Evaluation Tools and Resources

The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.

You can use the search field and filtering on this page to find resources that you are interested in or you can browse our extensive list. An alternative way to find resources best suited to your needs is to explore the Rainbow Framework, where you can find resources relating to evaluation methods, approaches and tasks.

  • NetDraw

    Netdraw is a free Windows based program that can be used for visualizing social network data.
  • InFlow 3.1

    Inflow 3.1 is a software package that allows you to analyse network data and create visualisations of the results.
  • 8 Ways We Deceive Ourselves With Metrics (And How To Avoid Them), Part I

    This blog from John Quarto-vonTivadar is the first part of a two part series which examines many of the problems encountered when using metrics in e
  • Appreciative Inquiry Australia

    This website is aimed at supporting and providing network opportunities for those practicing appreciative inquiry (AI) in Australia.  
  • Vischeck

    This tool reproduces your images under various forms of colorblindness so you can better determine if your reporting will be readable to those who are colorblind. 
  • ColorBrewer 2.0

    This online tool allows users to create colour schemes for maps and other graphics in order to show data that is readily readable.
  • Developing a monitoring & evaluation plan

    This website from the Victorian Government's Department of Sustainability and Environment outlines a step-by-step process for developing evaluation plans. 
  • TheBrain

    This software is designed to be used as a digital mind mapping tool in which ideas and thoughts can be interconnected and linked to any digital files that are stored on your computer or the web.TheBrain allows you to:
  • Check for accessibility issues

    This webpage provides a guide to using Microsoft's Accessibility Checker in order to ensure Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents are accessible to those with disabilities. 
  • Paletton

    Paletton (formerly Color Scheme Designer) is an application which enables you to design a colour scheme for your documents and presentation and then check it against an accessibility tool to ensure your colour scheme is accessible for those
  • Evaluability assessment template

    This template from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is designed to take the user through a step by step process of evaluability assessment. 
  • GovMetric

    GovMetric (formerly Public Service Monitor) is a website that monitors the internet to identify the topics that are being discussed and evaluating the information in order to provide a snapshot of the views presented.
  • Stakeholders’ interest in potential evaluation questions

    This worksheet from Chapter 5 of the Nation
  • A Bibliography on Evaluability Assessment

    This webpage, developed by Rick Davies for Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS, provides a synthesis and links to 104 items of literature related to evaluability assessment.  
  • Creating Presentations Potent for All

    This blog post from Jane Gothberg of the American Evaluation Association outlines a range of tips and resources that will support the development of readable, navigable, and understandable pre
  • Art of Hosting

    This curated website has links to a range of different resources on themes such as hosting meetings, appreciative enquiry, participatory leadership, action learning, open space technology, mind mapping etc
  • Developing Outcomes Models: DoView and the Shower Curtain

    This short article shows the development of a logic model using two techniques at the same time - a plastic shower curtain and DoView software.
  • ImpactMap

    ImpactMap is a tool which creates logic models using a fixed format. It also produces action plans and documents performance measurement plans.
  • Glossaire des termes usuels en mesure de performance et en évaluation

    Ce guide a été préparé par la Direction de la mise en oeuvre de la Loi sur l’administration publique du Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor avec la collaboration précieuse d’experts internes et externes.
  • Estimated costs for evaluation services depending on the scale of the program being evaluated

    The resource provides a guide for the expected costs of various evaluative activities in an Australian context. This resource and the following information was contributed by George Argyrous.
  • Evaluation report writing

    What elements should you highlight in your evaluation reports? How can you craft your evaluation reports so they are both readable and useful for program managers? What is the right balance between narrative explanation and data visualization?
  • Grantee MEL capacity assessment

    This resource, part of the MEL Toolkit for Grantmakers and Grantees, provides a simple discussion/interview guide to assess grantee capacity across several components of MEL.
  • Grantee reporting menu

    This resource outlines the menu of reporting options developed as an approach to reporting that was more flexible and clearer for grantees and provided more insights to program officers.
  • Indicator framework for OSF’s Economic Justice Program

    This resource is the framework that the MEL team in the Open Society Foundations’ Economic Justice Program developed to compile, categorize, and make sense of a range of different indicators across the program’s grant-making portfolio.
  • Template for developing a portfolio learning strategy

    This resource is the template that the Economic Justice Program MEL team developed for the portfolio learning agendas of EJP's inaugural strategy.
  • Evaluation in the Government of Canada

    The Results Division of the Secretariat of the Government of Canada provides advice and guidance on evaluation practices across the federal government.
  • Organizational cultural and linguistic competency assessment tool

    The Organizational Cultural and Linguistic Competency Assessment Tool can be used to assess where organizations and individuals fall along the cultural competence spectrum, and to serve as a guide to identify training needs and ar
  • Toonlet

    This web-based application makes it possible to draw cartoons, by creating characters and then placing them into the panels of a cartoon with appropriate text.
  • Organisational capacity building framework

    This organisational capacity building framework serves to hold together a set of ideas or practices that comprise a broad approach course of action specifically aimed at assisting local implementing institutions and organisations.
  • A toolkit for designing climate change adaptation initiatives

    This toolkit from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) aims to support those that are involved in Climate Change Adaption (CCA) initiatives by providing step-by-step
  • UK Climate Impacts Program Tools

    These tools help organizations or businesses measure climate change, adaptability, risk and perform economic analysis for climate change adaptation which can be used for baseline studies, capacity indicators and frameworks for design.
  • Survey: Quality Control Checklist

    This webpage from EuropeAid provides quality control checklists to support the evaluation, preparation, design and implementation of surveys.