Evaluation Tools and Resources

The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.

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  • 623 results found
  • Evaluating capacity development: Experiences from research and development organizations

    … was used to conduct six evaluation studies over the course of 3 years. The authors use examples and lessons drawn from … and evaluating organizational capacity development is of critical importance to ensuring that capacity development … A self-assessment approach to monitoring and evaluation of capacity development can help engage managers, staff, and …
  • Framing participatory evaluation

    … Cousins and Elizabeth Whitmore presents two main streams of participatory evaluation, practical participatory … evaluation, and compares them with regard to a number of dimensions such as control, level, and range of … power in the production of knowledge and promoting social change are the root issues. The purpose of this chapter is to …
  • Rationality, irrationality, reality: The uneasy marriage between decision-making & evidence (Webinar)

    … shape policies and programs that truly improve the lives of citizens. Studies have shown that decision-making … shaping well-informed policies that address the real needs of our communities. Given the crucial importance of this … experience in the use of communication for behavioral change.   … Rationality, irrationality, reality: The uneasy …
  • Participatory impact assessment: A design guide

    … a tried and tested approach to measuring the impact of livelihoods projects. The guide avoids standards and … to context. In this updated version, the kind and range of examples of PIA has been expanded to include service delivery …
  • Using diaries in research with people with dementia

    … This toolkit, written by Ruth Bartlett for the University of Manchester, uses the experiences of people with dementia who kept a diary documenting their campaign for social change to demonstrate the use of diaries. The toolkit focuses …
  • Best practices compendium on outcome budgeting

    … Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Government of India, is designed to assist government entities in … decisions are informed by the impact and effectiveness of interventions. For example, instead of allocating funds to specific programmes or activities, a …
  • RCT on a civic education program and the impact on voter behaviour by Search for Common Ground

    … Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL) is an example of how the randomized control trial (RCT) evaluation methodology can be used to test impacts of communication on behaviour and social change. In this case, the impact of civic education programs …
  • Biodiversity and the economic response to COVID-19: Ensuring a green and resilient recovery

    … brief “outlines how biodiversity loss is a key driver of emerging infectious diseases and poses a variety of other growing risks to businesses, society and the global … introduced to date has largely been limited to climate change, with much less attention given to biodiversity. …
  • Measuring results and impact in the age of big data

    … This paper explores the nexus of data science and evaluation, probing the issues and challenges of incorporating big data into evaluation practice. This … scientists, and categorizes them into issues relating to theory, data quality and validity, and sampling and sample …
  • Impact evaluation: A guide for commissioners and managers

    … in gaining a deeper and broader understanding of impact evaluation. The resource builds on an initial … for International Development (DFID)  Broadening the range of designs and methods for impact evaluations . The impetus … 4 Linking cause and effect 5 Explanation and the role oftheory’ 7 Who defines impact? 7 Impact evaluation and …
  • Democratic evaluation and democracy: exploring the reality

    … Democratic evaluation brings a way of thinking about evaluation’s role in society and in … supplied by Donna Podems, Research Fellow at University of Johannesburg, and Assistant Professor, Michigan State … and learning that ultimately aims to inform practice and theory. Chapters: Democratic Evaluation and a New Democracy: …
  • Qualitative chart chooser 3.0

    … Qualitative Chart Chooser 3.0 is an updated version of Stephanie Evergreen and Jennifer Lyons attempt to organise … data, such as whether you're trying to outline a hierarchy of concepts, the flow of events, a comparison between or … dots Venn diagrams Quote and pic Callout box Bolded words Change photos Concept mapping Network mapping Timeline …
  • The developmental evaluation institute

    … and perspectives, to give voice to the potentiality of developmental evaluation; its practice, its promise and … local, regional, national and global challenges to our way of lives, our environments and our cultures. Any quest for … and important for evaluators playing a role in systems change that supports increased social justice and equity. … …
  • Webinar recording: When the ‘field’ is online – qualitative data collection

    … Brought to you by SAGE Publishing Key features The goals of the webinar were to support researchers to: think through … e Research Framework to prompt thinking about implications of using ICT and discusses the following questions: Have … have access to & comfort with tools? What timing of message and response works best? How will you relate to …
  • Dylomo

    … Sciences,), Nancy Snow (OCAD University, CA). Key features of Dylomo This tool was developed to create logic models that can represent the complex, dynamic nature of programs.  The tool is web-based, and interactive, allowing users to customise and change connections and highlight individual paths along the …
  • Create an accessible Office document

    … about accessibility and how to increase the accessibility of your documents for various users with disabilities. The … to complete and is recommended for intermediate users of Microsoft Office. Extract "Imagine that you are a designer of shopping malls. You don't know exactly who is going to use …
  • Soft systems methodology: a thirty year retrospective

    … Methodology (SSM) can be used to gain understanding of complex relationship drive situations and their contexts. It was developed by the author of this research paper, Peter Checkland, as a comprehensive … process which tried to ensure that both whole and parts of a situation were continually honed and refined in cycles …
  • Diagnosing monitoring and evaluation capacity in Africa

    … lessons learned from adapting and implementing a range of global tools in an African context, and puts forward … (M&E) systems in the region. Through the process of adapting global tools to make them more appropriate to an … culture. Drawing on approaches from organisational change may be of help to strengthen our tool development …
  • OECD-DAC principles for evaluation of development assistance

    … and principles for use after 25 years. The goal of the criteria is to support better evaluation that in turn … within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This resource and the following information was … evaluation criteria are widely referenced in evaluations of international development and humanitarian projects, …
  • Dealing with paradox – Stories and lessons from the first three years of consortium-building

    … This case study documents and reflects upon the building of the Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies (recently re-named START … and delivers interventions and seeks to challenge and change how the sector works for the better.  This resource …
  • Baseline basics

    … the study, as well as information on the reconstruction of baseline data. The information provided was supplied by Scott Chaplowe, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Authors and their … a project (or program) begins to later assess progress and change to inform monitoring and ongoing implementation, …
  • EVAC Assessment

    … to UNICEF Vietnam's communication campaign as part of the global “END Violence against Children” initiative. It was an early example of trying to implement the approach outlined in the C4D … relating to contribution of C4D to behaviour and attitude change were not feasible within the scope of the assessment. …
  • The importance of a methodologically diverse approach to impact evaluation

    … strengths and limitations and that there are a wide range of scientific, evidence-based, rigorous approaches to … contexts for assessing impact. IE is complex, particularly of mulit-dimensional interventions such as many forms of development (e.g. capacity building, global budget …
  • The remote partnering work book

    … Development Goals (SDG) and a very high percentage of partnerships linked to the SDGs are remote partnerships. … new thinking about the challenges and the potential of partnering remotely Sharing some initial ideas on what it … fit-for-purpose approaches Building momentum for system change and transformational collaboration” (p4) Contents …
  • Mappiness: A mobile data collection example

    … This example of mobile data collection uses an iPhone app to collect data about how the environment affects the moods of participants. Mappiness has been designed to gather data … — starting with this paper in Global Environmental Change ." … Mappiness: A mobile data collection example …
  • Realist Evaluation Workshop

    … The focus of this one-day workshop was to build practical skills to … projects and programmes. The rapidly changing context of development assistance in recent years combined with … environment. Over the last decade this has led to a surge of interest in exploring alternative, yet still robust, …
  • Participatory evaluation of participatory research

    … by Dr. Dindo Campilan  at the Forum on Evaluation of International Cooperation Projects: Centering on Development of Human Resources in the Field of Agriculture held on 6-7 December 2000 at the International …
  • Use of impact evaluation results

    … outlines three key themes linked to the effective use of evaluation results.   The first theme focuses on ensuring the use of results is planned for from the beginning of the process. … 14 A growing climate of accountability 14 Internet-powered change in the model of giving for international development …
  • A balanced approach to monitoring and evaluating capacity and performance

    … "The study has two purposes: To enhance understanding of the interrelationships amongst capacity, change and performance across a wide range of development experiences; and To provide general …
  • Tools for knowledge and learning: A guide for development and humanitarian organisations

    … kit presents entry points and references to the wide range of tools and methods that have been used to facilitate … multilaterals, NGOs, research institutes, and the plethora of institutions based in the South, including national … 13 3. Social Network Analysis 15 4. Most Significant Change (MSC) 17 5. Outcome Mapping 20 6. Scenario Testing and …
  • DAC guidelines and reference series quality standards for development evaluation

    … in development evaluation.   Developed through a process of drafting, trialling and reviewing by members of the OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation, the document sets out standards in terms of: overarching considerations; purpose, planning and design; …
  • From Evidence to Action: The Story of Cash Transfers and Impact Evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa

    … This book presents a detailed overview of the impact evaluations of cash transfer programmes, carried out by the Transfer … from evaluations was used to catalyze policy and programme change in the social protection arena. The lessons – each …