
1273 results

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  • Lessons Learned from Evaluation

    This paper, written by M. J. Spilsbury, C. Perch, S. Norgbey, G.
  • Orient the evaluator / evaluation team

    … They need to obtain as much background information on the project / program as possible, its implementers, the …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Mapping change: using a theory of change of guide planning and evaluation

    … order support planning and evaluation. The guide focuses on: describing w hat a theory of change looks like; comparing … initiative posits that long-term success will depend on expanding knowledge in a relatively new area of practice. …
  • Evaluation & communication in practice – a workspace for DECI-2

    … Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D) program focused on Utilization-Focused Evaluation (UFE) mentoring in Asia, … Evaluation – an approach to evaluation that focuses on producing evaluations that are actually utilized.  At the … and it will enable projects to focus attention early on communication planning to enhance the reach and use of …
  • Models of Causality and Causal Inference

    This background paper from Barbara Befani is an appendix from the UK Government's Department for International Development's working paper Broaden
  • Rebalancing grantee/donor power for better MEL

    … often acknowledged, funders are almost entirely reliant on grantee MEL practices to understand the impact of their … tremendously, and because donors are focused primarily on their own MEL needs, an approach that treats all grantees …
  • Developing and evaluating evaluation budgets: Checklist tool

    This checklist is designed to provide assistance to evaluators in developing an evaluation budget, taking 'cost-effectiveness' and 'fiscal responsibility' standards into account. 
  • School Enrollment, Selection and Test Scores

    … the Cambodia Education Sector Support Program (CESSP), on school enrollment, selection, and test scores using a … (RDD).  Eligibility for the $45 scholarship depended on an independently calculated dropout risk score created … impact was likely to be higher since recipients were, on average, poorer than non-recipients. No significant …
  • Internet questionnaire

    … through an electronic set of questions that are posted on the web.  Participants are invited to submit their answers … at their leisure. Reduction of the interviewer effect on participants' responses. Disadvantages of internet …
  • Monitoring the composition and evolution of the research networks of the CGIAR research program on roots, tubers and bananas (RTB)

    … research activities. Most of these tools have focused on research outputs or outcomes, while few have analysed the … 2008), tracking the network structure provides information on the nature and evolution of research activities. Contents … of the research networks of the CGIAR research program on roots, tubers and bananas (RTB) …
  • Policy briefs

    This paper from the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) provides a detailed discussion of the use and development of policy briefs.
  • UN Women

    … and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment: The main roles of … support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of Women, in their formulation of policies, …
  • Scope evaluation

    Take the time to consider carefully what the evaluation needs to do before considering possible designs. Ensure all those who need to be consulted during this process are adequately involved.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • The rigor of case-based causal analysis: Busting myths through a demonstration

    … This paper focuses on the utilisation of case-based designs for conducting … the applicability of case-based approaches, shedding light on their inherent strengths and limitations. … The rigor of …
  • Roles and responsibilities

    … Determine how decisions will be made on: the focus of the evaluation; choosing the evaluator / …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Clarify what will be evaluated

    … An evaluation can focus on a project, a number of projects, a program, a policy, a … what is to be evaluated  – which may include information on: The rationale: the issue being addressed, what …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Other relevant legislation

    A country's constitution and laws may not always mention M&E explicitly, but it can play a crucial role in shaping the operational landscape in which M&E activities occur.
  • Week 4: The top ten developments in qualitative evaluation over the last decade – part 1

    … Research and Evaluation Methods .  While working on the 4 th edition, I’ve pulled out ten highlights to sum up … and dynamic. Issues include: Anticipating impact on participants Confidentiality with small sample sizes … lead us? Lack of qualitative expertise and experience on review boards. 7. Mixed Methods The former …
  • Equal access participatory monitoring and evaluation toolkit

    … monitoring and evaluation (PM&E). It is based on recent ideas about effective evaluation and evaluation … learning organisations that regularly critically reflect on their work. It comprises the following modules and tools: … to understand audiences and the impacts of your programs on them Key qualitative and short survey methods Good …
  • Week 23: Evaluation of anti-corruption reforms and programmes – don’t give up before you even try!

    … anti-corruption initiatives, and urges us not to give us on rigorous evaluation. You rarely enjoy being (rigorously) … survey tools can help us measure anti-corruption effects with higher accuracy, particularly for bribery and … not even necessary to directly measure corruption. The effects of anti-corruption measures can be assessed by the …
  • Why work in evaluation

    … overall effectiveness of a completed project. Depending on their purpose, evaluations can be conducted before, … the field of evaluation, you can make a significant impact on efforts to improve people’s lives. Evaluation is not just … that can mitigate the impacts of crises and keep the world on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals . As …
    Evaluation career guide
  • Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide

    … & Kudzai Takavarasha, provides step-by-step guidance on running randomised impact evaluations of social programmes. The guide draws on the experiences of programmes run by  Abdul Latif Jameel … and thus to build a wider and deeper evidence base on how best to combat poverty. Our hope is that we will see …
  • Mountain of Accountability: Pursuing mission through learning, exploration and development

    This webpage from the Blandin Foundation outlines its Mountain of Accountability© which has three interconnected levels of accountability.
  • Request for proposal - UNICEF

    … evaluation of HIV-related capacity development initiatives on young key populations in Asia and the Pacific.  Excerpt … inputs for the deliberations of the Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations (IATT on YKP) on how to strengthen and sustain current HIV-related …
  • Making Evaluations Matter: A Practical Guide for Evaluators

    … for planning and managing an evaluation with a focus on use. Excerpt "Too often evaluations are shelved, with very … to changing mindsets and empowering stakeholders. On a practical level, the guide presents core guiding principles and pointers on how to design and facilitate evaluations that matter. …
  • Choosing appropriate designs and methods for impact evaluation - Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

    … to understand their needs, and a review of the literature on impact evaluation, especially in the industry, innovation … set of challenges. Policies and programmes may depend on contributions from other agencies and other actors, or …
  • Journalism method survey

    … BetterEvaluation website. The new method page will focus on using investigative journalism and high-quality news … by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) and hosted on its BetterEvaluation Knowledge Platform: … into everyday evaluations is the lack of cohesive guidance on how to do this well. As part of this project, appropriate …
  • The design and use of capacity development indicators

    … cause and effect relationships and their own perspectives on what constitutes capacity and performance.  They also can …
  • Key considerations for managing evaluations

    … purpose of this guide is to provide ideas and suggestions on practical considerations and steps in ensuring that … and managed effectively. Many of the suggestions are based on practical experience by evaluation managers in the field." …
  • Impact evaluation: How to institutionalize evaluation

    … impact evaluation for social programs the paper focuses on the steps needed to ensure it takes place.  Excerpt …
  • Competency frameworks

    Competencies are the skills, knowledge, attributes and behaviours needed to fulfil particular roles.
  • Assessing the contribution to market system change of the private enterprise programme Ethiopia

    … it incorporates methods that allow a critical reflection on the key causal steps in an intervention’s theory of … our learnings about indicators and methods to reflect on the importance of the contributions to market system …