Footprint Evaluation Initiative

Footprint logo - stand of trees shaped like a footprint on the left with the words Footprint Evaluation: Evaluatio for environmental sustainability

The Footprint Evaluation Initiative aims to embed consideration of environmental sustainability in all evaluations and monitoring systems, not only those with explicit environmental objectives.

The Footprint Evaluation Initiative is working with organisations to develop guidance, tools, processes, examples, curated resources and workshops for evaluators and those who commission evaluations so that all evaluations are ‘sustainability-inclusive’ – include environmental sustainability systematically, every time.

The Footprint Evaluation Initiative is not developing a specific methodology or a tightly prescribed approach but an emerging set of practices and principles developed through ongoing international collaboration and adaptation to suit different contexts.

The Footprint Evaluation Initiative team – (alphabetically): Jane Davidson, Alice Macfarlan, Patricia Rogers, Andy Rowe and Kaye Stevens.

The Footprint Evaluation Initiative is hosted by BetterEvaluation and supported by the Global Evaluation Initiative.

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