Evaluation Tools and Resources

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  • 622 results found
  • Workshop on the Councillor as Guardian of the Environment

    … governance. It's purpose is to highlight the importance of engaging stakeholders in the process of environmental sustainability and to demonstrate how to … many stakeholders in programs.  Excerpt "In any effort to change things for the better, there are parties who are …
  • Reviewing and scoring projects

    … AR/PCR and information onto ARIES 19 Annex A: Sample Terms of Reference … Reviewing and scoring projects …
  • Making causal pathways visible amid complexity

    … 2021 shares findings from an investigation into how social change agents, including philanthropists, can better … that look beyond the intervention to the larger ecosystem of a project. Experimenting with shifting power within … Harnessing social media to move beyond the echo chamber of methodologists. … 4820 … Making causal pathways visible …
  • Logic models: A tool for effective program planning, collaboration, and monitoring

    … Louis Cicchinelli and Paul R. Brandon for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) , analyses the role of logic models in effective program planning and monitoring. … model is a visual representation of the assumptions and theory of action that underlie the struc ture of an education …
  • Image-based Research: A Sourcebook for Qualitative Researchers

    … This book by Jon Prosser explores the use of images in qualitative research. It looks at the theory and processes behind this approach and uses a range of detailed examples that demonstrate its use in the field. …
  • Innovation histories: A method for learning from experience

    … This brief from the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) outlines the purpose and the steps … histories Clarify the objectives and expectations of stakeholders Define the innovation Construct innovation … history Use the innovation history as a catalyst for change Write up the publishable innovation history …
  • Developmental evaluation: Applying complexity concepts to enhance innovation & use

    … In this book, Michael Quinn Patton describes the process of conducting developmental evaluations for ongoing program … The book includes the following ten sections and makes use of case examples and stories, cartoons, sidebars, and summary … sensitizing concepts, action research, abduction, systems change Utilization-Focused Developmental Evaluation: …
  • Qualitative impact assessment protocol (QuIP)

    … simple and cost-effective tool for assessing the impact of social investments and development interventions. The paper presents an overview of QuIP in three steps: The background to QuIP and its main … collection and analysis methodology; QuIP in the context of other approaches to evaluation, including contribution …
  • Tackling health inequalities through partnership working: learning from a realistic evaluation

    … David Evans and Amanda Killoran, reports on an evaluation of a program designed to test a variety of models aimed at tackling health inequality. Pawson and … concepts of receptive and non-receptive contexts for change as well as the ‘realistic evaluation’ of Pawson & …
  • Conflict-sensitive monitoring and evaluation

    … This guide is Module 3 from Chapter 3 of Saferworld's  resource pack  Conflict-sensitive approaches … sets out to support the development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems that take into account … evaluation introduces a detailed understanding of actors, profile, causes and dynamics into traditional …
  • The nonprofit taxonomy of outcomes: Creating a common language for the sector

    … outcomes. Excerpt "While there is no shortage of outcomes and their indicators in some program areas, there is no centralized grouping of them or assessment of their quality that could serve as a … degree to which increased knowledge leads to the desired change in behavior needs to be known before this increased …
  • Discussion note: Complexity aware monitoring

    … USAID’s Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (LER) has produced a … cutting-edge solutions to monitoring complex aspects of strategies and projects.   The paper discusses five … Feedback Process Monitoring of Impacts Most Significant Change Outcome Harvesting The release of the discussion note …
  • Process tracing: From philosophical roots to best practices

    … The aim of this book is to explain the philosophical foundations, … evidentiary sources, and standards and best practices of process tracing in order to reduce the risks of making … and other sources to see whether the causal process a theory hypothesizes or implies in a case is in fact evident …
  • Zambian HIV/AIDS learning initiative

    … Learning Initiative provides a detailed examination of the program which aims to strengthen capacity of organisations working with HIV/AIDS in Zambia. It also … Summary Introduction and Problem Statement Hypothesis and Theory of Intervention Evaluation Methodology Program …
  • Reading Michael Quinn Patton

    … Website offers an inviting overview and discussion of Developmental Evaluation as presented in Michael Quinn … Innovation and Use. Excerpt "A very important key feature of developmental evaluation is that it aims to contribute to social change and ‘nurture developmental, emergent, innovative, and …
  • A sector-wide approach to assessing effectiveness: the im-prove it! framework

    … for International Development has been produced as part of developing the Im-Prove it! Framework. This  framework has been designed to improve the rigor and consistency of how UK development NGOs assess their effectiveness. "The … support organizations, depending on their strategies for change and thematic focus, in identifying: what to assess …
  • Applications of Case Study Research

    … conducting case study research. 21 individual applications of case study research are included that allow readers to see how the theory can be applied in practice. The book also includes … Study Method Chapter 2. Field Notes Chapter 3. The Role of Theory in Doing Case Studies PART II: Descriptive Case …
  • Developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks + framework template

    … and evaluation framework. The approach it presents is both theory and practice-led, and is designed to provide clear and … the key concepts presents, accompanied by a range of examples drawn from the authors' combined 40 years of … the framework identifying planned results using program theory and program logic developing evaluation questions …
  • Geospatial analysis in evaluation

    … the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) highlights the role of geospatial data in understanding change in phenomena, and answering questions of relevance and effectiveness of development interventions. …
  • Art of Knowledge Exchange

    … the challenges to reaching a solution. reflect on the change processes needed to address these challenges. identify … in bringing about needed change. choose the right mix of knowledge exchange instruments and activities to help your … learning-focused manner. measure and report the results of your knowledge exchange initiative." Contents ANCHOR 7 …
  • Participatory assessment of development (PADev) guidebook

    … Participatory Assessment of Development (PADev) is an approach to impact evaluation … project or programme. It takes a particular area as point of departure and reflects -through different groups of people- on interventions that have taken place and what …
  • Designing donor MEL systems and policies

    … Foundations achieve impact largely through the work of its grantees. But this doesn’t mean that MEL is limited to … what type and how much support, are key to influencing change. Understanding this influence is important to … monitor progress, evaluate efforts, and develop a culture of learning. They include the program’s MEL sub-strategy and …
  • Ushahidi

    … to reflect how our technology gave voice to the people of Kenya during a time of social and political unrest. We carry our commitment to amplifying voices, empowering communities and fostering change to this day, seeking to foster a world in which …
  • Taking stock of empowerment evaluation: An empirical review

    … Lin Miller and Rebecca Campbell, examines 47 case studies of empowerment evaluation in order to assess their … process and those who are the intended beneficiaries of the social programs that were the objects of evaluation. … outcomes for program beneficiaries. Implications for theory and practice are discussed." (Miller & Campbell, 2006) …
  • Five misunderstandings about case-study research

    … other methods are more suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (d) the case study contains a bias towards … that a scientific discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without systematic production of exemplars, and a discipline without exemplars is an …
  • Lifting the lens: developing a logic for a complicated policy

    … for this article comes from the authors’ experience of developing an intervention logic during a two-year evaluation of a complicated government policy. It describes how … logic Figure 2: Logic depicting high-level intervention theory Discussion Approach to logic model development …
  • Logic models workbook

    … outlines a four-step approach for developing program theory logic models for health promotion activities. The … and includes detailed advice and examples for each part of the process. The resource includes a range of sample logic models and worksheets that can be used to …
  • Introduction to impact evaluation

    … from InterAction outlines the basic principles and ideas of Impact Evaluation including when, why, how and by whom it … Clarifying Values for an Impact Evaluation  Developing a Theory or Model of How the Intervention is Supposed to Work  Measuring or …
  • Castlemaine 500 project outcomes

    … This report is an example of a Collaborative Outcomes Report (COR) from a community … Victoria, Australia. It is titled "How we ran a behaviour change program and the lessons we learnt". … Castlemaine 500 …
  • International advocacy evaluation community of practice's webinar

    … from the International Advocacy Evaluation Community of Practice  demonstrates how Most Significant Change and Participatory Video were used to evaluate women's … Guatemala. … International advocacy evaluation community of practice's webinar …
  • Emerging Opportunities: Monitoring and Evaluation in a Tech-Enabled World

    … The Rockefeller Foundation to Itad, provides an overview of how the practice of monitoring and evaluation (M&E)—including that of the … digital data Low institutional capacity and resistance to change Privacy and protection A checklist for thinking …
  • Complex adaptive systems: A different way of thinking about health care systems

    … Health Care Research Institute, provides a brief synopsis of literature relevant to CAS and healthcare systems. Excerpt … and emergent properties based on diverse populations of individuals interacting with each other and capable of … in action – is Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS). CAS theory provides a different way of thinking about health care …