Evaluation Tools and Resources

The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.

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  • 620 results found
  • Doing Q Methodological Research

    … to capture the subjective or first-person viewpoints of its participants. Watts and Stenner outline the key … concepts developed by William Stephenson, the founder of Q methodology, including subjectivity, concourse theory and abduction. They then turn to the practicalities of
  • A Bibliography on Evaluability Assessment

    … NEWS , provides a synthesis and links to 104 items of literature related to evaluability assessment.   "They … in international development. The list is a result of a search using Google Scholar and Google Search to find … a result of a request posted on the MandE NEWS, Xceval and Theory Based Evaluation email lists." (Davies 2012) … A …
  • Measuring outcomes in family support : Practitioners' guide

    … the  NSW Family Services Inc (now FAMS) , provides a range of ideas and tools to support the evaluation of family support services. Contents What are family support … do we want to measure outcomes in family support? How, “in theory” can we measure outcomes in family support?  What are …
  • AEA statement on cultural competence in evaluation

    … "This statement of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) affirms the significance of cultural competence in evaluation. It also informs the … of evaluation." Excerpt "Cultural competence in evaluation theory and practice is critical for the profession and for …
  • Monitoring and evaluating capacity development: Is it really that difficult?

    … NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) analyses some of the key concepts of capacity development, particularly regarding monitoring … – p. 14-15 Outcome Mapping (OM) – p. 15 Stories of Change – p. 15-16 Most Significant Change (MSC) – p. 16 …
  • Global innovations in measurement and evaluation

    … highlights their research into the latest developments in theory and practice in measurement and evaluation. The … and programme design, and the careful collection and use of data.  This resource and the following information was … to better informed measurement and evaluation design. Theory-based evaluation and impact management embolden us to …
  • Program Evaluation: a Plain English Guide

    … Dana Cross, Grosvenor Management Consulting Year of publication 2015 Type of resource Guide Key features of … to articulate the workings of your program using program theory and program logic tools available for planning your … When is the best time for program evaluation? Program theory and program logic: articulating how your program works …
  • Measuring health promotion impacts: A guide to impact evaluation in integrated health promotion

    … This guide from the  Victorian Government Department of Human Services  aims to assist in the design and implementation of impact evaluation methods and indicators for health care … 22 Community action (for social and environmental change) 23 Settings and supportive environments 24 Outcomes …
  • Dealing with complexity in development evaluation - A practical approach

    … evaluations that can be undertaken in the real world of time, budget, data, and political constraints. This … most common evaluation tools and methodologies, such as theory-based evaluation, mixed-methods evaluation, impact … in a system, institutions and stakeholders, causality and change, and the nature of the evaluation process) The central …
  • Guide to trend analysis, a Tiny Tool

    … This guide from NGO-IDEAS  provides a detailed description of the purposes and uses of its Trend Analysis Tiny Tool. The tool supports … what things contributed positively and negatively to that change. This tool is similar to Lifeline but gives a more …
  • Climate vulnerability and capacity analysis handbook

    … evaluation. "The CVCA methodology is based on a framework of “enabling factors” for Community-Based Adaptation (CBA). The Handbook presents a set of guiding questions for analysis of information at national, … context-specific information about the impacts of climate change and local vulnerability. The process of gathering, …
  • Social Value UK

    … As a member-led organisation, our mission is to change the way the world accounts for value. Our aim is to … this through standardising practice through the Principles of Social Value, brokering relationships and encouraging … further accountability for impact, building a community of practitioners and encouraging innovation." "Social Value …
  • Complexity Explorer

    … This webpage from the Santa Fe Institute  provides a range of online courses and materials to improve the understanding and knowledge of complex systems science.  Excerpt Complexity Explorer is a web-based repository of educational materials related to complex systems science. …
  • Process-Tracing Methods: Foundations and Guidelines

    … Beach and Rasmus Brun Pedersen refine the definition of process tracing by breaking it into three different … variants.  They describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of these variants and outline steps for identifying which one …
  • The Survey Methods Workbook: From Design to Analysis

    … Saunders provides detailed guidance on the use of quantitative research methods from the initial planning … Describing and Exploring Data Analysing the Strength of Association between Variables Inferring Population … Modelling Associations between Variables Glossary of Technical Terms The Survey Methods Workbook Website … The …
  • Economic analysis of investment operations – Analytical tools and practical applications

    … evaluation. It strongly supports the understanding of microeconomics and methods such as cost-benefit analysis … development and evaluation. Excerpt "Economic Analysis of Investment Operations presents general principles and … including quantitative risk analysis; provides both theory and practice about how to evaluate transportation, …
  • Principles and guidelines for ethical research and evaluation

    … out four principles that are aimed at raising awareness of and assisting in the identification of ethical issues when undertaking research and evaluation. … as an applied tool in support of ethical research in theory and practice and draw from the principles and …
  • Photolanguage

    … Produced by the Change Agency, this resource gives a brief overview of the history, use and application of the photolanguage technique. Excerpt "Photolanguage is a …
  • Participatory methods

    … This website from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS)  focuses on the where, why and how of using participatory methods for development programs. The … and methods to support inclusive development and social change. Excerpt "Participatory approaches can be used in each …
  • From seed to scale-up: Lessons learned from Australia’s rural development assistance

    … This report from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade  (DFAT, formerly AusAID), … development assistance program highlighting the success of the program in improving the lives of the rural poor who … maximise influence and minimise capture Respond to context change with flexible implementation Balance public and …
  • The Art of Assessing the Impact of Advocacy Work

    … This paper explores the complex and changing nature of advocacy work, arguing that in many cases standardized forms of Monitoring & Evaluation/ Impact Analysis (M&E/IA) are … among partners and contributing to more fundamental change in the future. Throughout, the authors argue that an …
  • Appreciative inquiry

    … from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the process of using appreciative inquiry in order to discover the strengths and facilitate positive change of an organisation.  "Appreciative inquiry is the process of
  • Partner CPRM

    … is designed to support the analysis and interpretation of data related to the collaboration of people and organisations. Note: This tool is no longer … of the collaborative, products and programs developed, and change to relationships among members of the collaborative …
  • Making evaluations matter: A practical guide for evaluators

    … are shelved, with very little being done to bring about change within organisations that requested the evaluation in … Thinking through the possible influences and consequences of evaluation on change processes 5:91 … Making evaluations matter: A …
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as an Approach

    … uses detailed examples to outline the general principles of QCA and some of the common features of it as an approach. Excerpt "After reading this chapter, …
  • Postcard newsletter evaluation

    … were used to conduct a simple and inexpensive evaluation of a newsletter. " Using a simple and inexpensive but … Spring 1990, a postcard survey was sent to a random sample of 10% of the 1,500 recipients of the newsletter in the … percent of the postcards (n=104) were returned. In theory, in 19 cases out of 20, the results based on such a …
  • Outcome mapping + equity, gender, and social justice

    … using Outcome Mapping (OM) for supporting transformative change through a focus on inclusion and leadership for … Schaeffer and Sonal Zaveri, provide a summary of OM+ and introduce what it is and what it adds to OM. They … that support complexity and equity-based transformative change. " … Outcome mapping + equity, gender, and social …
  • System for Transformation and Results (STAR)

    … This resource is an overview of STAR (System for Transformation and Results) which is a system developed by Root Change to "produce data signatures for six performance “drivers”, capacities that were predictive of a national society’s overall composite organizational …
  • Capacity.org: a gateway for capacity development

    … This website provides a range of resources that can be used for the practice of capacity development which are closely linked to, and … CD Context - systems thinking Gender and social inclusion Change facilitation Leadership development Monitoring and …
  • Dealing with complexity through planning, monitoring & evaluation (PME)

    … Countries (PSO) and HIVA  is the mid term review of an ongoing collaborative action research project in which … approaches.  The paper outlines four reasons why it may be of interest: "The paper illustrates a practical example ofof a PME approach in dealing with complex social change. An overview is given of how various organisations …
  • Workshop on the Councillor as Guardian of the Environment

    … governance. It's purpose is to highlight the importance of engaging stakeholders in the process of environmental sustainability and to demonstrate how to … many stakeholders in programs.  Excerpt "In any effort to change things for the better, there are parties who are …
  • Reviewing and scoring projects

    … AR/PCR and information onto ARIES 19 Annex A: Sample Terms of Reference … Reviewing and scoring projects …