Evaluation Tools and Resources

The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.

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  • 620 results found
  • DFAT design and monitoring and evaluation standards

    … Australian Government aim to "improve the quality and use of Design and M&E products, and to integrate evaluative … Evaluation Capacity Building Program - an institutional change program to improve the quality and use of M&E and to … Design – Terms of Reference Standard 3: Program Logic/Theory of Change Standard 4: Investment Design Standard 5: …
  • Seeking surprise: Rethinking monitoring for collective learning in rural resource management

    … on her extensive knowledge and experience in the field of rural resource management in Brazil. It provides a … activities are contributing directly to action and change in development interventions. Each learning purpose … (Guijt 2008, p 287) Contents Introduction Experience, Theory and Methodology Perspectives of Rural Resource …
  • Incorporating intersectionality in evaluation of policy impacts on health equity

    … This document introduces intersectionality theory and promotes the use of the intersection approach in the analyses of structural … Inequalities and their Social Determinants, and Fostering Change). This resource and the following information was …
  • Making sense of evaluation: A handbook for everyone

    … more about how to measure and understand the effectiveness of their programmes. The contents are presented in four modules, featuring a penguin case study to ground the theory of evaluation in real life. This resource and the … understanding your programme or service, measuring change and examples of indicators, and finally information on …
  • Measuring results: the demand-side revolution

    …  outlines a process for monitoring the performance of NGOs based on demand, rather than supply.  The blog … their own performance. Contents Logical Framework Theory of Change Outcome Mapping Social Framework Participatory Impact …
  • Using qualitative comparative analysis to explore causal links for scaling up investments in renewable energy

    … goals. In this resource, QCA was used to validate the theory of change developed for an evaluation of renewable energy …
  • ROMA: A guide to policy engagement and influence

    … engage with and influence policy. Using over a decade of experience in influencing policy change, this set of tools was designed by the RAPID team … of realistic, stakeholder-focused outcomes 26 Develop a theory of how to facilitate change 28 Develop your …
  • Evaluation of “Strengthening ICTD Research Capacity in Asia” (SIRCA) programme

    … which aimed to develop capacity in the research and use of ICT for Development in Asia. The project was run in … Evaluation Questions Methodology The UFE Approach SIRCA?s Theory of Change Mixed Methods Triangulation Limitations to the …
  • Causality assessment for landscape interventions (CALI)

    … approach developed by UNDP to support adaptive management of projects that aim to reduce deforestation at the landscape … and refining project impact pathways; Refining the theory of change to reflect the project impact pathways; Facilitating …
  • Rethinking monitoring for collective learning in rural resource management

    … involve collaborative action by a changing configuration of stakeholders, monitoring practice often falls short of its potential. In the context of „farmer first? … Resource Management Discourses Understanding the Espoused Theory Of Mainstream Monitoring Participatory M&E as An …
  • Impact pathway evaluation: an approach for achieving and attributing impact in complex systems

    … This article describes the development and use of a new impact monitoring, evaluation and assessment … called impact pathway evaluation. "In the first stage of this approach, a research project develops an impact pathway for itself, which is an explicit theory or model of how the project sees itself achieving …
  • Tools and tips for implementing contribution analysis

    … problem in the first place Developing a (good) theory of change takes time and engagement Existing evidence can be …
  • Monitoring and evaluating policy influence and advocacy

    … and Melinda Gates Foundation staff approach the evaluation of their policy-advocacy work.  It details the evolution of M&E in advocacy and policy influence, discusses the … advocacy is often seen as a way of creating sustainable change in international development. And the more funders and …
  • Making rigorous causal claims in a real-life context: Has research contributed to sustainable forest management?

    … an impact evaluation that examined the contribution of two forestry research centres - the Centre for … in the six countries in the Congo Basin. A detailed theory of change was developed through stakeholder interviews, …
  • Social impact metrics

    … Actionable Impact Management (AIM) is a 4 part series of ebooks that provide guidance to assist organisations to … strategy Vision, mission, & goals Program structure Theory of change Managing change VOL 2 METRICS – define metrics to …
  • A handbook of data collection tools

    … advocacy and policy . The handbook includes a range of practical tools and processes that can be used to gather … tools to measure the core outcome areas related to social change or policy change. For each outcome area, you will find … of Process and Impacts  38 Method: Case Studies 38 Method: Theory-based Evaluation  40 Method: Use of Coding Protocol …
  • Evaluating Peacebuilding Activities in Settings of Conflict and Fragility

    … program design, management and evaluation in areas of conflict and fragility. Evaluations conducted in this area have demonstrated weaknesses in terms of program design, effectiveness and management which this … 77 Annex B. Understanding and evaluating theories of change 80 Annex C. Sample terms of reference for a conflict …
  • A guide to measuring advocacy and policy

    … strategies for measuring and evaluating the impact of advocacy and public policy grant making. The guide … Section 1: Context of Measuring Advocacy and Policy Change Efforts 6 Measuring Advocacy and Policy Change … 2: Designing Appropriate Evaluation 11 Start with a Theory of Change  11 Identify Your Outcome Categories 16 …
  • SPC Logical Framework Approach Training Project

    … & Evaluation Associates (PREA)  for the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) , aims to introduce users to … way to develop proposals for funding in the are of climate change adaptation. It was developed as part of workshops that … Example of a logframe for an ADB project   54 Appendix 4. Theory of Change   56 Appendix 5. Monitoring & Evaluation …
  • Equitable evaluation initiative

    … as a tool for advancing equity. The site has a number of resources on addressing equity in evaluation. This … The Equitable Evaluation Initiative has developed a Theory of Change and an Equitable Evaluation Framework, it aims to …
  • Network weaving for regional development: an evaluation of the caucasus' agricultural alliances in Armenia and Georgia using social network analysis

    … Bokuchava for Oxfam, this research report is an example of applying Social Network Analysis to evaluate the stage ofof how to operationalise Social Network Analysis around a Theory of Change (in this case, Pastor et al.'s Building Blocks to …
  • UNICEF webinar: Overview: strategies for causal inference

    … a counterfactual to determine if something has caused a change? Professor Patricia Rogers provides an overview of how to determine causal attribution in impact evaluations. … evidence for the causal relationships made explicit in the theory of change; and Ruling out alternative explanations …
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation logic model guide

    … Handbook , this guide focuses on the development and use of the program logic model. Excerpt "The program logic model … as a picture of how your organization does its work – the theory and assumptions underlying the program. A program … a basic logic model to explore and explain the theory of-change that describes the rationale for your program.A …
  • CDC: Checklist to help focus your evaluation

    … you to assess potential evaluation questions in terms of their relevance, feasibility, fit with the values, nature and theory of change of the program, and the level of stakeholder …
  • Using (Reach and) Results Chains to Understand (Plan, Measure and Evaluate) Complex Multi-level Interventions

    … evaluators need to recognise reach, the intended target of influence by a program or organisation, as well as … use a common lense and language. Contents Agenda Theories of Change and Results Logic Logic Model Implications The …
  • The Big Push Forward

    … This website provides a range of resources and discussion about approaches for assessing … transformative development processes. Featuring a series of blog posts that focus on debate and exploration of … learning and reflect their values and theories of change Analysing how bureaucratic practices can result in …
  • Impact investments: A literature review

    … This paper reviews literature on the evaluation of impact investments. Various tools and approaches for … Centre for Development Impact Key features A wide range of tools and approaches to assessing social impact are … identifies a consensus around the use of theories of change; arguments for multiple methods rather than reliance …
  • How to manage gender-responsive evaluation

    … provides extensive advice and tools for each of the key steps of an evaluation with clear directions and … aim of the handbook is to provide a clear link between the theory of gender-responsive evaluation and practice.  Excerpt … to inequities, discrimination and unfair power relations, change as a result of an intervention using a process that is …
  • Qualitative comparative analysis – A rigorous qualitative method for assessing impact

    … and Barbara Befani for Coffey , provides an outline of the use of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and includes a case … Analysis (QCA) and what can it do? Testing Theories of Change and engaging with complexity How has it been used …
  • Making the case for capacity building

    … This case study evaluation of the Pact's Umbrella Grants Management (UGM) Program in … tools.   Excerpt "Pact had implemented the project with a Theory of Change hypothesis: that the combined effect of grant making …
  • 2014-2017 Evaluation Strategic Plan - UN Women

    … strategic plan for the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of UN Women (UNW) . The plan aims at strengthening evaluation … Excerpt "The Evaluation Strategic Plan is guided by a Theory of Change (ToC) based on a system-approach to strengthen the …
  • Linking monitoring and evaluation to impact evaluation

    … 214KB) . Contents 1. How can monitoring and other forms of evaluation support impact evaluation? 2 1.1. Main … into M&E thinking and practices 7 2.1. Articulate the theory of change 7 2.2. Identify priorities for undertaking impact …