
1273 results

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  • Innovative approach to evaluating interventions in fragile and conflict-affected states: the case of Helmand.

    … engaged in Afghanistan. This, combined with the focus on measurable effect and pressure on value for money emphasised within recent UK strategies … and DFID White Paper (2009), necessitates more emphasis on results-based programming in order to make maximum use of …
  • Measuring the Un-Measurable: Solutions to Measurement Challenges in Fragile and Conflict-affected Environments

    This guide, written by Vanessa Corlazzoli and Jonathan White for the UK Department for International Development (DFID), was developed to imp
  • Evaluating Complexity: Propositions for Improving Practice

    … with Katelyn Mack and Joelle Cook for FSG , is focused on bringing together knowledge of systems change, complexity, … and power flow with the system. 18 Proposition 7: Focus on the nature of relationships and interdependencies within …
  • A practical guide for actor focused Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

    … captures better their specific added value of zooming in on specific actors whom a programme is trying to influence … of an actor focused PME approach is that it does not focus on the ‘hoped for changes in state’ (e.g. changes in income … or health for example). Instead focus will be more on what people do (e.g. behaviour, practices, relationships) …
  • When the best is the enemy of the good: The Nature of Research Evidence Used in Systematic Reviews and Guidelines

    … written by Marcel P. J .M. Dijkers for the  Task Force on Systematic Review and Guidelines , examines the approach … rehabilitation programs because of their nature. He goes on to state that the focus on the use of only the 'strongest' research designs shifts …
  • Evaluation Capacity Development Group toolkit

    The Evaluation Capacity Development Group (ECDG) created this toolkit to help organizations become more evaluative by providing information, conducting training, and facilitating organizational change.
  • Guide to evaluating rural extension

    … monitoring and evaluation systems that are based on results frameworks and theories of change that look beyond …
  • Climate change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability

    … physical and biological systems and concludes that these effects can be attributed to global warming; makes a detailed … of the impacts of future climate change and sea-level rise on ecosystems, water resources, agriculture and food … a complete new assessment of the impacts of climate change on major regions of the world (Africa, Asia, Australia/New …
  • Understanding influence: the episode studies approach

    … issues in understanding the impact that research has on policy. Excerpt "In spite of many years of research and a large number of studies, the influence of research on policy is much debated and poorly understood. Progress in … in a society that make them more or less relevant. These effects are all compounded in a community that commands a …
  • Electronic democracy

    … through email, online voting and access to information on websites are widely used participatory tools. People can use email or websites to register their opinions on proposed developments, environmental impact statements, and so on. Television and radio stations can set up websites that …
  • C4D: Analyse data

    … The Rainbow Framework includes detailed information on a range of analysis methods .  In addition, one of the … disaggregation in tables and diagrams to show differential effects on different sub-groups.  Timelines can be important for …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Manage data

    Good data management means that systems are in place for consistent and ethical (see Define ethical and quality evaluation standards) collection, recording, storage, security, backing up, cleaning, and modifying, and ownership of data. This is part of…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Communication for Development (C4D)

    … C4D is usually not able to bring about change on its own and must work closely with other sectors, but … and effectiveness of development sectors often depend on good C4D. These features of C4D mean that there are … with the principles underpinning C4D and building on the tasks and methods in the BetterEvaluation Rainbow …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • WHO evaluation practice handbook

    … practice of evaluation in WHO and to encourage reflection on how to use evaluation to improve the performance of …
  • Impact evaluations and development

    … Impact Evaluation (NONIE), provides step-by-step guidance on planning and managing an impact evaluation. The paper … lens of two questions: the impact of what and the impact on what? When asking the “of what” question, it is useful to … between these single-strand initiatives and their effects. At the other end of the continuum are programs with …
  • Master in Management and Evaluation of Public Education

    … and management technicians in office. The program focuses on the management and evaluation of public education. … …
    Academic Program
  • Institutional histories

    … into what triggers successful innovations and reflect on failures. Lessons drawn from this analysis can be used to … implementation Analysing Synthesising Describing program effects Describing/ measuring outcomes and impact … changing patterns of working. Histories might focus on different institutional innovation themes such as: Working …
  • Describe the theory of change

    … will be used for monitoring and evaluation Depending on the timing, a theory of change can be used to anticipate … additional data.  These might include: Assumptions on which the theory of change is based. Contextual factors that might be important to gather data on and use to investigate patterns in results – for example, …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Realist synthesis: an introduction

    … an introduction to using realist synthesis, with a focus on health service reforms in the UK. The paper guides the … evaluated in randomised controlled trials, the literature on service interventions is epistemologically complex and …
  • External review of the peace, conflict and development (PCD) program

    … review team were able to question, critically reflect on, and ultimately judge the program’s performance. Excerpt … "Throughout the process the Panel found itself reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of the new approach. The … be value in further reflection by the Evaluation Unit on the amount of time a panel would need to achieve a …
  • Life skills education toolkit for orphans & vulnerable children in India

    … Zaveri for  Family Health International (FHI360) , focuses on a participatory approach to develop life skills in …
  • HIV/AIDS targeted interventions: Participatory monitoring and evaluation framework

    … from UNICEF  was developed to support staff working on HIV and AIDS targeted Internvention (HATI) projects with …
  • Strengthen evaluation capacity

    … the value of recognising, reinforcing and building on existing capacity.  Understanding capacity M&E capacity is … be useful to consider three broad change theories (drawing on Mitchie et al. 2011 meta-theory of behaviour change): …
    Rainbow Framework
  • UNICEF webinar: Randomized controlled trials

    … and potential reduction in outcomes when success depends on diffusion or competition/emulation between intervention … the webinars and use their own knowledge and judgement on key issues and to provide advice. The questions and comments reflected in the Q & A materials are based on those submitted by UNICEF staff as part of this …
  • From policies to results: Developing capacities for country monitoring and evaluation systems

    … evaluation systems A perspective from the United Nations on national ownership and capacity in evaluation.  Gender …
  • Independence

    … evaluative work impartially, without the risk of negative effects on their career development, and must be able to freely … the free access to information that evaluators should have on the evaluation subject. Organizational independence …
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 12: Having an adequate theory of change

    … change is inadequate Projects and programs that are based on an inadequate theory of change are less likely to be … can be more readily made. Evaluations that are based on an inadequate theory of change can focus on the wrong things. For example, think about an evaluation …
  • Evaluating networks - some resources and some software

    … BetterEvaluation is on the ground at the European Evaluation Society 10 th … this site. I’ve just attended a session titled “ Network effects on evaluation and organisation ”, which is very … Networks (2002), by Madeline Church et al Evaluating the Effects of International Advocacy Networks (2007), by Ricardo …
  • Week 14: New to evaluation? Here's what you need to read

    … to understand the essentials and dive into more detail on different aspects. As someone new to evaluation, the … to share with you some of the resources that are available on the BetterEvaluation website that have helped me, and can … the selected methods.     Here are some of the resources on BetterEvaluation that I used when planning for evaluations …
  • The balancing act of research impact

    … and research excellence. They consider five questions on evaluation design: What should be the object of … incentives can be established for researcher depending on where impact evaluations occur in research funding cycles. … imposing misguided and onerous reporting requirements on individuals and institutions. This blog post was …
  • Week 26: Weighing people’s values in evaluation

    … and different sets of values with which we make judgements on things around us. Evaluations attempting to understand effects on people’s lives should at least attempt to try to … programme and policy evaluations attempt to understand the effects of interventions on people’s lives without first …
  • Thanks for taking part in our user survey - here's what we've learnt

    … the site, interviews, and review from feedback panels on early prototypes.  What we've discovered... We'll be using … of the broken links are caused by missing resources hosted on other websites. We keep a back-up of downloadable … Users have reported difficulty in submitting information on the site due to the Captcha (anti-spam tool). What we're …