
5 day course in Applied Evaluation Research Design and Methods

Event organiser:
MethodsNet and Radboud School of Management
Start date:
End date:
Time zone:
In person

The aim of this five-day course is to enable participants to decide which evaluation approach, research strategy and corresponding methods are appropriate given the scope of an evaluation. Vice versa, participants will learn how to modify scope to fit a feasible evaluation design.

The first two days of the course will focus on how to conduct a systematic selection process to ensure a best fit between evaluation needs and specific research methods.

Days 3 to 5 will focus on demonstrating, using actual evaluations, what the output of such an evaluation typically looks like. Focus is on making clear philosophical underpinnings and what such evaluations can and cannot tell you. There will not be a detailed focus on executing the methodology as other specialized courses provide this.

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