach to evaluate a global … network. It is the second paper published as part of the BetterEvaluation writeshop series. The authors … to ensure validity and credibility of the outcomes met the needs of the primary intended users of the evaluation 3. How …
  • Assessing the contribution to market system change of the private enterprise programme Ethiopia

    … This IDS Bulletin paper examines an impact evaluation of the "Making Markets Work for the Poor" (M4P) program in … Taylor and Andrew Koleros. Abstract "An impact evaluation of a pro-poor market system development programme, ‘Making … An impact evaluation design for such a programme thus needs to be robust enough to adequately capture these …
  • Week 20: Is English the dominant language for evaluation?

    … Unfortunately I believe so.  Last year I met a group of Brazilian evaluators in a conference, and learned from … that I decided to investigate what this passionate group of Brazilian evaluators was working on. Evaluators not only … Sao Tome and Principe, Macau and Guinea) with a population of approximately 259 million people. Using, I …
  • Telephone questionnaires

    … in a systematic, standardised way, and rely on the use of questionnaires distributed to respondents. These questionnaires can be delivered through a variety of methods, including postal surveys, face to face … telephones (not appropriate, for example, in rural parts of developing countries, unless mobile phone usage is …
  • Impact evaluation: A guide for commissioners and managers

    … in gaining a deeper and broader understanding of impact evaluation. The resource builds on an initial … for International Development (DFID)  Broadening the range of designs and methods for impact evaluations . The impetus … it will have negative consequences down the line in terms of the relevance, validity and usability of
  • Code of conduct

    … As part of this project, we are working with Aboriginal and Torres …  and through hard copy or other formats of the materials. BetterEvaluation is committed to respecting the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to protect, …
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Results-Based Management (RBM)

    … Objective(s): teach participants the history and purpose of results-based management, comparing it with alternative models of public management; explain the three main stages of RBM (planning, monitoring, evaluation) and the different …
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Building a Strategic Learning and Evaluation System for Your Organization

    … approach to evaluation.  Outlining a framework and set of practices aimed at helping organisation be more … the guide seeks to ensure a better understanding of what,when, why, with whom, and with what resources to evaluate. Excerpt "Evaluation in many of today’s organizations is ad hoc, not aligned to strategy, …
  • Developing a performance story report

    … for developing a performance story report in the context of ‘performance story evaluation’ and natural resource … in guiding users in how to pull together different types of evidence to write a performance story. Chapter 4 is very … tasks associated with monitoring or with other types of evaluation. People tend to need some help in learning how …
  • Lessons in theory of change: experiences from CCAFS

    … the lessons that were learned from developing a Theory of Change for the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security research program (CCAFS) of CGIAR.  Excerpt "Key messages Impact pathways are living … of change, impact pathways and monitoring and evaluation needs to be mainstreamed throughout a collaborative research …
  • Involving Children and Young People in Evaluation

    … is designed to be used with children from 8 to 12 years of age aiming to introduce them to some ideas about … and providing an opportunity for them to practise some of the skills needed for evaluation activities. It includes … young people in evaluating the Services they use is one of the best ways of finding out if the service is really …
  • Incorporating intersectionality in evaluation of policy impacts on health equity

    … introduces intersectionality theory and promotes the use of the intersection approach in the analyses of structural policies related to health inequalities. The … and the study of the impact of a policy on health equity needs to take into consideration all these dimensions, as …
  • TOCO

    … Theory of change Online (TOCO) is web-based software (no download … that you can use to design, edit and store your theory of change. You can use the software to learn the concepts of theory of change and capture your outcomes, indicators, …
  • Ohio women’s centers’ reflections on evaluation & assessment

    … This paper, the second of the Ohio Women's Centres Issues Briefs, presents … Women’s centers increasingly appreciate the need and value of doing meaningful evaluation Women’s centers experience a discrepancy between the institutional expectations of what constitutes evaluation and our own “best practice” of
  • Capacity, change and performance - 5C approach

    … this framework in reporting about capacity and performance of their partners. This document is the final report of the Capacity, change and performance study . The … in the Dutch international development scene as use of it was made mandatory for those receiving subsidies from …
  • Total Success: Co-Presenting Tips and Techniques

    … co-presentations. It goes into detail about the benefits of co-presentations, as well as how to set up good … progress smoothly. It also discusses the merits of five different forms of co-presentations: 1.  Tag-team 2. Speak-and-comment …
  • Defining response capacity to enhance climate change policy

    … in Environmental Science & Policy , highlights the lack of consistency between who makes climate change adaptation … climate policy can be implemented. "First we frame the set of responses at the national policy level as a trade-off … between investment in the development and diffusion of new technology, and investment in encouraging and enabling …
  • Planning evaluability assessments: A synthesis of the literature with recommendations

    … The report presents a synthesis of the literature on Evaluability Assessments. The main focus of the synthesis is on the experience of international agencies and on recommendations relevant to …
  • Audience engagement strategy book

    … you and your message. Each strategy includes a discussion of how it can be used and tips for implementing it during a presentation.  Excerpt "Many of these strategies are suitable for use during various parts of the presentation beginning, middle, or end and are …
  • Process use of evaluations: Types of use that precede lessons learned and feedback

    … and Carlsson looks at the utilization or process use of evaluations which needs to occur before the lessons learned and recommendations … the evaluation process. The literature on the utilization of evaluation, however, mostly refers to lessons learned and …
  • Extrapolate findings

    … An evaluation usually involves some level of generalising of the findings to other times, places or groups of people.  For many evaluations, this simply involves …
    Rainbow Framework
  • Comparative case studies

    … written by Delwyn Goodrick for UNICEF, focuses on the use of comparative case studies in impact evaluation. The paper gives a brief discussion of their use and then outlines when it is appropriate to use … is an in-depth examination, often undertaken over time, of a single case – such as a policy, programme, intervention …
  • Recommendations in evaluation

    … University, takes a look at the 'why, what and how' of making recommendations in an evaluation. The presentation … reasons for giving recommendations and provides a range of tips and advice for making them more effective.  Contents Continuum of Evaluative Information WHY (or WHY NOT) should evaluators …
  • Evaluation myths and misconceptions

    … purpose, and cost. In this section, we’ll debunk some of the two most persistent myths about evaluation, helping … By exploring these myths, you’ll gain a clearer picture of how evaluations can be tailored to fit different contexts … not a universal rule. The complexity, duration, and cost of an evaluation depend on its specific scope and context. …
    Evaluation career guide
  • Planning and managing feminist evaluations

    … and Evaluation Bureau - Global Affairs Canada – Government of Canada Key features The guide covers the following: What … considerations in evaluation Develop the evaluation terms of reference Managing feminist evaluations How have you used … in the guide should be adapted based on the specific needs of the partners and stakeholders, on the project …
  • International Training Program in Development Evaluation (PIFED)

    … with foundational knowledge and skills in the field of evaluation in a development context; train participants on … develop participants' understanding and knowledge of evaluation concepts, approaches and methodologies; provide … to acquire practical experience and skills in the field of evaluation planning and implementation through practical …
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Social return on investment

    … Social Return on Investment (SROI) is a systematic way of incorporating social, environmental, economic and other … processes. By helping reveal the economic value of social and environmental outcomes it creates a holistic … For SROI to be successful as an approach, good data needs to be available. Very specific data on production …