Evaluation Tools and Resources

The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.

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  • 622 results found
  • Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis: A practical method for project planning and evaluation

    … This institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) brief number 17 provides an overview of using Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis (PIPA) on … social, economic and environmental impacts. At the heart of PIPA is a participatory workshop in which project …
  • GIS for disaster recovery

    … in Aceh after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. "Within days of the devastation, the United Nations (UN) set up a … Center (HIC) in Sumatra. Based in tents in the heart of the catastrophe, HIC collected data from the Indonesian …
  • Observation as an evaluation technique

    … This web page from Evaluation Trust gives a clear overview of observation as an evaluation tool and includes tips on how … that need to take place beforehand about the role of the observer, and the large amount of data which it … the participant observer continuum is likely to move and change all the time How to undertake observation" (The …
  • Evaluating Impacts of Peacebuilding Interventions

    … opportunities that may be faced when evaluating the impact of programs designed to build peace in conflict settings; to … with statebuilding and peacebuilding at the centre of its work in fragile and conflict--‐affected countries … quasi-experimental designs: variable-based approaches 23 Theory-based and case-based designs: Mechanism-based …
  • Evaluation questions checklist for program evaluation

    … Created by Lori Wingate and Daniala Schroeter, the purpose of this checklist is to aid in developing effective and … evaluation questions and in assessing the quality of existing questions. It identifies characteristics of good … What's really useful is the fact that it's grounded in theory and experience from practice, and the resources and …
  • Visual research methods

    … web page from Learn Higher  provides links to a variety of resources on Image-based research. The resources include papers that focus on the theory of using images for research through projects that …
  • Transforming Evaluation Practice to Support Social Innovation

    … a) contribute to understanding the complexities of an innovation, b) are adaptive and responsive to new and … results on the uses, conditions, tensions, and benefits of engaging in developmental evaluation, and challenge the … how we must re-envision the role, purpose, and processes of evaluation so that it fits social innovation." … …
  • Guidance on using the revised logical framework

    … This guide from the UK Department of International Development (DFID) aims to help project managers/evaluators make the best use of logical framework (logframe) in designing and managing projects. Contents The purpose of this document Guidance or compliance? Who does this …
  • Towards a characterisation of adaptive capacity: A framework for analysing adaptive capacity at the local level

    … attention to processes, rather than snapshot pictures of a system at a single point in time. This framework may in … resources to enhance a system’s ability to adapt to change. Excerpt Contents Why another framework? From … Endnotes and references … Towards a characterisation of adaptive capacity: A framework for analysing adaptive …
  • Evaluation education in a world in transformation: The way forward

    … In this webinar, Dr Marcia Joppert presents the results of her doctoral dissertation; a study about mapping … evaluation education opportunities globally and analysis of how they align with the skills of transformational evaluators and the needs of young and …
  • Digital Storytelling

    … from Participatory Learning and Action  describes the use of digital storytelling (DST) in development and how it is … NGOs interested in increasing awareness and understanding of a particular issue, or in genuinely exploring how best … impact and influence of digital stories DST, learning and change … Digital Storytelling …
  • Building an evaluative culture for effective evaluation and results management

    … This brief from the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) provides advice on building an … programmes and services. He talks about the influence of leadership, organizational support structures and learning … culture.  The Brief does not provide an example of an organization which applies or has developed an …
  • Randomised control trials for the impact evaluation of development initiatives: a statistician's point of view

    … This paper from the Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Initiative provides a range of technical and practical reflections on the use of randomised control trials in impact evaluation. "It is …
  • Digital storytelling: Capturing lives, creating communities

    … philosophy and work, including the updated "SEVEN STEPS" of digital storytelling. These steps, which represent an … to identifying the fundamentals of digital storytelling, are one of the Center's unique teaching strategies. Readers will also …
  • The African evaluation principles

    … across the world The evaluation shows the connectedness of the world, with special attention to where humanity’s footprint calls for new ideas and knowledge for change and transformation. … The African evaluation principles …
  • Tool kit on gender equality results and indicators

    … and enhances the effectiveness and sustainability of development initiatives. Despite long-standing … international commitments and the demonstrated benefits of addressing gender inequalities, incorporating gender … 23 Environmentally Sustainable Development and Climate Change 29 Finance Sector, Private Sector, and Enterprise …
  • Blue Marble Evaluation

    … global initiative focused on training the next generation of evaluators to Think Globally, Act Globally and Evaluate Globally.  The website includes a number of free resources, including case studies, recorded webinars, … Earth, big picture thinking to all aspects of systems change.  Anthropocene as Context Principle:  Know and face …
  • Okiko in pursuit of a snail: Child-led evaluation of the building skills for life programme in Kenya

    … third in this series and presents a child-led evaluation of a multi-sectoral programme in Cambodia seeking to empower … can find links to the first and second parts at the bottom of the page. This resource and the following information was … practical and even easy way to enrich our understanding of change and enhance programme quality.  How have you used or …
  • OnTheMap

    … web-based interface for viewing the potential effects of disasters on the U.S. workforce and population. It is … population, and housing characteristics for a variety of natural and man made disasters.  Excerpt "To provide users … Service’s (NWS) National Hurricane Center, Department of Interior (DOI), Department of Agriculture (DOA), and the …
  • Appreciative inquiry principles: the anticipatory principle

    … describes the anticipatory principle which is one of the underpinnings of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). It argues that it is easier and … the Simultaneity Principle  - recognising that inquiry and change are not separate moments - that collecting data is …
  • Project evaluation guide for nonprofit organizations

    … Page 17 of this guide from Imagine Canada provides an example of an evaluation budget for a one-year project evaluation. … to evaluation activity.  The assigned staff, number of days, and cost per day is specified for each activity. …
  • Landscape analysis equity centered evaluation

    … inequitable practices mainstreamed in the evaluation of international cooperation initiatives worldwide. We … than 100 key stakeholders positioned in diverse points of the evaluation ecosystem. We co-facilitated South-South … understand equity in evaluation Existing journeys of change towards equity Emerging recommendations for …
  • People first impact method: Facilitator’s toolkit

    … is aimed at supporting facilitators in the teaching of the People First Impact Method (P-FIM) through a range of exercises. P-FIM is a practical tool designed for use in … It identifies the causes of positive, negative and neutral change in their lives. It emphasises active listening, …
  • Adding Value to Evaluations: Applying the Governmental Learning Spiral for Evaluation-Based Learning

    … This guide from the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank outlines the use of Governmental Learning Spiral as a concept for organizing … from this five-year experience. First, triangulation of content and stakeholders as an organizing principle …
  • Planting the seeds for high-quality program evaluation in public health

    … almost a decade. In addition to incorporating evaluation theory, enhancing the existing CDC Framework for Program … We anticipate that the e-text will be used in schools of public health as well as professional development courses … Why would you recommend it to other people? This is one of a few introductory evaluation texts focused on the …
  • Complexity Evaluation framework: recognising complexity & key considerations for complexity-appropriate evaluation in the department for environment, food and rural affairs (DEFRA)

    … The primary purpose of this framework is to equip Defra commissioners of evaluation (which may include analysts and policymakers), … and sufficiently consider the implications of complexity theory. The framework is intended to increase the use and …
  • 10 Techniques for building a google sheets dashboard

    … their affiliation Ben Collins Key features The sections of this tutorial include: Collect user inputs through a … know existed that will likely save some time. In terms of actually using this for dashboard creation, I would be … at this resource - which focuses on the technical aspects of dashboard creation - in tandem with other guides that go …
  • Value for Money: A Plan to Develop a Methodology to Audit Environmental Issues

    … methodology for including environmental issues as part of a VFM audit. Developed for the  Comptroller General of Chile , is aimed at measuring the impact of government … problems before they happen. Excerpt "The impacts of change on the natural environment are complex and a major …
  • How to Make a US County Thematic Map Using Free Tools

    … a choropleth map by using free online tools. Each step of the process is clearly explained and relevant examples are … to use for map Step 11. Prepare style for paths Step 12. Change color of counties Step 13. Output modified map Step 14. Run script …
  • Systems concepts in action: a practitioner's toolkit

    … and Richard Hummelbrunner, is focused on the practical use of systems ideas. Abstract "The book's Introduction gives an overview of systems thinking, its origins, and its major subfields. In addition, the introductory text to each of the book's three parts provides background information on …
  • Learning Lessons: Managing for Development Results

    … Bank  (ADB) synthesizes key lessons drawn from evaluations of projects and programs that have been funded by the ADB. … partnership. It is being mainstreamed in phases because of its substantial resource requirements and the need to get … and staff. The evaluation focuses on the first phase of MfDR, specifically on the process and institutional …
  • Check for accessibility issues

    … "The Accessibility Checker checks your file against a set of possible issues for people who have disabilities might … their experience. Fixing some issues might require you to change, reformat, or update your content. Accessibility …