
1255 results

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  • Rapid evaluation

    … evaluation and rapid appraisal. The common feature of these different models is the expedited implementation … and flexible design that can be adapted to context; Use of multiple methods, noting that many models rely heavily on … and Tailored communications products to meet the needs of multiple stakeholders. There are a number of drivers …
  • Master in Project Evaluation and Management

    … investment projects through a synergistic integration of strategic planning, competitiveness and innovation, …
    Academic Program
  • Un-boxing evaluation through developmental and agile approaches

    … even boxes, when it comes to delivering on the potential of evaluation in our increasingly complex and disrupted … different sectors can be blended to deliver on the promise of public value. For the last few years at the annual AES … real-time decision making that incorporates user needs. The parallels between DE and Agile Project Management …
  • Using BetterEvaluation Material

    … any images, logos and external resources, under the terms of the  Creative Commons … through the key steps in managing an evaluation. When it needs to provide further detail, it links back to … evaluators choose methods to suit their practical needs, while working within the values and principles of C4D. …
  • Master in Evaluation of European Public Policy and Programs

    … European public policies and programs. Upon completion of the program, graduates will possess the skills and … grant projects, understand the planning and execution of EU-wide development programs, and conduct evaluations of these programs and policies. … Master in Evaluation of
    Academic Program
  • Realist synthesis: an introduction

    … guides the reader through understanding the principles of realist synthesis, the steps to undertaking a realist review and the applications, scope and limitations of the realist approach. Excerpt "Realist review is a … focus. Specifically, it seeks to ‘unpack the mechanism’ of how complex programmes work (or why they fail) in …
  • Reconstructing baseline data for impact evaluation and results measurement

    … studies, surveys commissioned at the start and end of the project, or from secondary data sources. Whatever the source, the availability of appropriate baseline data is always critical for … new M&E systems customized to the project’s specific data needs, but often with significant start-up delays, which can …
  • External review of the peace, conflict and development (PCD) program

    … Research Centre (IDRC) , evaluates the effectiveness of the Peace, Conflict and Development (PCD) program. Using … found itself reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of the new approach. The addition of a self-evaluation component was a notable improvement to …
  • Preparing for an Evaluation - Guidelines and Tools for Pre-Evaluation Planning

    … Red Cross, provides a step-by-step process and a range of tools designed to help with pre-evaluation planning. … readers with information that helps them get the most out of their program evaluation. This module focuses on what needs to be done before an evaluation to ensure that cost, …
  • Principles-focused evaluation the GUIDE

    … and demonstrates its relevance and application in a range of settings. The following information was contributed by … used to navigate the uncertainties and emergent challenges of complex dynamic environments. The book presents the the … adaptable (E) evaluable There are also a number of helpful features such as rubrics, a P-FE checklist, …
  • Evaluation of humanitarian action guide

    … This comprehensive guide covers all steps of the evaluation process while providing real-life examples, … Independent Consultant Alexandra Warner, at the time of writing she was a Research Officer at ALNAP. She is now … Key features This comprehensive guide covers all steps of the evaluation process, while providing real-life …
  • Video

    … provide an excellent means to convey messages coming out of an evaluation. Because they combine so many different kinds of images and sound, a lot of information can be conveyed in a short time, and attract …
  • UNICEF webinar: Randomized controlled trials

    … What are the key features of an RCT? Are RCTs really the gold standard? What ethical … evaluation expert and former Executive Director of 3ie, Dr Howard White. Dr White provides an introduction to RCTs and cover different types of RCT design, the necessary conditions for successfully …
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 46: An ethnography of evaluation - learning about evaluation from the inside using video

    … Conveying the complexities of the evaluation process isn’t easy, but video is one way to … a film company which was contracted to record the process of evaluating the USAID Growth with Equity in Mindanao III (GEM 3) project in the Philippines. In the second blog of our series on video in evaluation, Paul Barese from …
  • Demystifying systemic thinking for evaluation in post-normal times

    … often  hear “we tried that once…” or “I like the idea of it but I’m not really sure how I would apply it” or “I get … inclusive systemic evaluator.  As Bob Williams, a man who needs no introduction on this forum, said about the ISE4GEMs … want people to experience the approach and tell us how it needs to be improved, that includes the ISE4GEMs toolkit, …
  • Questionnaires

    … A questionnaire is a specific set of written questions which aims to extract specific … about attitudes, preferences and factual information of respondents. Questionnaires focus on the sampling of a smaller group of people that are statistically …
  • Cultural competency

    … contexts different from their own. Culture is the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another and shapes the behaviour, world view, … as it is not only the cultural context of the evaluee that needs consideration but the values, beliefs and culture of
  • Diploma in Evaluation and Project Management

    … to the formulation, evaluation, management and development of new projects and undertakings, as well as projects in …
    Academic Program
  • Collecting data on sensitive issues

    … in Kathmandu, I learned a great deal about challenges of evaluation practices, along with methodologies available to deal with some of those challenges.  During the BetterEvaluation Design … that is unfortunately still very common in many parts of the world. Breakthrough is about to start mass media …
  • Evaluating rural extension

    … addition to its intended use for rural extension,  many of the examples and guidance frameworks for applied design … analysis could also be applied to evaluating other types of interventions. Rather than being overly prescriptive about specific tools, the guide provides a pool of best practice approaches and points for consideration when …
  • Okiko in pursuit of a snail: Child-led evaluation of the building skills for life programme in Kenya

    … third in this series and presents a child-led evaluation of a multi-sectoral programme in Cambodia seeking to empower … can find links to the first and second parts at the bottom of the page. This resource and the following information was … the meaningful involvement of children in M&E no longer needs to remain an aspiration but can be a practical and even …
  • Illustrating models and theories of change

    … Chris Lysy, of Lysy Design, (and also known as Fresh Spectrum's … recently made our day by storifying an example of a logic model Patricia Rogers had previously created for the UNICEF Impact Evaluation Series in Brief 2: Theory of Change . With a few simple changes, Chris has managed to …
  • Program cycle operational policy, USAID 2022

    … into the program cycle. The policy includes definitions of monitoring, evaluation and CLA, principles that should be used to guide them, types of monitoring, types of evaluation, and types of indicators, … rigor appropriate to the evaluation question. When USAID needs information on whether a specific outcome is attributed …
  • SWOT analysis

    … group or individual reflection on and assessment of the S trengths, W eaknesses, O pportunities and T hreats of a particular strategy and how to best implement it. SWOT … between project stakeholders and the organisations of the implementing partners, local groups and the project …
  • Concept mapping

    … map or a cluster map. This method can be used for the task of negotiating values and standards, and is useful for … Mapping can be used before, during or after implementation of a project/program/policy. It is necessarily done in a group and it requires sufficient time (the group needs to provide input individually and then meet) and …
  • Getting hands-on experience

    … to document your journey—secure reports and examples of your work as they will help you in your future job search. … can be helpful to help you document your journey. Examples of helpful content to document include: Your activities and … of conferences or surveys to understand members’ needs. You can also offer your services to a non-profit …
    Evaluation career guide
  • Building the evidence base for post project evaluation: Case study review and evaluability checklists

    … the Faster Forward Fund by Laurie Zivetz and Jindra Cekan of Valuing Voices compares findings from eight end-of-project and subsequent post project evaluations. Given … organizational practice and subsequent design. The field needs more attention to comparable taxonomies and definitions …
  • Gender equality and big data: Making gender data visible

    … support from UN Global Pulse, outlines the value of big data for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals … (SDGs) in relation to women. It presents the benefits of big data (for example, real-time data), risks (for … from planning to evaluation). It ends with a compendium of gender-related big data projects and their relevance to …
  • Why do we avoid evaluation?

    … Alexey Kuzmin Key features Key messages: The problem of evaluation use exists since the early times. Research on evaluation use is an essential part of research on evaluation. There are numerous important … routine, we face a problem with evaluation use. Motivation of the potential users in this case is to minimize evaluation …
  • 10 Techniques for building a google sheets dashboard

    … their affiliation Ben Collins Key features The sections of this tutorial include: Collect user inputs through a … know existed that will likely save some time. In terms of actually using this for dashboard creation, I would be … at this resource - which focuses on the technical aspects of dashboard creation - in tandem with other guides that go …
  • ALNAP guide: Evaluation of protection in humanitarian action

    … include those arising from the multi-faceted nature of protection activities, the difficulty of understanding cause-effect relationships underlying protection risks, and the challenges of accessing and managing very sensitive data. This resource …
  • Communication for development (C4D) project

    … The Evaluating C4D Resource Hub has been developed as part of a research partnership with RMIT University, the University of Hyderabad and UNICEF Communication for Development (C4D). While it has been developed in response to the needs of UNICEF staff (including from C4D, program teams, and …