Evaluation Tools and Resources

The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.

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  • 622 results found
  • Purposes of evaluation

    … Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) provides an overview of the most frequent reasons for undertaking programme evaluations. The content is based on a review of evaluation literature from academia and international … uses what kind of evaluation findings? Box 2. Programme Theory for Reducing Maternal Mortality Box 3. Evaluation …
  • Nature, distribution and evolution of poverty and inequality in Uganda

    … This report from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) analyses the incidence of poverty across Uganda between 1992 and 2002 to provide a picture of the changes that have taken place in the incidence, depth …
  • Measuring the Un-Measurable: Solutions to Measurement Challenges in Fragile and Conflict-affected Environments

    … (DFID) , was developed to improve the measurement of programmes in fragile and conflict environments. The guide provides a detailed overview of tools, methodologies and approaches that can be used in … accurate and rigorous measurement of desired change is a common challenge for any sector working in …
  • Community-based adaptation toolkit

    … step-by-step guidance and recommended tools for all stages of the project cycle, along with links to useful resources … International, 2010) Contents About the Toolkit The Basics of Community-Based Adaptation Using the Toolkit The CBA … Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods – p. 25 Climate Change and Environment Degradation Risk and Adaptation …
  • Navigating sustainability: measurement, evaluation and action

    … The paper specifically looks at major initiatives in theory and practice over the last 20 years; outlines a … looks at how different sectors have approached the issue of sustainability.  Excerpt "T he understanding and practice … 8 Bringing clarity 8 Major initiatives in sustainability theory & practice over the last 20 years  11 Pre 1992: rising …
  • Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) toolkit for grantmakers and grantees

    … that, all too often, failed to serve anyone on either side of the relationship. The aim was to design an approach that … instead prioritized grantee learning and long-term systems change. About the project These resources were created by the … are hosted on BetterEvaluation. While there were plenty of MEL tools and templates available, there were few that …
  • Unique Methods in Advocacy Evaluation

    … evaluation methods for assessing advocacy and policy change.  The Bellwether Methodology and Policymaker … is positioned on the policy agenda, what is the attitude of decision makers towards it, and how likely they are to act … for a particular advocacy issue among a defined group of policymakers. Intense Period Debriefs developed by …
  • Developing Capacity, Improving Performance

    … Performance Index which is used to analyse organisational change, particularly with regard to performance and the link … efficiency, relevance, and sustainability.  Each of these domains includes benchmarks that describe a progression of four levels of increasing performance.  Partner …
  • Monitoring the composition and evolution of the research networks of the CGIAR research program on roots, tubers and bananas (RTB)

    … This Brief provides an example of how Social Network Analysis (SNA) can be used, in the context of agricultural research. The authors describe what SNA is, … monitor changes in research networks. Since these networks change as the research projects mature (Kratzer,Gemuenden and …
  • Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis

    … Graham Allison and Philip Zelikow's case study of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis investigates how superpowers … with one another. Robert Yin (2010) references this piece of research as a strong example of analytic generalisation, as the authors conclude that the …
  • Present your data in a bar chart

    … plotting data in a bar chart Create an elaborate bar chart Change the spacing between the bars Simulate a Gantt chart …
  • Indicator framework for OSF’s Economic Justice Program

    … Program developed to compile, categorize, and make sense of a range of different indicators across the program’s grant-making … field, the categories of outcome areas (such as narrative change, policy change, and changes in practice) may provide …
  • PADev Manuel d'instruction. Evaluation participative de développement

    PADev est un engin innovant de moyens et méthodes qui ont été modelés pour obtenir une évaluation par la base du développement et changement d‟une zone particulière dans un lapse de temps basé sur le système de valeurs de la population.
  • What is impact evaluation?

    … (3ie) provides an introduction to the importance of impact evaluation. Professor White demonstrated that if we …
  • Setting new standards for better MEL: Lessons for grantees & funders

    … This brief shares insights from the efforts of The Economic Justice Program (EJP) of the Open Society Foundations' Strategy & Impact Unit to … with evidence-based learning to help agents of change deliver long-term, collective impact. … Setting new …
  • Monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement (MERI)

    Caring for our Country - MERI Strategy - is a website that breaks down the evaluation processes into four interrelated components: monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement.
  • Developmental Evaluation in Practice: Lessons and Tips from an Evaluation of the Convergence Partnership

    … Association (AEA) Public Library. The resource is made up of two Power-Point Presentation s that were part of the AEA Conference in 2012. The session illustrates in … to examine complex and dynamic social and environmental change initiatives that call for equally dynamic approaches …
  • DECI - lessons from year 1

    … outlines the lessons that were learned from the first year of the program. Contents What was most helpful in UFE What …
  • Blogs in plain English

    … and information. Contents How blogs are changing the idea of news in the 21st century How blogs are created and organized The role of blogs in bringing like-minded people together How blogs …
  • Listening to smaller voices: using an innovative participatory tool for children affected by HIV and AIDS to assess a life skills programme

    … This paper details the evaluation of a Life Skills programme implemented by Family Health … determine how the programme had changed (or not) the lives of children who were infected, orphaned, affected or …
  • Logframe - A Critique

    … This paper provides a critical analysis of logframes and argues that they may not be a useful tool as …
  • See it Our Way Participatory photography as a tool for advocacy

    … and support organisations who advocate for the rights of marginalsied people on the use of PhotoVoice to develop effective advocacy campaigns.  … and participant protection Workshop design Creating change: using the images Project case studies Image examples …
  • The seven secrets of good monitoring and evaluation

    … This is a webinar that was given by Jess Dart for Enabling Change and Innovation  (archived link) on her seven secrets of good monitoring and evaluation.  Jess describes how to design your project with M&E in mind, different ways of approaching your M&E, how to keep on track during the life …
  • Shared Measurement: A Catalyst to Drive Collective Learning and Action

    … Evaluation: Embracing Complexity, Connectivity and Change. The presentation looks at how measurement can lead to …
  • Earth Eval: Using video to communicate evaluation results

    … This blog offers an example of a video that was created to communicate evaluation … conducting a mid-term evlauation for the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance project (ACCRA). It explains how … provides an engaging, concise means for communicate a lot of information.   … Earth Eval: Using video to communicate …
  • Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Oddar Meanchey Province

    … This project design document outlines the development of a program to support sustainable forest management and … methods mentioned Baseline Study – p. 23-43 Time Series of Maps – p. 35-36 Land Use Change Model – p. 37 Remote Sensing Analysis – p. 39 “Without …
  • Democratic governance and evaluation

    … ways. It offers a discussion centred around the evaluation of three general democratic governance models and the implications of leading democratic evaluations. Extract " Since governance … there is a need to illuminate and discuss the role of evaluation. Evaluation is to most people thought of as a …
  • Evaluation and Gender Equality: Why we need more feminist evaluations (Webinar)

    … This webinar explored the perspectives of four women who shared their organizations' experiences in … why this is  important for evaluation to be a driver for change. She emphasized both the opportunities and challenges … in real evaluation practices and shared the  example of their own ongoing work. Florencia Tateossian from UN Women …
  • The EvaluateIT resource kit

    … This online resource kit simplifies the task of evaluating community-based information technology (IT) … project. It could also be used to assist in the evaluation of other community-based projects. This resource kit was designed in 2004 as part of a research project conducted by a team from Queensland …
  • Frontiers of Innovation: A Case Study in Using Developmental Evaluation to Improve Outcomes for Vulnerable Children

    … Evaluation: Embracing Complexity, Connectivity and Change. The presentation uses a case study to demonstrate how … presentation is available for download here:  Frontiers of Innovation Click on image to watch video … Frontiers of Innovation: A Case Study in Using Developmental Evaluation …
  • Results chain analysis tiny tool

    … was designed to help communities analyse the chain of effects from activities to outputs. The tool can be used early in the process of developing a logic model based on existing data, or done … on page 6 of the 2010 version of NGO-IDEAS Measuring Change in Communities and Groups (archived link). … Results …
  • A participatory model for evaluating social programs

    … social programs.  The model draws on the experience of the writers and current literature and presents two case … Twelve Principles Assessing Effectiveness, Stimulating Change Methodological Features of a Participatory Evaluation Model Assessing the Information …