
1265 results

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  • Impact evaluation of development programmes: Experiences from Viet Nam

    … Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)  explores some of the experiences and difficulties of evaluating the impact … of programmes in Viet Nam. It begins by looking at the basic concepts and methods used in impact evaluation and then … (Nguyen Viet Cuong, 2014) Contents Impact evaluation: basic concepts and methods 2 Concepts 2 Widely used methods 3 …
  • Remembering John Mayne

    … to improving evaluation from John Mayne, a Fellow of the Canadian Evaluation Society and twice recipient of the CES Award for Contribution to Evaluation in Canada. We … was evident in his personal manner and in his practice of sharing work-in-progress and inviting feedback – his paper …
  • Evaluation can make a difference

    … global challenges. It helps identify what’s working, what needs to change, and how decisions can be improved based on … relevance, sustainability, coherence, and efficiency of interventions. This knowledge guides future programs, … assess the equity, inclusivity, and social justice impact of interventions. Promoting adaptive approaches : Evaluations …
    Evaluation career guide
  • What is qualitative comparative analysis (QCA)?

    … to the question, “What is QCA?” The bare-bones basics of crisp-set QCA Crisp versus fuzzy sets What is QCA? FREE …
  • A developmental evaluation primer

    … from The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation outlines the basic principles of Developmental Evaluation and provides a range of tools to support its implementation. Contents Introduction …
  • Why do programs benefit from developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks?

    … This guest blog is by Anne Markiewicz, Director of Anne Markiewicz and Associates, a consultancy that … Frameworks. Anne is the co-author, with Ian Patrick, of the text book ‘Developing Monitoring and Evaluation … are then used to determine the range of data that needs to be collected in order to answer the evaluation …
  • The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Dashboard Design

    … on creating dashboards that are based around the users' needs. Though discussed in relation to web applications, the … and their affiliation Abhijit Rawool, Web App Huddle Year of publication 2017 Type of resource Guide Key features A … focus on understanding your users and designing for their needs  Who is this resource useful for? Evaluators Those …
  • 3: How to randomize I

    … This is the first of the presentations that explain the importance of knowing 'how to randomize' for the purpose of impact … slides. Contents I. Methods of randomization a. Basic Lottery b. Phase-in c. Rotation d. Encouragement II. …
  • Define what is to be evaluated in FCV settings

    … conflict-affected, and violent (FCV) settings, the task of defining what is to be evaluated is both crucial and … and if meaningful evaluation results can be obtained. Needs analysis : A systematic process to identify and assess the needs of a population or target group to inform the design …
  • Simple random sampling

    … A simple random sample (SRS) is the most basic probabilistic method used for creating a sample from a population. Each SRS is made of individuals drawn from a larger population (represented by … random. As a result, said individuals have an equal chance of being selected throughout the sampling process. The …
  • How to develop a program Theory of Change? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 4

    … (CLEAR-SA) presents how to develop a program theory of change. The GEI and the Centers for Learning on Evaluation … Evaluation in Climate Action. The videos aim to cover some basic principles of M&E and encourage the use of evidence to inform climate …
  • Week 13: Producing engaging and accessible evaluation reports

    … This week we start the first in an ongoing series of Real-Time Evaluation Queries, where BetterEvaluation … Hello from India! I need your help.  I am a facilitator of community engagement approach. A non-profit organisation … During last 10 months we saw amazing results in terms of community response. To further stimulate community action …
  • Evaluation reporting: A guide to help ensure use of evaluation findings

    … This guide addresses the issue of ensuring that evaluation findings are used by stakeholders. It guides readers through the process of creating effective evaluation reports, focusing on the key … that can afect how information is used. Stakeholder needs, the evaluation purpose, and target audience should …
  • Monitoring & evaluation of advocacy campaigns literature review

    …  (EAA), examines current thinking in the evaluation of advocacy. The review was developed inorder to inform the development of a tool for monitoring and evaluating advocacy programs by … & Relevance for Advocacy Evaluation   5 Theory of Change: Basic Steps and Information 7 Observations 10 Composite Logic …
  • Evaluation in family support services

    … by Robyn Parker and published by the Australian Institute of Family Studies , aims to prompt family support service … service-based evaluation and ethics in evaluation Basic principles in preparing for evaluation Getting started …
  • C4D Hub: Check the results support causal attribution (strategy 2)

    … Checking the consistency of results means analysing data in systematic ways to check … collection (e.g. key informant attribution) or analysis of existing or descriptive data (e.g. checking exposure/intensity patterns, checking the timing of outcomes, comparative case studies). Having a strong  …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Week 41: Celebrating two years since going live!

    … access.   We had been working with an international group of beta-partners to develop the site before this time. The BetterEvaluation project grew out of a realisation of the need to connect the various efforts to provide …
  • Key concepts in evaluation

    … will help you feel more confident and get the most out of your experiences. This section breaks down some important … involved in an activity has a shared understanding of ‘evaluation’.  This can mean actively seeking alignment on … users will have different priorities and information needs. Application: Learning about various types of
    Evaluation career guide
  • Brief introduction to realist evaluation

    … by Ray Pawson and Nick Tilley that provides discussion of the basic concepts , strategies and methods of realist … chapter The nature of programmes and how they work Basic concepts in the explanation and understanding of
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 48: What does COP19 mean for monitoring and evaluation professionals?

    … has gathered at Warsaw for the 19th ‘conference of the parties’ (COP), hosted by the UNFCCC. Dennis Bours is … 2015 if they are ready to do so. A draft negotiation text needs to be developed, preferably before the COP20 in Lima. … stay up to date with our plans to address the knowledge needs of climate change M&E professionals. … 52 weeks of
  • Week 38: Addressing sustainability in evaluation

    … This year’s AEA theme of visionary evaluation challenges evaluators to consider how … or recycling. In more recent years, there are a couple of other frames that have emerged and are starting to change … Sustainability therefore is starting to be thought of as not only about the environment, but about human …
  • About our project on 'Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings'

    … the project was started with a grant from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPM&C), Indigenous Affairs, in … A Steering Committee and Advisory Group consisting of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and … working in the evaluation sector was established. A number of people on the Advisory Group highlighted the need for a …
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Why is evaluation important for climate? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 1

    … Evaluation in Climate Action. The videos aim to cover some basic principles of M&E and encourage the use of evidence to inform climate finance decision-making. … Why …
  • How is M&E useful in the program cycle? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 3

    … Evaluation in Climate Action. The videos aim to cover some basic principles of M&E and encourage the use of evidence to inform climate finance decision-making. … How …
  • What does it mean to ‘un-box’ evaluation?

    … first in a series about un-boxing evaluation – the theme of aes19 in Sydney, Australia. The series is designed to generate a global discussion of the theme ‘un-boxing evaluation’ and what that means for … our profession and practice. Jade Maloney is co-convenor of aes19. She is also a Partner at ARTD Consultants, …
  • Week 8: Guest blog: Innovation in development evaluation

    … evaluation. This is the second post in our series of innovation in development evaluation. Thomas Winderl , an evaluation consultant and co-author of ‘ Innovations in monitoring and evaluating results ’ explains why evaluation needs to keep pace with an increasing understanding of
  • Using cultural brokers on evaluation teams

    … Cabral discusses how using cultural brokers as members of their evaluation team led to assisting them develop their … brokers in the evaluation team led to improved quality of data collection, breaking the language barrier between participants, and the importance of educating the cultural brokers on evaluation basics to …
  • Causal map app

    … This site includes a range of resources on causal mapping and the use of the causal map app including a guide that covers basic and advanced coding and analysis. “ Causal Map is an …
  • Best of AEA365: Approaching document review in a systematic way

    … discusses document reviews and highlights the importance of conducting them systematically. The blog covers the basics of document review, providing some hot tips and lessons learned. The hot tips include: Catalogue the types of documents available Develop a data abstraction/collection …
  • Utilization-Focused Evaluation Curriculum

    … links to five learning modules which outline the basics of Utilization-Focussed evaluation plus two extra modules …
  • Guidance on evaluation and review

    … by step process for the design, management and reporting of an evaluation. Contents Chapter 1: The changing context of international development and evaluation Chapter 2: Basic ideas about evaluation in international development …
  • Strengthening the regression discontinuity design using additional design elements: A within-study comparison

    … in the method. The study demonstrated that through the use of an untreated comparison in the basic regression discontinuity design, it is possible to overcome three of the main problems associated with it compared to …